Fashion in the Martial Arts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mantis Leg
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I understand the hakama as a traditional uniform, heck one of the arts I study allows it. I had been told that only the elite upper class(samurai in this case) could wear the hakama that are striped, or otherwise "fancy." Commoners studying in a sword school could still wear hakama, but only black or blue. So it would seem to me that non Japanese wearing striped or sequined hakama would be "untraditional." Of course the times have changed and who really cares anymore. After all, it's only an outdated "tradition."

With all due respect,
Originally posted by Mantis Leg

After all, it's only an outdated "tradition."

With all due respect,

How can it be outdated, if it's still around?

With no disrespect meant

Dear Mantis;

The fellow M Artist's comments to you are sincere. Everyone sees things through different eyes.and if involved with the arts for any time at all one will surely see some crazy. out landish uniforms.

It is truly hard for anyone to comment on what you had seen, unless of corse they were there. Most of the comments were about the wearing of the HAKAMA. As being worn in traditional style, expensive, or flash. It is not about the Hakama. one should always wear it with pride. It is about EGO! EGO! EGO!!!!

I was also there and saw these men parading around. They were all high ranking masters 7th Dan and above. Yes they were all wearing Hakama and Gi top or Kimono with a very very large, stiff' flashy gold belt around there waist. ( not the traditional obi )
Yes you could certainly call there Dress Flash. I saw it as flash.

But It was their EGO that I saw, flashing so bright that you could hardly see who these men realy were. They wanted everyone in the building to notice them, and I'm sure everyone did notice them. But because of all the flash, and peacock image they projected the true M. A. person hidden inside there uniform became invisable. Or maby that is what they wish to be.

There were other masters and grand masters there that were hugging their students, friends, and family. They did not dress in M. A. uniforms and you might not have known if they were 5th, 8th, or 10th Dan. But you could tell they were high ranked, respected and admired. and although they were humble and meek I could see them clearly through the blinding EGO and Flash of the others, and I hope you saw them to.:)

flashy waepons don't bother me as much as the flashy uniforms.

i designed a pair of nunchakus and they actually work excellent.
:samurai: :boing2: :ninja:
If a person or group go into a tournament or show and preform under the heading of SHOW Demo. Let them wear the show uniform. If they are in a traditional tournament group (forms compitition) disqualify them or mark them down to begin with because they are not traditional.
If they are strutting aroud like a peacock , well, take them for what they probably are PHONEY.

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