Senior Master
So the invention of the internet means we are more complex thinkers. Thats a crock.
Actually, no its not. The notion of a holistic informational network (even if its reductionistic/materialistic) is, within its own line of development, extremely advanced.
In any event, you seem to be talking about the notion of cultural evolution --- which is something of a different subject altogether. Yes, a postindustrial/multicultural society is more "advanced" than a group of hunter-gatherers. That doesn't necessarily mean either is "better", though.
We have a complex society so people can think as little or as much as they want.
Its called "pluralism". Something the Inuit in question, which like similar societies are extremely ethnocentric, do not possess.
the less advanced a society the more advanced its language must be to insure survival.
*chuckles* This is a new one to me. Maybe you should provide your hypothesis to the anthropological community and see what they think.

Secondly, when I refer to cave men I am talking about homo sapiens, not some ape like creature the scientific community names as early man yet finds out later that a group like the Neandrathal actualy coexisted with homosapiens.
Then you are using a definition of "cave men" that only you subscribe to.
That little thing called the agriculteral revolution was less nutricious(sp) than what people ate before and life spans decreased and disease actualy increased.
*chuckles* Sources, please.

And I see you are suggesting they had no knowledge of medicinal herbs.
Not compared to later societies, no.
You know I took a cultural anthropology course
Good for you. I took a chemistry class, that must mean I'm an expert chemist now.

All your physical stuff is purly theory and not fact.
Ummm.... there are no "facts" in science.

The Inuit are about as close to cave men as we have right now and I doubt the northern peoples lived much differently back then.
These are both assumptions based on your personal opinions, without any empirical evidence to back them up.
Since this a Martial arts web site I'll bet the Martial arts were studied very carefully as well; but, the Daruma story is what everyone likes to go with. I think its happened over and over again through out the Milinea.
What?! :mst:
Ummmm..... laterz.