so many grammatical errors... sorry i'm tired for studying.
I think we are jumping to conclusions here. I know some people put videos on youtube to show off... But we can't tell fr sure how long the person has been practicing wing chun or whether he is proficient at it just by looking video.
What i'm getting at is, there are tons of videos on youtube that claim to be Wing Chun, mine included lol, but that show little or no wing chun. If all the video's are like that, could it be something else, ie somthing other than "people are masquerading as wing chunners." It could that Wing chun is difficult to apply in a competitive match based on points!
I also used to sit and complain about wing chun videos not showing any wing chun, until i got out there. One thing you learn very quickly is, practicing techniques is different from sparring, and sparring is different from full contact with head gear on, and full contact with head gear on is different from full contact without head gear, which is different from fighting in a bar...
This is why I like partaking in these full contact competitions, since i don't go around randomly picking fights. I learned soo much even while the fight was in progress. The feeling was surreal. No wonder, sifus of old would tell their students to go try out their art.
Another thing of note is that in search for what looks like wing chun we forget what wing chun is all about keeping it simple... If a pak is all that you want to use... then use it... you don't have to bong sau, lop sau and everything else... So long as you stay down the center line....
I encourage everyone to sparr realistically... with someone trying to take your head off... then you'll see as Mike tyson would say "once you're hit, all plans and techniques fly out the window."