Master Black Belt
Hey All,
Do you ever think about exit strategies before you engage in a fight?
Look for a way out before the confrontation?
Find a way out during the confrontation?
Run after the confrontation is over?
I here more and more people talk about fighting more than one guy. Going to the ground may not necessarily be the best option sometimes.
At a restaurant do you notice the exist signs? Usually there are two ways in and out.
Walking to your car at night do you have a back up plan to get home? Do you even have a plan? Ever thought of parking your car under a light during the afternoon just in case your errands take longer than expected?
Ever thought of finding a way out during a fight that gives you a higher probability to go home? Sometimes our egos get in the way and we want the other person to pay, but he may have friends close by.
What's your exist strategy?
Do you ever think about exit strategies before you engage in a fight?
Look for a way out before the confrontation?
Find a way out during the confrontation?
Run after the confrontation is over?
I here more and more people talk about fighting more than one guy. Going to the ground may not necessarily be the best option sometimes.
At a restaurant do you notice the exist signs? Usually there are two ways in and out.
Walking to your car at night do you have a back up plan to get home? Do you even have a plan? Ever thought of parking your car under a light during the afternoon just in case your errands take longer than expected?
Ever thought of finding a way out during a fight that gives you a higher probability to go home? Sometimes our egos get in the way and we want the other person to pay, but he may have friends close by.
What's your exist strategy?