Favorite Movie Lines

Originally posted by old_sempai
comes from the commercial where an actor states "I'm not a Doctor, but play one on TV!" I've since lifted and edited the phrase into "I'm not an Engineer, but play one in real life," much to the annoyance of the "booksmart - street stupid" engineering types that feel they are the only ones qualified to design a better mousetrap!!!!!!!!!!!

:drinkbeer :drinkbeer :drinkbeer

How about:

In answer to the question, "Are you a black belt?"

"No, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night."
Originally posted by satans.barber
Red Dwarf 1x01, 'The End' (this was on UK gold last night, I've not seen it for years!)

RIMMER: "Being a hologram is fine, Lister. I still have the same drives, the same feelings, the same emotions, but I can't touch anything. Never again will I be able to brush a rose against my cheek, cradle a laughing child....or interfere with a woman sexually!"

LISTER: "Rimmer, you never used to do any of those things anyway!"

:rofl: :rofl:


OMG! *begs hopes and prays it comes to the US* I LOVE Red Dwarf!

...and it's so totally true, too!
Chief Dan George is IMO one of the finest Native American actors of this or any day. In one of his best roles as the wise grandfather Old Lodgeskins in the western Little Big Man he gives some profound wisdom to his adopted grandson Jack Crabbe (played excellently by a very young Dustin Hoffman).

Crabbe: "Do you hate them? Do you hate the white-man now grandfather?"

Old Lodgeskins: "Do you see this fine thing? Do you admire the humanity of it? Because the human beings my son, they believe everything is alive. Not only man and animals, but also water, earth, stone and also the things from them ... like this hair. The man from whom this hair came; he's bald on the other side, because now I own his scalp. That is the way things are.
But the whiteman, they believe *everything* is dead. Stone, earth, animals ... and people! Even thier own people! If things keep trying to live, the white-man will rub them out. That is the difference.
There is an endless supply of white men. There has always been a limited number of human beings."

Also a bit of humor from the same film.
Calvary sargent: You're white?!

Crabbe: Of course I'm white! Didn't you hear me say God Bless America! God Bless My Mother! Now what kind of fool injun would say a thing like that!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
OMG! *begs hopes and prays it comes to the US* I LOVE Red Dwarf!

...and it's so totally true, too!

The first 3 series are out on DVD already if you want to get hold of them... :)

I believe it was slim ppickins who said (with a texas drawl)" Damn you are stupid. It is a fact that if you took your brain and stuffed it up a gnats a$$ it would look like a bee bee in a box car.

Busts me up every time I think about it.

Marcus Buonfiglio

Squeal like a pig boy.


You sure gots you a pretty mouth.

Die Hard

Yippy Kai Yay MFer
I considered thiss carefully, and I have to go with Alan Rickman:

"By Grabthor's Hammer, what a savings."
I'm not a great fan of Chick Flicks but I did enjoy Notting Hill... especially Spike!

Spike comes out of the kitchen, eating something white out of a
styrofoam container with a spoon.

There's something wrong with this

It's not yogurt -- it's mayonnaise.

Oh, well it's alright then.
(takes another big spoonful)
From Happy Gilmore:

Shooter: "I eat pieces of s**t like you for breakfast."

Happy: " You eat pieces of s**t for breakfast?.........gross"


Happy's mom: "Sir, I like a warm glass of milk before I go to bed."

Ben Stiller: "How bout a nice warm glass of shut the hell up."

:rofl: :rofl: Great flick.
Cowboy Bebop

Spike: Jet...there are three things I particularly hate...

Jet: Hmmm...

Spike: Children...pets...and women with attitudes...

Jet: Hmmm...

Spike: And how do we have all three neatly gathered within our ship?!
Need I post the movie Title?
Iceman: You two really are cowboys.
Maverick: What's your problem, Kazanski?
Iceman: You're everyone's problem. That's because everytime you go up in the air, you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're dangerous.
Maverick: That's right! Ice... man. I am dangerous.

Dead Poets Society:
John Keating : Why do we need language?
Neil Perry : To communicate...
John Keating : Nooo!! To woo women!

12 Monkeys:
Jeffrey Goines: Who cares what psychiatrists write on walls?

Just a few of my favorites...

Timon: "What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?"

Pumba: "They call me 'Mr. Pig!'"
Bad Boys II

Martin Lawrence: Man, what are you, a cop or a model?

Will Smith: Whatcha talkin' 'bout man. I threw somethin' on; I like lookin' good, what?

Martin Lawrence: For who?

Will Smith: Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game.

Martin Lawrence: ...Hate the tailor..
From the great movie: The Princess Bride:
Indigo Montoya: "Who are you?"
Man In Black: "No one of consenquence"
Indigo: "I must know"
Man In Black: "Get used to disappointment"
Indigo (after considering a moment): "Okay"
Man In Black :"You're truly that smart are you?"
Fezzik: "Let me put it this way, you've heard of Aristotle? Plato? Socrates?
Man In Black: "Yes"
Fezzik: "Morons."
Fezzik: "You just fell for one of the classic blunders. The best known one is 'Never get into a land war with Asia', but the least one known is 'Never get in a battle of wits with a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha h----"
Man In Black: "Why unleash your venom on me?"
Buttercup: "Because you've killed my love, and it's said that the Dread Pirate Roberts leaves none alive."
MIB: "That's possible, I've killed a lot of people, but I can't afford to make exceptions, if word gets out that a pirate has gone soft then it's work work work all the time." %-}