Ever broken someone?

I've twice, prior to starting martial arts, broken someone's bone. Both were the same situation. It was while playing a game, I think one was ultimate frisbee and the other was european handball, both guys were bigger than me and I not looking where I was running slammed into them. One broke his ankle the other broke his wrist. The one time I got a concussion, but I still walked away without injury.

The worst I've had was a sprained ankle I got during a softball game. I actually continued playing the game since I didn't tell the coach I had gotten hurt. I have a tendency to just walk an injury off and fighting through the pain.
Hello, Many years ago, just a blue belt than, we had a special Seminar on the Big Island. This was the first time our Professor and his top Instructors were coming for this special session. At the time there was 5 Universal Kempo schools here on the Big Island and our first time to meet the Professor and his top Instructors. (many of us)

We had rented a retreat on a cattle ranch and use the pastures area for training and the club house. Camping outside in tents for three nights and two days.

On the very first night...I was unloading from my 4x4 lifted P/U...and was ready to jump down...grab the wrong bar and slip...breaking by wrist bone...My Instructor and another friend drove me to the Hospital..stay over night and came back the next morning....with pain killers. Arm in a sling.

The doctor had schudule an operation later that week. Today I have two titanium plates with 12 screws in my left arm and wrist. This wrist does not bend like before....The wrist bone was shatter to pieces.

I stay for the whole Seminar....the training was great..but the spiritual side unforgetable....many of us were change...we share alot of personal things with each other....mental growth here....we became ONE.

Today all of the Instructors that were there....are like best friends...to us....including the Professor. It was something special and unique! ...Aloha

PS: I hope one day I can share the X-rays......?
luigi_m_ said:
Right, as Martial Arts is about self defence, as well as fitness, self-balance, co-ordination, and of course fun, have you ever really hurt someone, like broken their bones in a fight? This can be inside of outside the dojo, just tell me your stories (especially if they are gorey).

Or, have YOU ever been a victim of a broken bone/wrist/[other], eg, someone has thrown you incorrectly and you weren't able to make a ukemi (fall), or punched someone and done more damage to yourself?

I have never been broken. I have been dented a few times. ;) :D

As to breaking or denting others, depends upon the time and place. Lots of examples outside of the class room training. A few inside the training hall.

One comes to mind for myself, is I missed the block and being out of place by " Just that much, of a spin heel kick. I caught it in the rib. The rib popped out, and then back in. I had it X-Rayed and the doc could see ntohing or feel anything either.

Another one in class deals with multiple person training. I was one of the multiple people attacking a peron already at a disavdantage with their back against a wall. As they tried to come off the wall I tried to tie him up. With multiple people he tripped and I had his head wrapped in my arm. So I slid back as he cam forward and allowed his head to move through where I then tied him back up around the shoulder. Well when we landed, his shoulder separated. Not a good sound as all the wind left him and this slight popping sound with a grating sound and I could feel a little rattle. He still trains today, so it did not take him out of the game, but he was young and healed well.

A third one was for my second test where I was doing some throws. The upper belt I was working with insisted on resisting and which forced me to actually do the technique. He rolled and would get back up and we would go again. After a few the instructor(s) asked him he needed a break. He replied No. After the test he went home and never came back. He had hyper extended both of his shoulders and one of his elbows.

This was a major learning experience for me. I learned that if you are hurt you tell someone.
crushing said:
Back in school during lunch I broke some guys hand with the side of my face during a lunchtime fight. I couldn't see a half minute, but he was in a cast for a couple months. I didn't feel sorry for that bully.

The only other time I broke someone was not in a fight, but while playing goalie in a soccer league. I broke another person's leg. I was a goalie and he was trying to score. He was on a breakaway and the ball got a little too far in front of him. I jumped to grab the ball as he went to kick the ball and I think he may have kicked my arm, or I grabbed his leg with the ball or something. Anyway, I felt really bad about that one.

So far in MA, it has only been normal bumps and bruises.

The face attacking fist move sounds interesting..! Funnily enough I could do that move really well before i even started martial arts. We must be naturals!
Hello, During World War 2, The Amercan Japanese soldiers who fought in Europe...had a saying...in Pigeon english " GO FOR BROKE".

When these soldiers (many from Hawaii) fought the Germans soldiers, they would charge at them and say ''GO FOR BROKE"

...MEANING... Go all out until broken or killed. The 100th division..were the most decorated unit from WWII. My best friend uncle was a member of the unit and retire a Colonal from the USA Army.

Today many of us remember this saying....because in martial arts...when you do get into a fight....you say to yourself..."GO FOR BROKE" .....Aloha
I was grappling with my instructor - he had mount and I was trying to get out from under. I placed the heel of my palm on his ribcage and lifted my hips a bit and tried to lever out when I felt his rib roll out of place and back in again. Gross feeling and sound.

Turns out the rib seperated from the cartilage and rolled out of joint, then rolled back in. He was in a great deal of pain and couldn't lay on his back or side for quite some time.

I won't forget that. I'm quite certain he won't let me forget it, either.

shesulsa said:
I was grappling with my instructor - he had mount and I was trying to get out from under. I placed the heel of my palm on his ribcage and lifted my hips a bit and tried to lever out when I felt his rib roll out of place and back in again. Gross feeling and sound.

Turns out the rib seperated from the cartilage and rolled out of joint, then rolled back in. He was in a great deal of pain and couldn't lay on his back or side for quite some time.

I won't forget that. I'm quite certain he won't let me forget it, either.


That is basically what happened to me. Only I have blocked out the memory of the pain. :D
Once during free sparring, I was dropping a downward hook kick on someone's head -- was going to slap the upper-side of their head with the ball of my foot.

My opponent turned and looked up the split second before it hit, causing the heel to land on the side of his nose. Broke into into a reversed letter "C" and blood started pouring.

He asked me to push it back straight, and I felt terrible, so I put my thumbs on his nose and did my best. We got it pretty straight.
Ouch. Worse injury I have ever because would probably be when I didn't realize that groin guards didn't keep out pain but rather help keep the groin intact. Me kicked an orange belt. Orange belt felt nauseous. Me didn't understand what the pain was. Me now do. Me feel guilty about that. Orange belt didn't pair up with me for month.
Ouch. Worse injury I have ever because would probably be when I didn't realize that groin guards didn't keep out pain but rather help keep the groin intact. Me kicked an orange belt. Orange belt felt nauseous. Me didn't understand what the pain was. Me now do. Me feel guilty about that. Orange belt didn't pair up with me for month.
I've never broken anyones bones, but I have dislocated someones shoulder a few years back.
Very likely but I am not proud of it and it was when I was young and in a fight outside of the MA school and it is not a good memory and that is as much as I am going to say.

I will however talk about breaking my own ankle doing a Shaolin Staff form. Suffice to say I just didn't jump high enough and much to my surprise you ankle can bend in the other direction.
I have broken opponents noses, collar bones, arms and cheek bones in the classroom. On the street I have always tried to not be around to find out if they had anything broken. Has always seemed better to not be there after, for varying reasons.
I don't think he meant to do it, sterre.

Your post sounded quite harsh. Accidents do happen. And he is a 4th degree black belt. He has been training a VERY long time.
Training did not used to be so controlled in the past as it is today.
i am sorry. I didn't realize it sounded so harsh. I hadn't looked at his profile and thought he was a begginner or something. I am sorry. Please excuse my careless behavior. I hadn't taken the time to read his profile. I thought he was one of the people that just wack everybody. He is high ranking so it makes sense that in his training he has accidentaly hurt several people. I am very sorry. Please except my apologies.
I once put my top student ( at the time) in the hospital and out of work by kicking him in the thigh and distroying his knee with the resulting mucsle contractions. Ligiments and tendons react funny sometimes under stress. I was and am not proud of hurting him but I did learn that a properly placed kick can do a lot of damage with little force. Accidents happen in most schools at one time or another and people get hurt. The harder one trains the more chance of something bad happening over the course of the years
Ouch. Worse injury I have ever because would probably be when I didn't realize that groin guards didn't keep out pain but rather help keep the groin intact. Me kicked an orange belt. Orange belt felt nauseous. Me didn't understand what the pain was. Me now do. Me feel guilty about that. Orange belt didn't pair up with me for month.

One of the guys I trained TKD seemed to have a "foot magnet" in his crotch.

Every time we got a new girl in class, she would kick him there.
I once put my top student ( at the time) in the hospital and out of work by kicking him in the thigh and distroying his knee with the resulting mucsle contractions. Ligiments and tendons react funny sometimes under stress. I was and am not proud of hurting him but I did learn that a properly placed kick can do a lot of damage with little force. Accidents happen in most schools at one time or another and people get hurt. The harder one trains the more chance of something bad happening over the course of the years

That's why I've always avoided training / competing in arts and competitions that allow kick contact below the waist.

If you can kick waist high or higher, dropping kick to thigh or knee is easy enough (we still do air-kicks at those target levels).

But absorbing kicks at that level? No thanks. I LIKE my ligaments, tendons and joints in my legs they way they are: uninjured.

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