First drink, eh?

I have no control over bringing him...he use to call and ask if I was going and his 'rents would drop him off...but no mas...dunno why. :confused:
no cause hopefully since my hours at work have changed i'll be able to make it to the shepherd class and maybe kids class once a he's just lazy most of the time too...he wasn't born he was hatched :p

Seig, I'm telling you this now (I hope you read it!) that I might need a ride tomorrow to class. I would call, but my cell is gonna die and I won't have my charger for another couple of days b/c retard me left it @ mom's and she's mailing it to me.

My last class gets out around 5...I'm sure you don't want me walking to the studio, since I'll probably be doing that on tuesday AM to get to the Peace Frogs store...if I even work.
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
but someone said i should try irish carbombs...

you shouldn't try any drink that an Irish person came up with...'specially if you can't handle a bottle full of spiked lemonade...
Originally posted by Chronuss
you shouldn't try any drink that an Irish person came up with

Hey! I'm Irish! And the Irish know how to drink!
1. Open bottle.
2. Bring bottle to mouth.
3. Drink.

I can teach her. :)
Hey, you know I want you to get a job as much as you want to get one........well.......if you were telling the truth.......
roads clear, my road is non-existent to plow drivers in this area...darn white stuff...pass me another drink nothing else to do...poor rusty don't give her another her limit is one