favorite JKD training vids


Black Belt
Apr 30, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Just curious what your favorite JKD training videos out there? What are the best ones out there?

Thanks, jb:asian:
I like the Lamar Davis videos as I find he breaks everthing down moreso than the others I have seen

Originally posted by meltdown51

I like the Lamar Davis videos as I find he breaks everthing down moreso than the others I have seen


Agreed! Great series. Steve Grody's series is pretty good to. The tape of "Jun Fan Sectoring" is a must for anyone who wants to improve their lin sil di dar. I've heard that Pat Strongs tapes are good, as well as Jerry Poteet's. Also there is a good tape through "Fit For Life" called "Power Punching". It basically goes through the mechanics of the lead straight punch while not using the name "JKD" or any JKD terminology. Lamar called it "the best non-JKD tape on JKD punching I've ever seen." :)


John M. Drake
JM Drake
Thanks for the info have you got any leads on where to pick up these tapes.

Email me I have some notes you may like
[email protected]

The Patrick Strong Tapes are all very good. He uses a very "high School Science Teacher" approch to JKD. Everything is explained and demoed with the laws of science.

1.) Bruce Lee: Lord of Shock
2.) Bruce Lee: Lord of Power
3.) Bruce Lee: Lord of Speed
4.) Bruce Lee: Inner Game

Jeremy Bays
Originally posted by meltdown51

JM Drake
Thanks for the info have you got any leads on where to pick up these tapes.

Email me I have some notes you may like
[email protected]


Hello Joe,

Here's what I have. You can get Steve Grody's tapes from his website. http://www.grody-jkd-kali.bigstep.com/

Jerry Poteet's videos can be ordered directly from him, or from
Martial Arts Supply Inc

(A link to contact info for Jerry Poteet)

The power punching video can be ordered directly from health for life. http://www.healthforlife.com/ They also carry Chris Kent's JKD videos. (Another good series that I forgot to mention).

Patrick Strong's videos can be ordered from Amazon.com. If you want to order directly from him you can find his email from "Chihand's" forum. http://www.chihand.com


John M. Drake

P.S. You've got mail. :)
Here is one you may steer away from DR. Jerry Beasley. Good thing I only have one. I have try watching this tape a couple different times and have feel asleep each time. Jerry talks in mono tone voice which drives me nuts or asleep.
My fav training videos are watching actual Bruce Lee in action. There is no one better to learn from! I am always seeking out new videos and found some rather rare appearances of him at the Ed Parker Long Beach tournament, and his training advice on Longstreet.

Go to www.lordoftherings-collectibles.com to check them out.
Rick Tucci's tapes are great! Beasleys arent even real jkd, the voice is enough to put you to sleep too! ha ha funny that was mentioned I fell asleep too. Pauls Vunaks tapes are good.

Check out Datu Kelly Wordens Renegade JKD. (Ultimate Street fighter series ) is very well done. Datu Worden has well over 30 videos, and has always got top ratings, as he belives in content.
I read where you fell a sleep. I noticed that you have no rank. No doubt it was too advanced. I would recommend that you not rush into the contact phase until you are fit and ready. Get some rest.
My video series "Jeet Kune Do : Scientific Streetfighting available from Panther Video has consistently been rated in the JKD top 10 sales chart for Certuryfitness.com. The series is the most advanced on the topic of full contact sparring. That topic is typically underplayed because if you don't know what you are doing you can get hurt . The series has been on the market since 1998 and still makes money for Century. I take the student step by step through basics to ways of attack, footwork and nine levels of contact sparring. The information can be used by any artist in search of high level sparring skills. However if you do not actually incorporate sparring as the major part of your training the series may not be best for you. Wait until you are ready.
It was not intended to be strickly JKD. My audience is drawn mostly from TKD/karate/kickboxing groups who are advanced in their knowledge of sparring..
Jerry Beasley, Ed.D.
Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame
Instructor of the Year 2000
Dr. Beasley's experience and qualifications preceed him. Love your stuff Dr. Beasley. Keep it comin'! I'm a bit tossed on the JKD concept vs. style thing, but I enjoy pulling "nuggets" of wisdom from it all. Thank you.
Matt Thornton’s Functional JKD Series One and Two from SBG Productions

I have reviewed quite a few JKD videos for Karate International magazine. In my opinion the closest to Bruce Lee's JKD taught at the Chinatown school can be seen on the Jerry Poteet series from the early 1990's. Mr. Poteet did not change any methods or techniques. If you want to see the original "style" of JKD locate these videos. I also like the Paul Vunak trapping tape from the 1980's. Someone mentioned my JKD series is not "JKD". That's O.K. by me. It's still a very high level of instruction. So far no one has duplicated the info.
And how is SKH these days? I will have to contact him. Thanks for the link.
Jerry Beasley
I am currently training with Carter Hargrave's original JKD series. I really enjoy them, they are practical and explained well. Anyone else have any experience, or opinion of his series? I am currently at level 5, of 12. I plan to test for black sash at the WJKDF headquarters under Hargrave peresonally once I complete the 12 videos. I have viewd the Gary Dill Tapes, and they seemed Ok, different, but some good and some bad. well, replys are welcome.
Chris Kent A to Z. The blackbelt video with Ted Wong and Bustillo.
Hello, I am not a JKD student,but love to learn as much as I can. One way is to look a videos(all styles). Each one can teach us something. Thank-you for your suggestions. .....Aloha