Favorite Movie Lines

:idunno: or remember each of the characters names, but do remember many great lines from that movie such as:


[Andre the Giant] "I am the brute squad"

or [the 6 fingered fink] "and remember this is for science!"

[the Dread Pirate Roberts] "Where am I?"

[the weird keeper of the pit] "You're in the [aaack - aaack] you're in the pit of despair"

and last but not least - [Billy Crystal as the wizard [and who can forget his wife] waving good bye as he says] "have fun storming the castle!"

:-partyon: %-}
Marcus Buonfiglio said:
I believe it was slim ppickins who said (with a texas drawl)" Damn you are stupid. It is a fact that if you took your brain and stuffed it up a gnats a$$ it would look like a bee bee in a box car.

Busts me up every time I think about it.

Marcus Buonfiglio

In response to that one... Slim Pickens from Blazing Saddles
You use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.
House of 1000 Corpses
I bet you'd stick your head in the fire if I told you you could see hell. But meanwhile you're too stupid to realize you've got a demon sticking out of your a$$ saying "Holy Miss Moley I've got me a live one!"

The Shawshank Redemption
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.

I hope.

The Edge (the reason for my username)
Charles Morse: Why is the rabbit unafraid?
Styles: 'Cause he's smarter than the panther.

The Prophecy
I'm an angel. I kill newborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. And occasionally, when I feel like it, I tear little girls apart. And from now till kingdom come... the only thing you can count on... in your existence... is never understanding why.

Apocolypse Now
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream, it's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering along the edge of the straight razor, and surviving.

But we must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig, cow after cow, village after village, army after army. And they call me an assassin. What do you callit when the assassins accuse the assassin? They lie. They lie and we have to be merciful for those who lie. Those nabobs. I hate them. I do hate them.

In The Mouth Of Madness
Every species can smell its own extinction. The last ones left won't have a pretty time with it. In ten years, maybe less, the human race will just be a bedtime story for their children. A myth, nothing more.
"Everybody start shootin' at somebody" -Will Smith in Bad Boys II

"What do you like to do for fun? I like to hang upside-down blindfolded and take my .45 apart and put it back together before my nose starts to bleed" Major Payne

"Get rid of that nickel-plated sissy pistol and get yourself a Glock" Tommy Lee Jones in U.S. Marshalls

"Beautiful Mornin' Sgt. Major"
"What are you, a F#&%ing weatherman now?" Sam Elliot in We Were Soldiers

"They're Ivory, only a New Orleans pimp would carry a pearl-handled pistol" George C. Scott in Patton

"You Killed three men last year in a gunfight!"
"Yes Ma'am, Just as quick as I could"- John Wayne in Hondo

"You have to ask yourself a question, did he fire six shots or only five...are you feeling lucky punk?" If you don't know then you're pathetic...lol
Here's a line from a relatively new movie that's destined to become a classic:

"Son, you better pick that knife back up, cuz you're gonna need it."
Secondhand Lions

Bill Parsons
Pirates of the Caribean:
Jack Sparrow: If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.

LOTR: Return of the King:
Gimli: Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?

Fight Circle:
"By risking everything, you gain everything."

Three Musketeers:
Athos: Where have you been?
Porthos: Taking care of something, *WHAM* UGLY!
"The hospital?! What is it?"
"It's a big building with lots of patience. But that's not important."

Airplane II
"Here, drink this water."
"What is it, Doc?"
"Two molecules of hydrogen, one molecule of oxygen. But that's not important right now."
"Fill yer hand you son of a B%&#*!!!" John Wayne as Marshall Rooster Cogburn in True Grit.

"That'll wake you up in the morning" The guy on Braveheart right after they cauterize an arrow-wound by shoving a hot iron into it. (ouch!)

Colin Farrell "Would I have to Kill anyone?"
Al Pacino "Would you like to?"
The Recruit

"You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word." Robert DeNiro as Al Capone in The Untouchables

"Killin' is my bizness ladies, and bizness is goood!" Major Payne
Emporer's New Groove:

"Big dumb and tone-deaf. I am so glad I'm unconscious through this."
"Shall we run for our lives?"
"Oh yes, let's."

Timon: All we ever do is dig so we can hide and hide so we can dig!
Uncle Max: Now, what do we do when we see a hyena?
Timon: Scream, "Mommy!"
Uncle Max: That's right!

Timon: But when they die, they become the grass. And we eat the grass, right?
Uncle Max: Not exactly. We can't digest grass. We're grass intolerant.

Lion King 1 1/2
Diner Girl/Loretta: "I don't even know you..."
Johnny Hooker: "I'm just like you... it's two o'clock in the morning and I don't know anybody"
Dimitra Arliss & Robert Redford in "The Sting"
If Earth is remembered at all, it will be for the quality of its manual labor.

Do you hate the police?
No...but I always feel better when they're not around.

Well, well, well, if it isn't fat stinking Billy Boy billy goat in poison. Come and get one in the yarbles, if you got any yarbles, you eunich jellybelle.
A Clockwork Orange
Monks don't get wildly ****ed by teenage girls.

Bill Murray -Stripes

I'm going to walk the earph like Cain in Kung Fu.

Jules- Pulp Fiction

Guns? Why does'nt somebody take a .45 and bang setwle it?

Bruce Lee- Enter the Dragon
Come back here, Im not done with you. What are you going to do bleed on me? Monty Python- The Holy grail
"I'm gonna rip your balls off, so, you can't contaminate the rest of the world!"

"William H Bonney... You are not a god! Why don't you pull the trigger and find out!"

Young Guns 2
I just wanna say... to my wife who's home.... Yo Adrian! I DID IT!!!!

Rocky 2