Favorite Martial Arts Television Shows

Shogun said:
BILLY JACK. woo hoo! A cowboy who knows Hapkido,....yes!

How was black sash? it was cancelled, but.....I was working when it was on so I never got to see it.
I loved the fight scenes in Billy Jack, Bong Soo Han was great!
When I watched the Billy Jack films, and Billy Jack and Bong Soo Han were kicking the crap outta the good ol' boys, I never thought of the techniques as Hapkido. As far as I knew, they were using the same techniques we did in Tae Kwon Do (wheel kick, jumping side kick, double front kick).
i noticed no one has mentioned "power rangers" whats that about? hee hee! (joke)

i thought the show "angel" was good. it had some martial arts in it sometimes. i used to like kung fu the next generation too.

I actually got to meet some of the Power Rangers at a tournament when I was younger. Jason David Frank was a very nice guy.
mj-hi-yah said:
All the ones mentioned are good, but how about a couple for the girls? Charlie's Angels...I think they did some martial arts stuff in the tv show, but I know for sure they did some in the movie version. Then there's also Zena Warrior Princess! Finally, there's Sandy from Spongebob :) the martial arts squirrel. She's the strongest creature in Bikini Bottom! :cool:
If you want one for the girls, go with the original- The Avengers (TV, not movie).
Emma Peel fighting in a cat suit. Hmmm... :)

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