I had intended to go back and edit out any potential advertisemet but was unable to do so. I regret that this thread turned into a debate about adding skills to the art of TKD, rank identification etc. I can see that the issue is emotionlaly charged. My intent was to simply to identify organization problem areas not to recruit or advertise. It was difficult to keep comments on the subject. I often got off topic in order to answer questions. I regret that anyone was offended. This was my first visit to the TKD section. I should have done more observation first before opening a thread. The concept of the forum is interesting in that you actually have little or no details regarding the person providing comments. I noticed that some volunteered that they were not in TKD. Everyone has an equal voice, though some apparently have made friends who back up the posts. I'll return, but primarily as a reader. I certainly hope that this will be the end of this thread.