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Thanks for the vote of confidence. I know a bit, since prosecuting criminals is what I do for work. I deal with far more drug and gun cases, but I have dealt with enough of these to give reasonable answers to some questions.

With respect to your neighbor specifically, all I can glean from the risk of injury charge is that he had contact with the intimate parts of someone under 16. Intimate parts could be buttocks, or thigh, or breast, or genitals, so it covers alot of possibilities.

As to why he is allowed to still live with his children, not enough info to really answer. It would seem logical to assume they were not the victims. Maybe they are all under 8 years old and he decided to play grab-a$$ with the 15 year old baby-sitter who looks 25. That type of incident is distinguishable from someone who is a pedophile (person with sexual interest in pre-pubescent children). There may be conditions like no unsupervised contact with minors under 16. This would mean he couldn't be home alone with his kids. Sex offender probations are very strict. Frequent searches of home/computer by probation, polygraphs, gps monitoring bracelets etc can be the norm

These cases are hands on (no pun intended). Victim's advocates, DCF, psychological evaluations for the accused, victim's willingness to testify are all factors that go into the dispositions of these cases. This is why most judges and prosecutors you could talk to are somewhat opossed to the 25 year minimum mandatory sentencing schemes being proposed. 2 reasons why I would be opossed to that 1. punishment should fit the crime ( however bad, a passing grope is different than grooming a victim over time and repeatedly sodomizing them) 2. It ties the hands of the people who actually need to deal with these cases. Sometimes as a case progresses it is obvious that a victim will be a terrible witness and the case could be lost at trial. The ability to negotiate a plea serves the interst of justice because it allows the system to keep hooks on the accused. An aquital at trial, they walk away unscathed.

Sorry I couldn't more completely answwer you question, not enough info
No need to apologize at all - this is great input. Seems I need to contact the state to be sure. I do know he works nights and does stay at home during the day with his kids. Other than that, I'm only speculating. If I can get anything worthwhile, I'll post back and let you know.
Just to play Devil's Advocate a bit here, lets remember that people can change and while its the smart thing to do to be aware and carefull, I would hate to see people start treating others differently because they once committed a crime (a horrible nasty disgusting crime, but still people can change...soemtimes).

Ok, I dont know what I'm saying....for what its worth.

I wouldn't want my children near people like these while we wait to know if they have really changed or not...

I think precaution for home is more important than "hurt feelings" or people already catched by sex crimes. Sorry if somebody is offended by my words, but it's my humble opinion.
crazy to find there is an offender with a history of rape within .02 miles of my school...

even more disturbing to know that my school isnt just 9-12 but pre k-12...

and another on the other side of him and one more a few houses down...
I've struggled with this for a while. My neighborhood is seedy by any definition; a few weeks ago I told a LEO acquaintance what street I lived on and he immediately laughed - "Oh the neighborhood with all the crack whores and stabbings and shootings and robberies and gang activity?" :hb: Yeah, that one.

A few of my neighbors have looked up the registry and have told me that we're basically saturated with offenders. It may not be the most effective approach, but ... I already know that this place is an armpit. I already know the areas and people to avoid, and I'm getting a handle on basic SD. I wouldn't mind looking up the registry if I could forget the information at will, but I can't and I just feel swamped with paranoia as it is. Maybe once I feel more "empowered" with the MA.

Call me irresponsible, but I'm just not ready yet. Maybe not ever.
I love how you Americans have this publicly accessible register. In Australia our government and doesn't allow us to have one and we can't even challenge it by individually creating a publicly run register because we don't have the right to free speech in our constitution whereas sex offenders have the right to privacy. :rules:
Okay, after having gone back and read my last post I felt a little embarrassed and looked it up. There are two on my block, and another 6 in a 3-block radius around me. Bizarre as it seems to say, it's not as bad as I thought.

The sad thing is that I recognized the photo of one of them. Not someone I would have spent any time with anyway, but it was interesting to know. It's ironic that the one thing that forces me out at night is also the one thing that (so far) protects me from boogeymen. His photo is at the top left of this post. :)
Holy $H!

I just looked it up for my neighborhood. Why is there one living across the street from a local elementary school?

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