1, For example, do you practice rifle/pistol disarms? Yes in our normal basic classes monthly.
2, Do you practice shooting? Yes, in classes and outside classes with pistol and rifle. Little with shotgun.
3, Do you practice drawing the weapon from a concealed location while executing a "kata"? Yes, but we do not look at this as a ‘kata’ type of training because we draw from many different positions, in auto, coming out of auto, ground, standing, in water, coming through doorway, on ladder, etc.
4, Do you practice searching your opponent for a concealed weapon when executing a "kata"? Yes.
5, Do you practice "stopping the draw"? Yes.
6, Do you practice ukemi (rolling, leaping, falling) with rifle/pistol? Yes in all classes.
7, Do you have firearms safety and awareness classes at your school/group? Yes in all classes.
8, Do you work on anything I've failed to mention? Yes.
The major point of our outline is to make each and every student skilled with all types of pistols, shotguns and rifles. This means a lot of mixing and drilling the different tools for survival. Also a major point of all students is to understand and know the cleaning, breakdown, maintenance, carry systems, cache, drawing, effects of the bullet and shot of the tool against targets, distance and effects of bullets an shot, hiding tools on body, etc.