Firearms and martial arts

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Needs to get her support hand higher up...too much hand showing below the magazine. Id have to see more photographs to be sure though... ;)
I disagree..
Was this a form-gata-kata contect? No.. But a target hitting contest...
Meaning ...
She was tearing the target up at 21 feet with this sloopy method..
Form means nothing on the move.. and by the way.. this is a split second of a second in her shot..
She has been shooting for just three months.. very good hits, tactical movement, mag changes, and control over her body and tool during CQC..

Meaning photos mean nothing.. !
You prove my point.. Thanks..

Anyway I was there.. you were not. Right?

Here's a shot from March the 5th 2005..

ralph severe, kamiyama


  • $donny2.JPG
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Chill dude..I was just fishing for some more photographs.

Of course form degrades in combat, however the range isnt combat. On the range and in the dojo, the goal should be perfect form. That way the degredation will be even less....
Hey, chili most !

No problem..

We all know who know.. meaning experience.. what form is during firearms 'school' training looks like..

This is NOT real time.. doing it on the move or during a fight.. right..

Understand every body is different there are no 'true' methods of form to judge by during combative methods.. only guidelines...

My point again is.. nothing can be understood from photos of a person's ability.. right...
You said that your self.. in another way but more or less the same..

The facts are.. I shoot and shoot weekly..
Range, Tactically and Academy training..
I know what is real and what is BS.. from that experience.
You cann take that as you wish.

What else can be said on this subject?

ralph severe, kamiyama
From your daily experience and job you carry what firearm?

What back-up?

I carry springfield XD 9mm, two extra 15 round mags either side holster or pouch.
Always night sights and never cock and locked..

My second carry is springfiled .45, 8 rond mag, two extra 8 roun mags same carry system if I do not carry other.

ralph severe, kamiyama
If I must post every projectile weapon Ive "qualified" with...

M4 *
MP5 *
G22 *
G27 *
Rem. 870 *
40mm Gas Gun *
*=Currently qualified

Ive fam. fired others these are just what Ive "qual" fired.
r.severe said:
Fact two is, you can add nothing of personal experience to any combative questions from any forum.

ralph severe, kamiyama
How does anyone "add personal experience TO a combative question FROM any forum" I will take the liberty of translating this to mean "your personal experiences don't qualify you to write anything of value in response to a combative question ON any forum". If I am incorrect please tell me what you meant.

Don obviously doesn't agree and so challenged you to a bet. Remember you said "NOTHING Ralph". This from the guy who just wrote:

r.severe said:
Understand everybody is different there are no true methods of form to judge by using combative methods.. only guidelines...
If there are only guidelines Ralph how can you say that Don has NOTHING to contribute. Just because you or your students MAY be able to out-shoot,or do whatever tests you concocted for firearms better than Don, who currently lives in a country that has total gun control, does not mean his in-put has no combat value. You did not take Don up on his bet in the original wording, probably because you know you would lose it....especially as there are no true methods of form to judge by.

Anyway with that said I think the most important thing in regard to firearms is awareness. If a skilled person with a firearm gets the drop on you it is really a bad spot to be in. As a beginner my training with firearms would amount to about 1%. Firstly because I come from a country that has quite strict gun control so the everyday Joe cannot carry a weapon(of any kind), the guys that do are criminals or the armed offenders squad, even our police don't carry. Secondly if I am ever in a position to disarm/use a firearm it will be my taijutsu that keeps me alive first, so I prefer to work with that. Not that the range doesn't have its place mind you.
r.severe said:
Donny, I was pondering your bet, lets do it..

The bet was, specifically:

How about we each put 100,000 dollars into an escrow account under the control of someone we both trust. Then I reveal all the real world experiences I have backed up with relevent documents. If the head of the escrow (or a comitee) determines that my experiences are truely worthy of mention, then your 100,000 is released to me as a lesson fee. If they determine that I have no experience worth mentioning as you state, then I pay a penalty of 100,000 dollars.

If you are not confident enough to back up what you say with cash, then stop with your attacks. And I am not going to reveal anything without a substantial compensation.
Tom, Great stuff..

But not what you have shot..
What do you carry?

I'm sure if we list the weponry we have shot then this could be a rather long list for the both of us..
And if we list what weaponry we have qualified with as well.

Blind, "Don, who currently lives in a country that has total gun control" Now that's the funny part everyone misses.. ha ha ha
Donny has a great deal to offer.. always has.. his knowledge from books and tapes has made him like a deity on forums... but not when it comes to experience and real know how.. well.. let us face the truth.. or may I say 'get real' :)
Going shooting once or maybe twice doesn't count much.. or sparring once or twice.. or even getting into a fight with your wife.. unless she kicks your but a few times.. right.
Donny has no proof.. or if he did he would show it..
Video tape..?
Ok.. I'll even take that.. show us some sparring.. shooting... knife fighting Donny..
He knows as well as I know he will not take my bet on my testing him..
He's not going to do it.. And if so he most likely not survive it.. so who's to say who's right and wrong.. but the test will tell right...

You know I'm not full of BS because my web site is full of shots of the real thing.. year after year.. no joking there.. and no way to pass it off as BS either as Donny would like to..
He has always had a thing for me from the trip to New Mexico.. then in Texas.. right Donny...

Oh yes Daley my bet was to the point as well..
Read again and make sure you get the deatails.. will Donny show?

Donny, I was pondering your bet, lets do it..
I was very busy with a seminar and couldn’t get back to you.. but I have a wonderful plan.. that will make your visit worth taking here…
I’ll meet you here at my Academy say, I will give you a month.. say by April 16th, 2005.. to do a test on your skills with firearms.
This will be shotgun, pistol and rifle.
I will match your bet at that you cannot even pass the test with the firearms that will be waiting for you.
All ninjutsu style. you you lie… soft and Ashida Kim method..
I know you want take it because you don't want anyone making fun of you right..?

Donny post a lot of stuff.. but can't back it up and here's a chance for him to do so.. right... go Donny.

Let us not bet money let us bet.. say a finger.. right on.. let us do that.. that is the way to go in Texas.

ralph severe, kamiyama
Well those are weapons I have "qualified" with, meaning I had to shoot to a gvt. (fed/local) approved standard to be able to carry them on duty.

The ones with the "*" are what I "carry" as Im on my dept. SWAT team I qualify quarterly. What do I carry to the grocery store? My G27......
Don "currently" lives here, I have no idea on his past experience, however his bet was not to prove to "you" anything, as Dale posted. Re: video footage of stuff...who cares IMO, Tom Cruise looked pretty swish with a hand gun in Collateral.

I am not saying training is as good as combat experience, but combat experience is not the be all and end all, otherwise training would have no purpose, to that end you saying he has "nothing" to offer is a flawed in my opinion. Maybe you should revise your statement.
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