Green Belt
:idunno: or remember each of the characters names, but do remember many great lines from that movie such as:
[Andre the Giant] "I am the brute squad"
or [the 6 fingered fink] "and remember this is for science!"
[the Dread Pirate Roberts] "Where am I?"
[the weird keeper of the pit] "You're in the [aaack - aaack] you're in the pit of despair"
and last but not least - [Billy Crystal as the wizard [and who can forget his wife] waving good bye as he says] "have fun storming the castle!"
artyon: %-}
[Andre the Giant] "I am the brute squad"
or [the 6 fingered fink] "and remember this is for science!"
[the Dread Pirate Roberts] "Where am I?"
[the weird keeper of the pit] "You're in the [aaack - aaack] you're in the pit of despair"
and last but not least - [Billy Crystal as the wizard [and who can forget his wife] waving good bye as he says] "have fun storming the castle!"
artyon: %-}