Firearms and martial arts

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r.severe said:
1, For example, do you practice rifle/pistol disarms? Yes in our normal basic classes monthly.
2, Do you practice shooting? Yes, in classes and outside classes with pistol and rifle. Little with shotgun.
3, Do you practice drawing the weapon from a concealed location while executing a "kata"? Yes, but we do not look at this as a ‘kata’ type of training because we draw from many different positions, in auto, coming out of auto, ground, standing, in water, coming through doorway, on ladder, etc.
4, Do you practice searching your opponent for a concealed weapon when executing a "kata"? Yes.
5, Do you practice "stopping the draw"? Yes.
6, Do you practice ukemi (rolling, leaping, falling) with rifle/pistol? Yes in all classes.
7, Do you have firearms safety and awareness classes at your school/group? Yes in all classes.
8, Do you work on anything I've failed to mention? Yes.
The major point of our outline is to make each and every student skilled with all types of pistols, shotguns and rifles. This means a lot of mixing and drilling the different tools for survival. Also a major point of all students is to understand and know the cleaning, breakdown, maintenance, carry systems, cache, drawing, effects of the bullet and shot of the tool against targets, distance and effects of bullets an shot, hiding tools on body, etc.
I guess we all find something to compensate with...
oh yes.. it is abundantly clear we live in times of abuse and hate amount human beings.
It's not accidental we live in these times.. and have to search out didactic methods so not to be surprised by the on-going evil we live next to.
Mere fantasy games or the XBox is just not enough to protect our living rights.

Looking back I am pleased with the methods and direction I have taken to ensure those living rights and the way the students have been so eager to seek truth with firearms.
It would be funny to NOT have a firearm at my side 24-7.

ralph severe, kamiyama
r.severe said:
oh yes.. it is abundantly clear we live in times of abuse and hate amount human beings.
It's not accidental we live in these times.. and have to search out didactic methods so not to be surprised by the on-going evil we live next to.
Mere fantasy games or the XBox is just not enough to protect our living rights.

ralph severe, kamiyama

Im sorry, but I dont understand a word of that post. Can you dumb it down for me please?
I am glad to see that I am not the only one that can't figure what the hell Ralph was trying to say in his last post. It sounds rather like something out of a bad fortune cookie to me.

It sounds like we are going to go off on a real weird tangent here involving Severe's particular philosophy of life instead of how to use firearms in a ninjutsu manner.
I understand you have a great deal of firearm training experience so please layout a guideline for us all to post with.. in terms of NINJUTSU firearms training.. if you have any experience at all that is.

I believe I was a black belt in Ninpo Taijutsu under Hatsumi sensei almost 10 years before you were correct?

Maybe and just maybe I might understand Ninpo Taijutsu firearms a little more than you do.. understanding I have been tactical shooting for over 20 years.

The original question Donny doesn't even have the word NINJUTSU in it and ask a list of simple questions regarding firearms training in your school-dojo.. I answered them opening and as I felt was rightious. Do you have a personal problem with what I stated Donny?

Why not stop being rude and hateful.. this would be a start... then work on the firearms.


ralph severe, kamiyama
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Rude and hatefull??

Considering that you started off your post calling me "donny" that sounds rather strange for you to say. And yes, much of what you post does sound like a bad fortune cookie.

As for your experience- it really does not matter how long you have been teaching if you never understood the subject matter. Whenever I have taught the use of firearms, I have always stressed the basic rules of safety. Based on the following picture, that is not something you seem to care about.


Firearms safety is the start of all considerations when learning. You never, ever point a firearm at another person- even an unloaded one. I think this needs to be stressed over and over again. Having seen the results of many an accident on the firing range where I worked, building in the habits of never pointing a weapon at another person is the first step of firearms instruction. Those that don't really can't say they know the first thing about firearms.
I'm sure the forum police will be upset with me for standing up to your poor and hateful propaganda but...

Now now Donny.. you know what that photo shopws with your experience don't you?
I have been involved with firearms for the past 20 years.. and more as a youth before I even knew it what it was all about....
Your propaganda is like someone with experience out of a bad comicbook when it comes to most subjects where combative experience and for that matter knowledge is concerned.
You Japanese information is wonderful.. but falls short of any 'real life' experience outside the Dojo as a youth with Kevin Millis shihan.
I know your story and your past all to well.

Why not get your experience and then get some help with your hate and rude mindset towards anyone who does have experience way beyond anything you have.
You always seem to attack those you one, kiss your but and two those who have more experience and three don't care for the mickey mouse fantasy trip you are on in the Bujinkan Dojo.

Now back to subject.
I have trained so many military, law enforcement and body guards over the years that you have NO IDEA what firearms safety is or what I do as a teacher with firearms.

I train with LIVE and NON FIRING weaponry when it comes to firearms... either disarms, shooting or using it as a striking tool. The photo says nothing of NAY danger because there is Two policemen and one military guy in that one photos.. my friend Donny.

Again you don't get it.. and never will..

Drop the false ego because you fall short of real experience Donny.

ralph severe, kamiyama
r.severe said:
Drop the false ego because you fall short of real experience Donny.


You say that I have less experience that you as if it were a fact. Tell you what Ralph, let us make a little bet. We can make it legal by tweaking it around a bit.

How about we each put 100,000 dollars into an escrow account under the control of someone we both trust. Then I reveal all the real world experiences I have backed up with relevent documents. If the head of the escrow (or a comitee) determines that my experiences are truely worthy of mention, then your 100,000 is released to me as a lesson fee. If they determine that I have no experience worth mentioning as you state, then I pay a penalty of 100,000 dollars.

If you are not confident enough to back up what you say with cash, then stop with your attacks. And I am not going to reveal anything without a substantial compensation.

I could use another 100k, and I am willing to bet your ego will force you into taking me up on my offer. And I know what any fair person or comitee will say when faced with what I have.

In fact, I have 250k I can get into an account if I have a little time. Anything up to that is fine with me. I am that confident that you would loose the bet as long as it is run by people I can trust like Bill Atkins, Bud Malmstrom or others like that.

Or you could stop trying to be alpha male and we have some peace around here. Win win situation on my part. I either get your cash, or I get some peace.

You know, Ashida Kim did the same thing and backed down when someone really did make the effort. Now they laugh at him. If you think I am bluffing, this is your chance to get people to laugh at me.
r.severe said:
The photo says nothing of NAY danger because there is Two policemen and one military guy in that one photos..

Now getting back to the subject, you really do not know anything about the basics of firearms and safety, do you? Just becasue there are police in the room does not change the rule that you never, ever point a real firearm at another person like you see in the picture.

Perhaps we should run a poll in the firearms section on whether the picture and your explination for it is valid in the minds of the experienced people here.
As long as the PROPER clearing procedures are followed and everybody involved in the training has checked the cleared weapons, and NO ammunition is within the training area, theres no problem with training with "real" weapons. The only problem I can physically observe in that picture is the fact that none of the grounded weapons appear to have the actions locked open so the chambers can be observed and I cant tell 100% but it looks like one of the Auto's has a magazine in it.
Tgace said:
As long as the PROPER clearing procedures are followed and everybody involved in the training has checked the cleared weapons, and NO ammunition is within the training area, theres no problem with training with "real" weapons.

"Training" maybe. There are situations where you can use things like wax bullets, laser scoring systems etc, that obviously require you to use a real weapon and point it at another person.

But this is not a case where that is neccesary. It builds bad habits and as you noted, the actions are not open for inspection. If they were merely looking over various types of weapons, then there is no excuse to allow people to point weapons so out of hand at others.

This is an important starting point for learning to use weapons. A weapon is always loaded. Unless you are engaging in some sort of training such as MILES that requires you to, you never build up the habits of pointing a gun at anything you don't want to destroy.
Fact one is, you got noticed on your personal hateful and rude post and you’re mad about it now. You tried to twst it and can'r back up your mistake.
Fact two is, you can add nothing of personal experience to any combative questions from any forum.
Fact three is, you got noticed you have a personal grudge against others who do have experience in combative conflicts. This has always been the case with you on ANY forum.
Fact four is, I have 100’s of photos with firearms on my web page disarming, fixed bayonet, shooting, etc to prove for the last 15 or more years I have been involved in firearms and you can not prove anything about any personal experience at all.
Fact four is, you use copy-protected photos from my web site, which is wrong and totally wrong because you are a representative of this web site being a moderator.
Fact five is, your bets mean nothing because I have personal friends that know you now and in the past and as well as myself on your experience. You will NEVER be able to hide it or avoid it.
Fact seven is, Donny you have really nothing to add to any combative post other than hearsay. This makes you the hateful person you are becuase you wish to be the all knowing. Sorry you can't.

Fact is Hatsumi senai has waved a firearm around many times at taikai and his classes and for some reason you don't have a proble with him doing it.
So what is your 'real' probelm Donny?
Fact is Hatsumi sensei has used many different types of weaponry and you never seem to have a problem with it.. holding a katana up to someones neck is not much different from having a unloaded firearm on the floor in a photo is it Donny?

I think your problem is it's me. Right Donny. Someone with real life experience..

My proof is 100's of photos dating back well over 20 years on my web site..
and no problems with anyone being shot or hurt in any way.. so.. what is your problem Donny.. really?

My Academy has been in Dallas sense 1985.. don't you feel if there was a problem Donny the police would have shut me down... because they are police training with me as well as military training with me Donny..?
1985 to 2005...
That's how long?

ralph severe, kamiyama
r.severe said:
Fact two is, you can add nothing of personal experience to any combative questions from any forum.


Fact five is, your bets mean nothing because I have personal friends that know you now and in the past and as well as myself on your experience. You will NEVER be able to hide it or avoid it.
Fact seven is, Donny you have really nothing to add to any combative post other than hearsay. This makes you the hateful person you are becuase you wish to be the all knowing. Sorry you can't.

If you honestly believe that, then take me up on my 100k offer instead of attacking me. What do you have to loose if you are truely confident and honest in what you write?

Of course, if you are lying, I do not expect you to take me up on my offer but continue to scream and try to talk about how I have no experience.
Moderator Note.
Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

-MT Moderator-

r.severe said:
Fact is Hatsumi sensei has used many different types of weaponry and you never seem to have a problem with it.. holding a katana up to someones neck is not much different from having a unloaded firearm on the floor in a photo is it Donny?

But the katana and guns he uses are not real, they are replicas. I have never seen nor heard of him using a real gun and pointing it in a casual manner towards another as the photo I posted shows you allowing.
Don Roley said:
But the katana and guns he uses are not real, they are replicas. I have never seen nor heard of him using a real gun and pointing it in a casual manner towards another as the photo I posted shows you allowing.
He probably knows better since the scar on Noguchi sensei's neck appeared several years ago during a Taikai in Ireland...
r.severe said:
oh yes.. it is abundantly clear we live in times of abuse and hate amount human beings.
It's not accidental we live in these times.. and have to search out didactic methods so not to be surprised by the on-going evil we live next to.
Mere fantasy games or the XBox is just not enough to protect our living rights.

Looking back I am pleased with the methods and direction I have taken to ensure those living rights and the way the students have been so eager to seek truth with firearms.
It would be funny to NOT have a firearm at my side 24-7.

ralph severe, kamiyama

I can't believe the direction that this thread has taken. Ralph, the fact is that originally no one was responding to your first post about firearms training in your dojo ( except for Nim's underhanded comment about compensation). Techno and Don were originally responding to the post I quoted above, and I am sorry but I have to does not make sense.

Clearly you understand what you wrote here, but know one else does. I think you got defensive, thinking people were questioning your first post (when in fact it was your second) and that just opened up what appears to be old wounds between you and Don.

What a mess.
hello kyle,
I will rewrite this so you can catch the meaning. You’re not from Texas are you by any chance?
We live in times of hate, pain, abuse and suffering around the world. Pretty simple I believe. This is a fact and not hearsay or a faith-based idea out of a book or a movie. We live in a world that is just horrible with hate and greed. Do you disagree kyle?
In the next part I’m saying very clearly it is not an accident we live in this type of world because of the way we treat each other and the world we live on. In other words we mistreat everything we come into contact with.. to a point of no wholesome good comes from it.... Very simple and this is a fact and not faith-based knowledge too.
It states we need to search out education to deal with these facts so we are not over come by the evil in our lives.
The last line…. Most of what I read from the forums are faith based and fantasy from people who have no real time experience fighting experience regarding the post they base their information on. As in my buddy here I speak about. But that’s another story. He does well to hide it with information from tape and books.. and a few seminars. This is simple and easy to find out.. why.. no proof.

The next part.. pretty simple too.. I’m just happy.. pleased with what I do as a human being to ready myself in preparation for a conflict being natural or man made.

I hope kyle somehow you can now understand what I said.
By the way FYI, I really don’t take these forums seriously and this means kyle I don’t get trapped in the vortex of fear and ego.. meaning the idea of being defensive is silly.
As for old wounds.. I have no idea what you are referring to.

Here kyle is a shot from this past weekend.. as I stated I really train firearms.. it's not a fantasy.. every week kyle.

ralph severe, kamiyama


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Donny, I was pondering your bet, lets do it..
I was very busy with a seminar and couldn’t get back to you.. but I have a wonderful plan.. that will make your visit worth taking here…
I’ll meet you here at my Academy say, I will give you a month.. say by April 16th, 2005.. to do a test on your skills with firearms.
This will be shotgun, pistol and rifle.
I will match your bet at that you cannot even pass the test with the firearms that will be waiting for you.
All ninjutsu style. you you lie… soft and Ashida Kim method..
I know you want take it because you don't want anyone making fun of you right..?

Let us all find happiness and peace from this test Donny.. right.. you're the master right.

I posted this because it means nothing as your post on bets mean nothing.. silly immature Donny..

I bet this girl Jamie can out shoot you too.. ha ha ha

ralph severe, kamiyama


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