First Test coming up - What to Expect?

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I should be taking my first test next Saturday (unless it gets rescheduled for some reason) and am wondering what to expect. I know I'll have to perform the techniques required for my next sash, but what all is involved? Are you tested individually or with other students of the same rank? What exactly goes on during a ranking test?

Several other students of various ranks are testing too and I get the impression we're going to be there a while.

Can you give me an idea of what to expect?

Sil Lum TigerLady said:
I should be taking my first test next Saturday (unless it gets rescheduled for some reason) and am wondering what to expect. I know I'll have to perform the techniques required for my next sash, but what all is involved? Are you tested individually or with other students of the same rank? What exactly goes on during a ranking test?

Several other students of various ranks are testing too and I get the impression we're going to be there a while.

Can you give me an idea of what to expect?


Sorry, there's no standardized kung fu testing criteria. Know your stuff, be fit, be confident.
RHD said:
Sorry, there's no standardized kung fu testing criteria.
Thanks Mike. I know there's no standard but what have your experiences been? We're scheduling it on a day we don't normally have class and when someone else mentioned scheduling it during a class time Sifu said it would take too long.

Just curious as it sounds like everyone does more than just demonstrate they know the techniques, forms, etc. which could be done within the class time frame. Could be wrong but that's the impression I get from other posts about testing.

Guess I'll find out soon enough. :)
Is anyone else schedualed to test with you?When I was there,It didn't look like anyone else was close to the same test you are.I'd guess that Master Laing will test you individually.One thing to remember about testing is that if your instructor wants you to test,then you have already passed.Another thing to remember is that testing is a learning experience.You will most likely have something you have never covered thrown at you.You have nothing to worry about,I saw you in class,you are gracefull,you are motivated and in very good shape.Don't let your nerves get the best of you.It's going to be fun!
Thanks for the reply and the kind words Gary. There will be some other students testing. I'll keep in mind that there may be something new. I'm not nervous about it just curious. Other posts on the board regarding testing give the impression that it demands more than the usual class so just thought I'd try to get an idea of what others have experienced. It will be interesting and definitely fun. :supcool:
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
Thanks Mike. I know there's no standard but what have your experiences been? We're scheduling it on a day we don't normally have class and when someone else mentioned scheduling it during a class time Sifu said it would take too long.

Just curious as it sounds like everyone does more than just demonstrate they know the techniques, forms, etc. which could be done within the class time frame. Could be wrong but that's the impression I get from other posts about testing.

Guess I'll find out soon enough. :)

Allright, I'll tell you how I test my own students at an intermediate level.

1) they must verbalize and then physically demonstrate concepts that are at and below thier level in the curriculum
2) they must demonstrate any and all forms that they know (I teach 3 emptyhand forms) and then break them down in terms of application
3) they must demonstrate at least 3 applications for each movement in thier forms, each application must be different. I want to see a chin na appplication, and shui chiao application, and a self defense application at intermediate levels, beyind intermediate I want to see the chin na, the shuai chiao, specific pressure point emphasis, and ability to use in a fighting scenario
4) duiring their application breakdown I will be thier partner for at least half of the time so that I can feel what they are doing...this is very important for myself and my students
5)beyond that I want to hear and see clear understanding of footwork, and an acceptable level of conditioning and confidence

Hope that helps, but each school is different.
RHD said:
Allright, I'll tell you how I test my own students at an intermediate level.

.............................. (edit).......................................

Hope that helps, but each school is different.
That definitely helps and I do understand each instructor/school tests differently but it makes sense now why it would take more time than a typical class.

All I can tell you is what we did in class. That wasn't a real ranking exam though. Our teacher mainly wanted to see if we had learned the basic forms well enough to go on to learning some more advanced forms. He was pushing us hard and fast though and seemed pretty forgiving on this test -- everyone passed. Basically all we did was individually do the forms we learned. I think at this point we had learned two basic level forms and we were tested on both. I think we all drew numbers or something for the order we'd go, then looped through it twice. First time we all did the first form, second time we all did the second form. Our teacher and two of his friends (one a senior classmate of his and one a friend who studies another style) watched and judged us. We might have gotten some comments at the end, I forget. But that was basically all it was -- get up one at a time and do the forms we learned.

Why you're not doing your test during a normal class session, I don't know. I don't think ours was either, actually. It could just be that your teacher doesn't want to use up a class session testing when he/she could be teaching during that session. So you get to have a special test day instead. *shrug* Good luck with it.
I can give you horror stories if that helps. When I started our instructor had us dye our belts, and I had the same belt all the way to 1st brown. Anyways, after one test, one guy didn't even remember walking to K-Mart to buy the dye for his belt. During that same test I was made to do pushups so many times that my arms wouldn't hold my uperbody onto my bike for the three mile ride home. My instructor had a large stack of unclaimed yellow belt certificates from people whom felt the test was a good enough reason to never return. Ah... good times.
I hope that helped
Hi Sil Lum TigerLady,

How did your test go?

By the way, thanks for referring people to Guro/Sifu David Ng's IMAF, Inc Modern Arnis camp!

Thanks for all the replies and sharing some of your testing experiences. (Yikes on some of those!) :uhyeah:

The test went well. I was there for 2 1/2 hours but the higher ranking testers ended up needing about 5 1/2 hours total for testing. Now I know why it can't be done during class time!

I was kind of nervous but did ok (I passed :) ). I made some mistakes that I was aware of. We went through all the forms and techniques and were given a score for each area. Some things were done a little different so I really had to try to focus on what the instructor was calling and not pay attention to following anyone else. I also had to turn in a letter of what I learned. There were various questions asked pertaining to history, terminology, and technique/situation questions. It was intense and the closer it got the more nervous I got. I enjoyed it though because I liked the challenge and intensity of it. Now that I know what to expect I hope to be better prepared for the next one. (Although I think I will also be more nervous!) But I won't have to think about that for awhile now.

Palasut - How did the Modern Arnis camp go? If you posted about it in another forum I missed it. Hope it went very well and had a good turnout.
Hi SL TigerLady,
Congrats on your first test. It sounded very different than my first in TKD. I wish I could say any testing gets easier but that's the nature of it. But you do get more used to it. I always though testing was easier than tournaments since there were unknown judges there. My testing was always before my teacher who sent me so I knew basically what to expect. Anyway, glad it went well. On to the next challenge! Regards...

I have a test coming up this saturday, its for my Brown II sash, I'm going to get beat up!

TigerWoman - Thanks for the well wishes. I'm learning that even within the same style there is alot left to the individuality of the school or organization in how they prefer to do things. I know it will get progressively more difficult and I look forward to it. I really enjoy the challenge and accomplishment in meeting each new goal. :asian:

7sm - Good Luck! Brown that ever a DISTANT future for me! Let us know how it goes. (Don't get beat up too bad! j/k) :)
Well, to those interested, I took my test this morning. It started at 10 and we finished about 1pm. I'm recovering now! Putting ice on my face and tiger balm on basically the rest of my body! :) Whew I am sure glad its over. That may be a horrible way to look at it, but it was very hard.

I wonder if others get the same feelings after a test that I have now? I'm feeling like I don't truly deserve the belt level I just tested for. I feel like someone at brown 2 level should be much better in skill than I am currently. Its not my call, and I completely trust my sifu, but I still don't feel like I'm of the skill level needed for that level. The test was physically grueling with the horse stance, run, forms, and then fighting. The physical part of the test I was ready for. I had been doing the required horse stance twice a day, doing the required run three times a week, the forms everyday and fighting as much as possible during the week. It was my lack of skill that bothered me. My sifu said everyone thinks they aren't good, but I truly feel that my skill needs to improve quite a bit to be deserving of the brown 2 level.

OK, off my soapbox


Congratulations 7sm! Thanks for letting us know how it went.

I think the feelings you have about your skill level being up to par with your rank are very common. You trained hard to prepare. Trust your sifu. Does he promote people who haven't earned it or do not have the skill level required for the rank? (Not likely). The good thing is that when we have those thoughts we know we are not perfect. Who is? In anything we do there is always room for improvement. We are also our own worst critics. So, don't sell yourself short. You worked hard and your sifu believes you deserve your rank so you do. Keeping pushing on! :)

Thanks SL TigerLady! You are right, we are our own worst critic, its hard not to be. I trust my sifu and he is not one to promote those who do not deserve it, so once again you are right! I'm glad I did it, my next test is black so I probably have about a year to recover from this one :)

Do you guys find out immediately after a test if you passed or failed? It is always my sifu's way to wait a week or so before letting us know if we past or failed. The first few tests you received your certificate and sash and all after the test, but the advanced levels he said he has to go over it in his mind. He also gives us a number grade based on 100 points. It helps you know what to work on. Anyone else go through tests like these or are you guys much different?


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