Fist fighting defense?


White Belt
I dotn get it. Pll tell me to do BJJ whick looks VERY fun. And i found a gym i like =). So my question is, how will bjj be effective. Pll say all fights end up of ground. But, from every fight ive seen, ppl dont wait, the punch like they do when sparring. They though rapid punches. Hooks at your face randomly. they swing and agress towards you. And when they get close enough they grab your shirt. So basicly, when practicing BJJ, how would that help you in a fight. Since there hitting you real fast. I see soo many fights where ppl are getting swung at, and fall in the ball position. So whats the deal?
When you understand BJJ, you can apply the principles to control pretty well anyone. Same goes for any martial art.
All Fights end up on the Ground?

If You mean when one of You is laying on the Ground with Broken Bones, then Yes.
Or if You deliberately Train to try and make it that way.

Also, the idea that a Fight comprises of someone standing out of range then throwing Hooks until theyre close to You makes Me wonder where You get Your Information :D

As for People Fetaling up, thats just them being Afriad.

In Response, BJJ will Help You as long as You realise that Your Opponent is not going to Wrestle with You. Hes going to Hit You and Hit You and Hit You whilst You try to Wrestle Him.
Unless A: You use Takedowns, over actually Wrestling.
B: You use a Choke. Because Jointlocks might work, or they might just seriously annoy Him.

Your first thought might be MMA.
In MMA, Youre not allowed to Hammerfist someones Spine whilst they try to do a Double Leg Takedown.

Theres alot of Angles to this, so Ill simplify it.
If You are more comfortable with Grappling than You are with Striking (More Comfortable with. Not "I like one more than the other"), then You will benefit from BJJ in an SD sense.
Because in SD that isnt some stupid pretend Brawl, it very quickly degrades into Senseless Violence. It is not Sparring.
As such, You will do whatever Your Instinct tells You to do. And if thats Punch, when Youve Learnt to Grapple, then You may as well have just gotten Fit instead of actually Learn BJJ.
If Your Instinct is to Grapple, You will not do half the Stuff You Learn. But You will be better at Grappling.
I do not do BJJ , but if I were you I would bring my arms up into a decent cover formation that protected my whole head , move in and weather the storm of strikes , get into grappling range and apply your training from there.
BJJ taught well from an instructor that understands the limits of sport training and the realities of self defense is viable as a self defense art. You can say the same about pretty much every other fighting art. Be very careful accepting the truth of broad statements about fighting. Does every fight go to the ground? Not the fights I have been in, and for me that is what matters the most for my self defense. Everyone is going to be a bit different and every situation is going to be a bit different. Not every opponent is going to try to take you to the ground, or just box you, or go to the fetal position. Good training takes into the account the unpredictability of fighting. Any instructor that says, "Your attacker will do this..." is stepping on very thin ice in teaching self defense. You do not know what an attacker will do until they do it.

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