Blue Belt
As martial artist we all say that there isn't a best martial art, just the person themselves. Now here is a question. What would be the fastest or the easiest martial art to learn?
Why and how?
My thoughts so far is Boxing, Krav maga, and Basic Karate(not focusing on a particular style). Boxing just focus on hand to eye corrdination, foot work, and of course just your hands. Karate has proven itself to be good self defense. Also it brings more weapons to the table like knees and elbows. Krav Maga as a hybrid fighting art gives you everthing from strikes to grappling and even ground defensive fighting. No special joint locks or submission moves to learn. Basic and simple.
Why and how?
My thoughts so far is Boxing, Krav maga, and Basic Karate(not focusing on a particular style). Boxing just focus on hand to eye corrdination, foot work, and of course just your hands. Karate has proven itself to be good self defense. Also it brings more weapons to the table like knees and elbows. Krav Maga as a hybrid fighting art gives you everthing from strikes to grappling and even ground defensive fighting. No special joint locks or submission moves to learn. Basic and simple.
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