Failed Terror Attack In NYC.

Shoe bomber, anthrax mailer, DC Sniper? It's funny how none of these count.

Double Irony even, because the anthrax mailer and the DC sniper actually succeeded in both their attacks and achieving the intended results, whereas the 'terrorist incidents' blamed on Obama all failed because of ineptitude.

Btw, I don't see how a president is responsible for causing indivodual attack. It's not like he single handedly reads every bit of intel, then puts on his bat suit and rushes off to save the world.
Shoe bomber, anthrax mailer, DC Sniper? It's funny how none of these count.

Except for the shoe bomber NONE of them had any connection with Muslim Terrorist that destroyed the trade center in NY. NONE.

And the shoe bomber bombed flight 63, or tried to, took the flight from PARIS FRANCE to Miami Florida. His attempt was not in the U.S. The French authorites are what dropped the ball. The U.S. has no control over foreign airports.

Yet you (apparently) count Fort Hood.

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had ties to Muslim terrorist.

1. He worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a "spiritual adviser" to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.
Investigations before and after the shooting discovered e-mail communications between Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki, who quickly declared Hasan a hero, as "fighting against the U.S. army is an Islamic duty". al-Awlaki is a known al-Qaeda supporter.

2. He was suspected of being the author of internet postings that compared suicide bombers with soldiers who throw themselves on grenades to save others and had also reportedly been warned about proselytising to patients.

3. At Fort Hood, he told a colleague, Col Terry Lee, that he believed Muslims should rise up against American "aggressors". He made no attempt to hide his desire to end his military service early or his mortification at the prospect of deployment to Afghanistan. "He had people telling him on a daily basis the horrors they saw over there," said his cousin, Nader Hasan.

So yea, he was a terrorist. A Muslim one.

He had no direct ties to any terrorist group. He's disqualified by your own criteria.

That's not strictly true. As he pointed out, Maj. Hasan had pretty extensive documented contact with Anwar al-Awlaki. THere's a good article about this man in today's New York Times. The man is fomenting jihad for American soil.:

Anwar al-Alwaki said:
Jihad is becoming as American as apple pie and as British as afternoon tea.