favorite JKD training vids

Burton Richardson hands down the best I have seen. His training is progressive instead of being stuck in the sixties. He is a very nice guy who is well spoken, fully certified in JKD and JKD concepts by Dan Inosanto, he was one of the first Dog Brothers and continues to test his material to adjust with the times.

I know I am impartial to his material, I am a student of his. But non the less, he's the best I've seen.

I gotta agree, Burton's tapes are great. I had the old defining JKD series and good stuff especially the drills video. I picked up his new choke em out video and you can really see his evolution. There is more quality material on that tape regarding chokes, and setups than you can practice in a year...

Another series that is really good is William Holland's JKD series. Bill has a very solid game, and his tapes show how to develop the JKD foundation and also some great attributes.. You can pick em up on his website.

Keep up the hard training.

Aaron Little said:
Matt Thornton’s Functional JKD Series One and Two from SBG Productions
I borrowed Series Two this weekend and I have to say that I've just been glued to them. I've already watched the Clinch one 3 times already.
USKS1 said:
Another series that is really good is William Holland's JKD series. Bill has a very solid game, and his tapes show how to develop the JKD foundation and also some great attributes.. You can pick em up on his website.

Keep up the hard training.

I was checking his stuff out a couple of months back, maybe I'll shell out the bucks and pick up some.
Vunak's attributes and mass attack tapes

Anything from Tom Cruse.

I've trained with Kelley Worden in Tacoma but don't own any of his tapes
i would have to say rick faye's tapes are good and anything by guru dan or larry hartsell for sure man there are just too many.
jay :-partyon:
Aikia said:
I read where you fell a sleep. I noticed that you have no rank. No doubt it was too advanced. I would recommend that you not rush into the contact phase until you are fit and ready. Get some rest.
My video series "Jeet Kune Do : Scientific Streetfighting available from Panther Video has consistently been rated in the JKD top 10 sales chart for Certuryfitness.com. The series is the most advanced on the topic of full contact sparring. That topic is typically underplayed because if you don't know what you are doing you can get hurt . The series has been on the market since 1998 and still makes money for Century. I take the student step by step through basics to ways of attack, footwork and nine levels of contact sparring. The information can be used by any artist in search of high level sparring skills. However if you do not actually incorporate sparring as the major part of your training the series may not be best for you. Wait until you are ready.
It was not intended to be strickly JKD. My audience is drawn mostly from TKD/karate/kickboxing groups who are advanced in their knowledge of sparring..
Jerry Beasley, Ed.D.
Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame
Instructor of the Year 2000
Very pleased to see you on this forum, sir. I've enjoyed your BB Mag. articles immensely over the years. I am one of your AUDIENCE, the karate/boxing/(former) TKD group who wish to incorporate advanced (or even forgotten simple ones!) concepts into my training. Haven't seen your tapes but can't imagine that they'd be a waste of money.
Aikia said:
I read where you fell a sleep. I noticed that you have no rank. No doubt it was too advanced. I would recommend that you not rush into the contact phase until you are fit and ready. Get some rest.
My video series "Jeet Kune Do : Scientific Streetfighting available from Panther Video has consistently been rated in the JKD top 10 sales chart for Certuryfitness.com. The series is the most advanced on the topic of full contact sparring. That topic is typically underplayed because if you don't know what you are doing you can get hurt . The series has been on the market since 1998 and still makes money for Century. I take the student step by step through basics to ways of attack, footwork and nine levels of contact sparring. The information can be used by any artist in search of high level sparring skills. However if you do not actually incorporate sparring as the major part of your training the series may not be best for you. Wait until you are ready.
It was not intended to be strickly JKD. My audience is drawn mostly from TKD/karate/kickboxing groups who are advanced in their knowledge of sparring..
Jerry Beasley, Ed.D.
Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame
Instructor of the Year 2000


I was planning on just PM you, but since you also posted here. Might as well get in the open. The tape that I have at home is your 3rd tape. Which deals with hand immobilization range. While I am not ranked in JKD, it's material is nothing new to me. I have many tapes on JKD. Burton Richardson, Matt Thorton, Paul Vunak, even so old Bruce Lee stuff. All of the material that they have presented in the tapes was easy to learn and apply.

While I did address why I didn't like your tape.
Jerry talks in mono tone voice which drives me nuts or asleep.

I said nothing about your techniques or how you applied them. I have nothing against the techniques shown on the tape. I have Brazilian Jiu jitsu tapes that have one guy speaking in Brazilian and another talking in English at the same time. This drives me nuts to.

While it may be true about your tapes being in Century's to 10 list at one point. They are now on the clearence list. They have them for $9.99.
Paul Vunak and I both sold all rights to Panther for the JKD series. Century bought out Panther. Now Century has it's own production company.They no longer need the Panther series. I have been asked to produce a new series and we are negotiating. I don't want the JKD label anymore since my material works for all arts or anyone that wants to learn to spar with contact. I prefer the term "sparring" over "fighting" since I have nothing to prove and I am not out to impress anyone with my skill. Come to Karate College and see for yourself. I'll also be at the Black Belt magazine seminars and Hall of Fame event in late July in LA.
Century has maybe less than a $1 cost to produce and sell the old Panther videos..they pay the artist nothing. So Century can afford to sell the Panther tapes for $9.95 each. The tapes are not on clearance that's the regular price...and it's a good deal. My tapes art targeted to the sparring market since I teach how to spar. I wanted to call the series Jun Fan Kickboxing but the other title stuck. My sparring coach was Joe Lewis so I am of course well trained. My comment to buyers would be if you want to learn to spar with equipment in a full contact style my series is very good. Quite a few have told me they are the best Jun Fan kickboxing series on the market. If you are looking for more of the classic Jun Fan or JKD Concepts then there are other series that will better suit your needs. Main thing is train hard and train smart. For $9.95 the Panther tapes are hard to miss.

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