Favorite Bouncer Escort to Door Techs

I go up to them and tell them "I need to speak with you out the front"

When they get there I just run back inside giggling.
My favorite technique is to knock them flat on their backs. It's always easiest to get them out the door when you've knocked the fight out of them. You feel me?
Dude!! I do not know you are joking?? or really saying this works for you??? Jx
Dude!! I do not know you are joking?? or really saying this works for you??? Jx
Sounds like an assault charge in the making if he's not joking.
What are you guys, the po-po?

If what I'm saying is too shocking for you then it's quite obvious you neither work in business nor last 5 seconds in it. You feel me, bro?
What are you guys, the po-po?

If what I'm saying is too shocking for you then it's quite obvious you neither work in business nor last 5 seconds in it. You feel me, bro?
Any door staff I meet they had never been anything except courteous and friendly to me personally.. I know nothing about how to be a security person I only know it is not nice even to witness someone pissed up and lairy from a patron POV so I do not imagine it can ever be an easy job for any door personnel to have to deal with that when things kick off inside or at the front. I commend door security for doing a job which is unfortunately necessary and but I just had not heard it said out loud the contrariwise hit first / assess later position that I took from your previous post.. you are saying this is prevalent in your business?? and your management give assent to this style of working? Jx
Does your mom know you're playing on the computer?
You're a funny guy, aren't you? So funny that you hide behind the computer making snide remarks while men, real men, like me fight to maintain order for guys like.

Straight up bro, I'm only going to say this once...a piece of me is more than most men can chew, you feel me?
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Please keep the conversation polite and respectful. Any post that comes close to a challenge is not going to be tolerated here at Martial Talk and could generate a suspension of your account.

Wes Yager
Senior MT Moderator
I apologize as well. I shouldn't have added fuel to the match.

You're a funny guy, aren't you?

At times, I've been considered mildly humorous, yes.

So funny that you hide behind the computer making snide remarks while men, real men, like me fight to maintain order for guys like you.

It was more sarcastic than snide, and again, apologies for that.I do, however, feel rather comfortable in front of the computer. I tried hiding behind it but could only see the screen by really bending my neck... (There's more of that funny guy I sometimes go for)...so, I only stay in front of it now.

Straight up bro, I'm only going to say this once...a piece of me is more than most men can chew, you feel me?

So, let me start again without anything snide, sarcastic or disrespectful. I first worked as a bouncer when I was eighteen, I'm in my sixties now and still do it occasionally as several friends have long running, successful sports bars here in Boston. My father was a full time bartender for fifty two years. The bar business, and all it's various trappings is not a new thing to me or my family. And, please, anyone reading this, a bar/nightclub is a business and only a business, it is not a social club. Good bouncers don't really bounce anyone, good bouncers manage situations, good bouncers manage people.The last thing an owner wants is a liability in a short sleeved shirt.

I'm also a retired Po-po and have been in bars/clubs from that side of it, too.

And, yes, I feel you, bro. :)

My favorite technique is to knock them flat on their backs. It's always easiest to get them out the door when you've knocked the fight out of them. You feel me?
I wouldn't want to see this business model in any place I frequented personally.

From a patrons point of view.
It would appear many of you disagree with my methods. For those in the business you know where I'm coming from, for those that aren't allow me to explain.

When you step into that bar you've entered a warzone, a gladiatorial arena if you will. And, if you're not willing to knock some guy through a wall you've got no business in this business.

Sure, you may bust up some guys who don't deserve it now and again (the price for being an alpha male), but in this line of work it's punch now and question later. Anarchy and chaos would engulf the bar otherwise.
Yeah my local pub is like that, a veritable warzone.

Look it up, everyone's welcome at the Tan Hill Pub.

Winter is better, you get snowed in, when the food runs out we turn into cannibals and eat the tourists.
It would appear many of you disagree with my methods. For those in the business you know where I'm coming from, for those that aren't allow me to explain.

When you step into that bar you've entered a warzone, a gladiatorial arena if you will. And, if you're not willing to knock some guy through a wall you've got no business in this business.

Sure, you may bust up some guys who don't deserve it now and again (the price for being an alpha male), but in this line of work it's punch now and question later. Anarchy and chaos would engulf the bar otherwise.

This is a nice way to lose your job (at the very least) in the US.

A colleague of mine just had court trouble because he restrained and then literally threw a patient outside onto the concrete he broke his wrist on the fall.

your methods, sound a lot like, borderline illegal methods.
This is a nice way to lose your job (at the very least) in the US.

A colleague of mine just had court trouble because he restrained and then literally threw a patient outside onto the concrete he broke his wrist on the fall.

your methods, sound a lot like, borderline illegal methods.
I don't have to worry about losing my job. My uncle owns the bar and if he fired me my mom would never let him hear the end of it.

As for 'borderline illegal methods,' haven't you ever heard of the bouncer's code?
if he fired me my mom would never let him hear the end of it.

Now that is highly amusing. :D I take it you didn't think how that would look when you wrote those posts?