If you want to hear something interesting, ask 3 creationists to give a scientific definition of "kind". Also, ask where "microevolution" ends and "macroevolution" begins.
Ask why a lawyer is one of their favorite spokesmen (Phillip Johnson), or why few to none of their so-called "scientists" are actually credentialed in the fields they critique (Kent Hovind, William Craig, etc.)
Ask why irreducible complexity, one of the cornerstones of intelligent design/creationism that was trivially refuted from day one, is still being touted as one of the "killer evidences" against evolution.
I'd suggest asking why their stuff is never published in peer-reviewed journals, but we all know the answer to that: It's obviously a conspiracy led by an elite group of 15 to 20 million evil atheist scientists around the world to force evil-ution on an unsuspecting public!
It's simple, really: scientists publish their research in peer-reviewed journals so that their findings can be critiqued, reproduced, and modified, verified, or tossed-out. Creationist demagogues, on the other hand, publish their stuff as books to be sold in bookstores, thereby skipping the whole reproduction/verification process. They also use the political process to their own ends, and even try to get their own, non-peer-reviewd textbooks into school systems. Again, skipping the scientific process altogether. If they had their way, children would be making models of Noah's ark in geology class, and writing papers discussing the domestication of dinosaurs by Noah's ancestors! If you think I'm kidding, lookup another ICR favorite lecturer, "Dr." Kent Hovind, known popularly as Dr. Dino.
The whole thing is sickening and would be sad if they weren't so effective at removing science from science textbooks.