"Every cop should learn BJj" Do you agree?

Here let me post this again since you didnt read it the first time:

If you want me to analyze every stupid video you find well I cant. I wasn't there I don't know what they know. I'll just say when you in those types of situations sometimes your brain doesn't make rational choices. Like continuing to strike someone in the leg when its clearly not working. It's easy to sit here at my computer and say "well that's stupid he should do _____" BUT having been in those situations I can say I've done stupid things too because it takes a little while for your brain to catch up. Its the nature of the beast. Would more training help sure it would but as we already said most cops won't train any extra.

your million billion examples don't really match what I am showing.

They don't match my million billion experiences either to be honest.
its 100% your ego

So tell me how posting irrelevant videos makes anyone safer?

I am not selling DT. I am not even selling BJJ.

Hell i do MMA.

The videos show how real fights look. So that people can have their own opinion on the situation cops face without having it filtered by people who's egos are on the line here.

So that they can look at real police fights and make an informed decision on how to keep themselves safe.

Because you don't seem fit to provide that information.
your million billion examples don't really match what I am showing.

They don't match my million billion experiences either to be honest.
Well who would have guessed your experiences as a bouncer in Australia is different than mine as a Police officer in the US
I am not selling DT. I am not even selling BJJ.

Hell i do MMA.

The videos show how real fights look. So that people can have their own opinion on the situation cops face without having it filtered by people who's egos are on the line here.
Again how are you making anyone safe posting videos?
LOL I highly doubt it but ok You win. MMA Rules Cops Drool. Every Cop should be required to go learn MMA.
Yeah well this is a guy who constantly tells people to quit their style and go and do Mma...even if they're not asking for that type of advice
So here is a use of force that caused a big stir a couple years ago. I don't have a problem with the takedown its Bourbon Street and can get crazy down there. But many in the media and social media thought it was excessive.

I remember afterwards news interviewed his attorney who claimed they were in the process of filing a complaint with the feds but I never heard the outcome.
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I am not selling DT. I am not even selling BJJ.

Hell i do MMA.

The videos show how real fights look. So that people can have their own opinion on the situation cops face without having it filtered by people who's egos are on the line here.

So that they can look at real police fights and make an informed decision on how to keep themselves safe.

Because you don't seem fit to provide that information.
Look up selection bias. Do you really think videos of cops making quick arrests are going to be posted as often as shitstorms?

There are quite a few cops who share that opinion.
I'm not sure how to make this any clearer. I've said several times so far that I wish cops would train BJJ or Boxing or Krav or Judo or anything for that matter I just want them to train. I have nothing against BJJ. The problem is MOST cops dont train in anything after leaving the academy and a few random Inservice classes throughout thier careers. So if these random cops I dont know want to push BJJ great more power to them. I know Cops that train BJJ, I know one that trains Sambo, I know some that are boxers I train goju and there are a few federal agents at my school. I'm glad for all of them that they take the time on thier own to train.
Look up selection bias. Do you really think videos of cops making quick arrests are going to be posted as often as shitstorms?

So this is why some methods allways appear on YouTube as being successful?

Proven grappling, proven striking generally shown to work and work constantly. And the more esoteric methods never do.

And we see this across the board of the spectrum of human conflict.

And we hear this anecdotally across the board of the spectrum of human conflict.

But what the argument seems to be at this stage is there is all this conflict that is occurring using methods that are so fundementally different that only a specialized instructor from a specific country can understand the process.

This is occurring away from the public eye in such a manner that nobody has a chance to film this or record it. Even though people are filming and recording other conflict involving exactly the people we are discussing.
I'm not sure how to make this any clearer. I've said several times so far that I wish cops would train BJJ or Boxing or Krav or Judo or anything for that matter I just want them to train. I have nothing against BJJ. The problem is MOST cops dont train in anything after leaving the academy and a few random Inservice classes throughout thier careers. So if these random cops I dont know want to push BJJ great more power to them. I know Cops that train BJJ, I know one that trains Sambo, I know some that are boxers I train goju and there are a few federal agents at my school. I'm glad for all of them that they take the time on their own to train.

But what about the million cops who do their job fine with just two weeks training?
So here is a use of force that caused a big stir a couple years ago. I don't have a problem with the takedown its Bourbon Street and can get crazy down there. But many in the media and social media thought it was excessive.

I remember afterwards news interviewed his attorney who claimed they were in the process of filing a complaint with the feds but I never heard the outcome.

I knew a guy who did two years for pretty much doing that.