What are your favorite food and drinks?


Purple Belt
Jan 8, 2023
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What are your favorite things food and drink wise? I'll start first. I have kinda weird taste buds, I love Italian food but it's tied with BBQ food for me. Drink wise I don't drink coffee but I love tea! Especially iced tea or hot green tea with honey. Favorite food a tie between baked ziti and BBQ ribs. Also I Love bacon! The world is a better place because of bacon and if more people loves bacon everyone would get along better, bacon can change the world.
But in the spirit of the thread....not sure I have a favorite food, it would be Chinese, and there is so much to choose from...but for the moment lets just say its Jianbing

Favorite drink.... tea.... not flavored tea or herbal tea just plain black and green teas
The following mix can be a healthy drink.

Gogi berries + red dates + hot water


One of my friends found herself unable to eat meat after a particularly icky cadaver lab experience. She's eats meat again, and describes herself as a "recovering vegetarian".
I did the vegetarian thing for a month one time, felt good but my meals weren't versatile enough, I was eating the same food every day it drove me nuts.
I did the vegetarian thing for a month one time, felt good but my meals weren't versatile enough, I was eating the same food every day it drove me nuts.
"You are what you eat."
Cows eat grass. So when I grill up a nice rib eye, I'm basically eating a salad, right?
I eat seafood too. I just don't eat anything that fly in the air, or walk on land.

Then you are a Pescatarian

Pescatarians have a lot in common with vegetarians. They eat fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, eggs, and dairy, and stay away from meat and poultry. But there's one way they part company from vegetarians: Pescatarians eat fish and other seafood.
Do you know to turn plant base into steak?
Feed the plant base to a steer!

An amazing steak would have to be my favorite, although a rarity. Around six months or so ago we ordered the Ruth Chris 40 oz Porterhouse. This was an exceptional piece of beef! Highly recommended!

Drinks? Fiji bottled spring water is my favorite water. Summertime drink a lot of ice tea. The Sazerac is my favorite cocktail. Aberlour 18 could be a favorite scotch. Don Jose 1942 or Cuervo La Familia favorite Tequila.
As a little kid the first time I had a baked, stuffed artichoke I thought it was the best thing I ever ate. My opinion has not changed. After that it's Italian food. Water or coffee is my favorite beverage.

Tofu is not a food. It is an abomination. Pizza is not a food. It's a medicine.
Coffee is definitely my go to for beverages, although I'll switch to tea when under the weather. No alcohol for me, never got started down that road. A plate of chicken wings is never wrong, Buffalo style, but also partial to a good pot roast with veggies, or even homemade stroganoff.
Turkey tacos and diet Mountain Dew.
What's the diet mountain dew taste like compared to regular? I'm a big fan of the regular but need to cut down on sugar, if it taste as good or almost I think I could switch.