Fighting vids


Yellow Belt
I have looked high and low for a good wing chun video showing full contact fighting, to no avail. There are plenty that claim to be WC, but once the fight begins I can't see ANY WC AT ALL... and this tends to give WC a bad rap. It is SOOOO frustrating to see ppl claim WC... then fight like a tard with bad boxing skills. WTH ?

Any good vids out there at all ??
This is just a direct copy from what I said in a different thread but it still relates.

"Alot of the videos on youtube dont look like Wing Chun as the people that usually post them are people that are totally full of themself and think they are great and most likely havnt actually trained for long which makes it look like rubbish. They are just too cocky and think they are showing off but instead they are showing that they have learnt nothing.

I have mentioned in threads before that this isnt just for WC as its the same with most styles since some people start doing a MA think theyre "cool" and put them self up for all to see how "cool" they are.

There are the exceptions like the OP where people put it up for constrctive critisism.

It will be rare for you to see a great video from a master of WC on youtube as they will have learned to be humble and confident enough in there ability not to have to show off. "
this begs the question-
what is wing chun supposed to look like in full contact?
there are lots of varying opinions.
My opinion is that it should look like Wing Chun. Keeping the Wing Chun Stance and stepping. But it will look straight to the point so you wont see any fancy Kwun Sau etc in most cases if you saw Wing Chun being used in real life it would be as simple as the attacker hits the WC practitioner uses Pak Sau, Punches, turns around and runs away to fight another day.

We learn everything we learn for more experienced fighters and for when they needed but in reality if its used in full speed full contact then its going to be used as Wing Chun was intended and thats to be fast efficient and use only whats needed to be used which as I just stated in most cases Pak, Punch is all that is needed.

You only know its Wing Chun from footwork, structure, working on the centre line and stance.

As soon as you start doing somthing youve not trained doing hten its not Wing Chun for example if you started jumping around. You dont train to jump around so you wouldnt do it.

If you want to jump around train in JKD or something.

You dont take driving lessons to fly a plane.
You don't take driving lessons to fly a plane.

Nice analogy.
I agree, the footwork should be instantly recognizable as wing chun. Even with the differences from lineage to lineage, there are still things that should be adhered to, such as a strong root.
I"m always surprised by the lack of good elbow strikes thrown by wing chun guys on youtube clips. IMHO, they're some of the most damaging strikes you can throw, perfect finishers for the range we train to be most comfortable in.
so many grammatical errors... sorry i'm tired for studying.

I think we are jumping to conclusions here. I know some people put videos on youtube to show off... But we can't tell fr sure how long the person has been practicing wing chun or whether he is proficient at it just by looking video.

What i'm getting at is, there are tons of videos on youtube that claim to be Wing Chun, mine included lol, but that show little or no wing chun. If all the video's are like that, could it be something else, ie somthing other than "people are masquerading as wing chunners." It could that Wing chun is difficult to apply in a competitive match based on points!

I also used to sit and complain about wing chun videos not showing any wing chun, until i got out there. One thing you learn very quickly is, practicing techniques is different from sparring, and sparring is different from full contact with head gear on, and full contact with head gear on is different from full contact without head gear, which is different from fighting in a bar...

This is why I like partaking in these full contact competitions, since i don't go around randomly picking fights. I learned soo much even while the fight was in progress. The feeling was surreal. No wonder, sifus of old would tell their students to go try out their art.

Another thing of note is that in search for what looks like wing chun we forget what wing chun is all about keeping it simple... If a pak is all that you want to use... then use it... you don't have to bong sau, lop sau and everything else... So long as you stay down the center line....

I encourage everyone to sparr realistically... with someone trying to take your head off... then you'll see as Mike tyson would say "once you're hit, all plans and techniques fly out the window."
dnovice: You know Im not saying that everyone that puts vids on youtube do are showing off. I even said in reply to your video that some people do it for constructive feedback and this is good. there are also people that put videos out like Jin which are greatly appreciated by all of us.

Its just the majority of them you will see in the description that they say theyve not been doing it for long but they got a friend in there back garden to spar with. It looks rubish then you never see anything from them again. Maybe as they trained they realised they didnt need to show off to there friends from the playground.

There are good videos there for sure but they are rare and even under real pressure under a scheduled fight with no gear on can and should still use the fundimental basics of Wing Chun. The very basics are mostly all thats needed like you said pak and punch just stay on the center and that should be all thats needed, and thats because pak and punch is one of the fundimental basics as well as stance and other stuff I mentioned.

But by practicing and training under pressure like in a sparing match then you can work on keeping these fundimentals in place and eventually you will be able to fight by staying grounded and with little movement.

Just my thoughts though.
I have seen a very few old school Lei Tai videos, where the fights where pretty amazing really. But that was really a lucky find but i would say check out the Lei Tai scene some videos may not be Wing Chun but most styles shown are Kung Fu.
Dos: I didn't take it as a slight against me. I believe you were just stating your opinion. All i was saying was that although "inexperience" might have something to do with wing chun not showing up in full contact fights (even by Wing chun artists), another big reason that this happens is that its a little more difficult to do these moves without thinking... More practice is needed yes... but there's a difficulty level that needs to be overcome.