Your favorite kick?


Brown Belt
Just curious which kick is your favorite? Is it also your best kick? Which kick is your weakest? Strongest?

I was thinking about this favorite kick by a long shot is the spinning kick! I dont know why I like it so much but Im pretty danged good at it!! :D For some reason this kick came very easy to me.
My 2nd favorite kick is jumping double round house...which for me is surprising because the round house is my weakest kick besides the hook kick but the jumping double I can do with relative ease.
Now my strongest may be my back kick, I have quite a bit of power in that, but then again Ive been known to splinter the board a LOT with my spinning kick as well....

Lets hear it from you guys...!
In my younger days the round house kick to the head was by far my most favorite. Over the years I have traded it in for a much lower one, as with all my other kicks as well. My mind set has changed to a more self defense oriented focus. Now the low side thrust kick to the knee rules.
the kicks I have the most success with are the axe kick , prop side and turning side kicks. My best kick is the hook kick , but for some reason ,though, I dont use it much in sparring.
For self defence

I have always been a fan of the front thrusting kick for power and making space. However recently I have been drilling a shove followed by a roundhouse kick targeting the knee or femoral nerve as they are pushed back. The aim of this would be a posturing move to discourage further aggressive approach by the attacker. Because I am drilling this a lot at the moment it is becoming a new favourite.

For sparring

Used to love short line turning kicks in rapid succession. However I now favour a twisting upward kick. It is like a front snap kick but twists around a persons guard. (absolutely useless for self defence but good for points). Another favourite is a high hooking kick followed by a turning kick with the same leg in quick succesion without putting the leg down. So it sweeps past the head one way and if it connects great, but if it doesn't it often gets them when it is sweeping back!
As I have found over the years that the front kick is much often over looked. It's tried & true, always there when you need it. A straight line, aimed at a target is going to be faster.
Just my opinion.
Most favorite? A high Spinning Heel kick. Least favorite would be the roundhouse because I can't do high ones very well. I've got old man hips! Most effective one for me is a front leg snap kick to set up something else... side kick maybe?
Thanks everyone!

jda...I hear ya...I have old lady hips LOL I can NOT for the life of me do high section round house kicks unless my head is nearly touching the floor! Ive DONE them but its really difficult!
Im also finding that I like doing the flying side kick as well!!During 1 step sparring Im not as good but give me a few feet of running space and I can get some good height on it!
Front sliding side kick from the right leg is one I use a lot. I'm pretty quick with it and it's a solid, reliably kick for me.

Also turning backward sidekick with my left leg; although it's a positional kick for me in that I wait until my opponent has drifted to my right a bit before springing it on them. Either that or as a follow up kick to some sorta feint kick (ie, a kick not meant really to land but merely to setup positions for a turning backward side from either side).
My favorite kick for breaking boards or ribs is the side kick's family, you know the side kick, sliding side kick,back kick and spining back kick, I like them alot they generates alot of momentum and force.

My not so favorite kicks are the very high ones even using spining or jumping moves, it seems I am regular guy who likes the simple ones.

the one that scores or K.O.'s the other guy
Yeah. I'm another vote for the ol push/front kick aimed at bladder height
- Easy to pinpoint
- Fast to deploy
- Can use either leg equally
- No loss of balance
- No loss of eye contact

Thats why I like it. Multipurpose, stops opponents in their tracks without limiting your next position.


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