Why is it that only the "scientists" are touting evolution as a fact? Becuase they have to look like they're doing soooomething. After all, our school textbooks are supposed to be teaching facts, right?
Schoolbooks don't teach anything. Teachers ... People ... teach. Hopefully, our teachers are using all of the aids available to them to help our children think; to apply their ability to reason to a set of circumstances in front of them. Hopefully, one of the items our children will learn (and maybe some of their parents) is what is called the 'Scientific Method'.
scientific method : principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.
The wonderful thing about using the scientific method on everyday observations is that this method is self-correcting. It is also subject to peer-review.
For instance, maybe we can't agree that gravity exists. Is there anyway we can observer gravity in action? Sure ... let's drop something from a height. Now, on the day that a dropped object (that is not subject to other external forces) doesn't fall to the ground, we can all go back to the woodshed to re-think gravity.
Of course, heavier items fall faster then lighter items. So, lets take to spherical items of Identical size and texture, and drop them, at the same time from the same height. We can carefully measure that the heavier item reaches the ground quicker than the lighter item .... but wait ... they hit the ground at the same time... now, why could that be? Don't know... But I can publish my findings, and a fellow scientist can perform the same experiment on the other side of the world, and get
exactly the same results. So, someone smarter than me can figure out that gravity is 'pulling' harder on the heavier item, than it is pulling on the lighter item - this would explain why they items fall at the same rate of speed - because that is what we observed.
Now, let's apply the scientific method to religion. Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose again after two nights in the tomb. Let's see if we can construct a test to reproduce this ... who wants to volunteer to be crucified? anyone? I'm sure the two nights will pass real quickly ... and we can put aside all this science stuff... OK ..this last paragraph is a bit over the top. But, it is not possible to apply the self-correcting, peer-reviewed scientific method to religion. Religion by its very nature (and its very strength) is that it must be taken on Faith.