First drink, eh?

Originally posted by Ceicei
Oh, with Seig not going to take action, its a non-event. They're all doing their own thing.

I'll be the attacker, you practice your tech. We'll take turns.

MACaver, watch and learn. There's plenty to see about Kenpo.

yeah Gee.. we can get away with all sorts of stuff in here eh Ceicei *giggling*
*G* Yeah, we could....

Ummm, let's toss a few chairs. Think that'll get ol' Bob's attention?

Maybe not.....
*deep breath*

Whew! You're really good at this! No wonder people call you a mean, fighting machine!

Barkeep! We'd like water, please!
Fuzzy! I didn't see you!

Ahh, don't tell anybody these chairs were my idea....

I didn't think you heard me and would actually throw them...
Originally posted by KenpoTess
yeah Gee.. we can get away with all sorts of stuff in here eh Ceicei *giggling*

*sits back in his chair and wonders gee what am I chopped liver, just because I practice a different art don't mean I can't be a good sparring partner... but you gals go on ahead... far beyond me to interuppt something good...

sulks... I'll keep your chocolate warm and hold the marshmallows until you get back... so they don't melt in the chocolate....hate it when that happens... *g*
MACaver, just restrain Fuzzy, would you? She's getting wild throwing chairs and is bound to get Bob to toss us all....
Originally posted by MACaver
*sits back in his chair and wonders gee what am I chopped liver, just because I practice a different art don't mean I can't be a good sparring partner... but you gals go on ahead... far beyond me to interuppt something good...

sulks... I'll keep your chocolate warm and hold the marshmallows until you get back... so they don't melt in the chocolate....hate it when that happens... *g*

*giggles and whispers and points.. I just got back~!! Ceicei and Fuzzy have been up to mischief methinks..
don't be sulking.. Let's have our hot chocolate and watch those two.. * as long as they don't be tossing our chairs *winks*
Hey! I go get water and you quit practicing?

Oh MACaver, you didn't stop Fuzzy!

Fuzzy, Fuzzy, stop that! Let's sit down and have some water. I got one for you....
Originally posted by Ceicei
Hey! I go get water and you quit practicing?

Oh MACaver, you didn't stop Fuzzy!

Fuzzy, Fuzzy, stop that! Let's sit down and have some water. I got one for you....

Me not bouncer, me quiet one, me sits, enjoys hot cocoa with pretty lady.
sighs deeply, sits down, and sips my water

*whispers* maybe its a good thing Chronuss isn't here with Fuzzy.

*says aloud* This is a great place to be! Never a dull moment!
*G* yeah my minions and clones have midterms this week.. so guess I have to let them study.. bah...

Maybe I'll redecorate this place whilst they are off doing brainy stuff.. since my brain is so old and cobwebby I couldn't possibly keep up with them~!!!

*looks around the bar thinking about a Halloween party*
Oh, Halloween party, that sounds fun. Ceicei, hanging around with this crew is definately never dull, hehe. I'll take that glass of water now, I think my brain is on fire from overload from my midterms:(
yeah it does sound like Fun Jani :) But I'm sure all you guys already have plans..

It's no fun not having anyone to play with anymore~!!
*still sitting there drinking cocoa* *ahem*
You wanna decorate for a halloween party? Heh heh a Martial Arts Halloween Party??? Come talk to me... giggles insanely
Originally posted by MACaver
You wanna decorate for a halloween party? Heh heh a Martial Arts Halloween Party??? Come talk to me... giggles insanely

*quirks one eyebrow* peering over at MACaver.

Uh-oh. What sort of wild idea do you have? Coming from you, it better be good....

Fuzzy, now that I'm done with my water, what say I join you with tossing a few more chairs?
Originally posted by MACaver
*still sitting there drinking cocoa* *ahem*
You wanna decorate for a halloween party? Heh heh a Martial Arts Halloween Party??? Come talk to me... giggles insanely

Nahh this cocoa is empty and I am just perched here pondering.. oh you have some good ideas eh MACaver.. do tell *pulls on your sleeve *G*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Oh you have some good ideas eh MACaver.. do tell *pulls on your sleeve *G*

hmmmmmm I think I need a big glass of Chocolate Milk for this one..........

:drinkbeer Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
hmmmmmm I think I need a big glass of Chocolate Milk for this one..........

:drinkbeer Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Don't forget the donuts. The Goldendragon is buying!:D
*puts out a plate of Carrot stix and Fat free pretzels.. *

*cherubic smiles all around* now then ..