I read where you fell a sleep. I noticed that you have no rank. No doubt it was too advanced. I would recommend that you not rush into the contact phase until you are fit and ready. Get some rest.
My video series "Jeet Kune Do : Scientific Streetfighting available from Panther Video has consistently been rated in the JKD top 10 sales chart for The series is the most advanced on the topic of full contact sparring. That topic is typically underplayed because if you don't know what you are doing you can get hurt . The series has been on the market since 1998 and still makes money for Century. I take the student step by step through basics to ways of attack, footwork and nine levels of contact sparring. The information can be used by any artist in search of high level sparring skills. However if you do not actually incorporate sparring as the major part of your training the series may not be best for you. Wait until you are ready.
It was not intended to be strickly JKD. My audience is drawn mostly from TKD/karate/kickboxing groups who are advanced in their knowledge of sparring..
Jerry Beasley, Ed.D.
Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame
Instructor of the Year 2000