Someones corn flakes had the secret ingredient huh?
Interesting how you can so easily dismiss the barbaric actions of Americans as being in the past and insist on the NOW. Well...right NOW there are individuals being held, without charge, without access to legal council, without access to Red Cross representatives by the US Government in Cuba. Right NOW someone in Iraq is eating dirt after taking a rifle butt to the mouth for not obeying an order from a US soldier. (Didn't matter that he didn't understand english). Right now, there are those Americans who are abusing their power and those under their control. Right NOW Paul. I realize that the events of 10 years ago are almost a lifetime to a culture to whom the microwave takes too long to warm their tea, but its not a long time.
You haven't refuted my points, you have blured them.
You ask what others have done....what have -YOU- done?
You can point at your badge and say "I'm a cop. I save lives. I protect and serve."
So were the guys who beat Rodney King. So was that bastard in Orleans County. So was the NYC cop who shoved the objects in a prisoners rectum.
Don't whine about an internet boards setup...things on here are for recreation sake. Don't like it, don't play. Theres thousands of other boards out there.
I have incredible respect for those in the military, and law enforcement. Theirs is a thankless task, dealing with horrors I hope to personally never encounter. There are heros in there...and there are zeros as well. Which are you? What are -you- doing to fix the problems?
The question is....which problems are you trying to fix?
Racial Profiling is alive and well in WNY. Folks may not be run outta the neighborhoods...but they sure are pulled over alot in certain WNY communities.
As to the comment "RELATIVE to other countries, we aren't doing so bad if you COMPARE our treatment of civilians"...well..that is all a matter of opinion. I'm sure that while the FBI was busy burning them alive, the Branch Davidians didn't think "Thank God its Americans doing this and not those damn Nazis." I'm also pretty certain the retarded inmate wasn't thinking "Glad I'm in NY. Having my penis stepped on and abused like this would hurt so much worse in a 3rd world nation."
You ask what I am doing....I am opening my mouth and spreading the word. I am attempting to present multiple sides of arguments, to help encourage people to think for themselves. I realize that sometimes, I'm way off base...hell, sometimes, I'll argue a side I don't agree on, simply to make others -think-.
-THAT- in my opinion, is what makes the -idea- of America something special...that we can think for ourselves, if only we can find the data we need to do so... That can be our greatest gift to the world that lacks such a wonder.
Its interesting to note that all of us debating and arguing in this thread...we all agree and disagree with each other at certain points. Both Robert Robertson and myself have been both on different sides and the same side and complimentary sides of various debates. You and I Paul...same thing. -Thats my America- Where we can do that, and not yet have to worry about a bullet to the head.
You ask what I am doing.... I'm providing the forum where you can speak your mind, without fear of censorship. (Provided of course you follow the basic rules.) Is that a contradiction? No. Every debate must have rules. You can (and have) taken me to task, forced me to think, to research, to discover. If I have done that to anyone here...made them take 1 moment and reach...then I have made a difference, and -that- is my purpose here.
I can't change the past. I can't in a moment steer the ship of state (which steers like a drunken cow thats eaten alot of lead), but I can create a ripple...and ripples can become waves.
What am I doing? I'm speaking up, and out. My opinions are out there, in public. Not hidden away lest they be heard by the SS. (My 3 cats will purr those cheep suits into a fuzzy shedded oblivion in my defence....I swear I heard them say that...or was it "feed us"...hard to tell...anyone here speak cat?)
So, Paul....what are you going to do to change things? To free the illegally held captives, to stop the attrocities, to right the wrongs? Or do you believe that those sitting captive, without being charged with any crime, without legal representation, without outside contact since 9/12/01 deserve it?
We can pat ourselves on the back and lie, but the truth is, the US isn't -that- much better than so many others in the human rights department.
For the record...I do try to buy American, and support local businesses, and organic foods wherever possible. I tend to do most of my own cooking, and research many of the products I buy. I won't buy a Dell because they shipped much of their support to India for example. the ability to scream "Down with Adolph Bush" and not worry (too much) about dissapearing tomorow...or being found dead, on a train trak, with your hands tied behind your back, throat slashed, gun shot to the head, no blood left in your body...and have it ruled a suicide. (Clinton-WhiteWater...look it up...)
Now, we can go ding each other with the rep system, we can argue here, or we can add our voices to what we believe in 'out there' in the real world. Maybe we make a difference, maybe not. Me, I think I make a difference..small as it may be....
Time will tell if I'm right.
Interesting how you can so easily dismiss the barbaric actions of Americans as being in the past and insist on the NOW. Well...right NOW there are individuals being held, without charge, without access to legal council, without access to Red Cross representatives by the US Government in Cuba. Right NOW someone in Iraq is eating dirt after taking a rifle butt to the mouth for not obeying an order from a US soldier. (Didn't matter that he didn't understand english). Right now, there are those Americans who are abusing their power and those under their control. Right NOW Paul. I realize that the events of 10 years ago are almost a lifetime to a culture to whom the microwave takes too long to warm their tea, but its not a long time.
You haven't refuted my points, you have blured them.
You ask what others have done....what have -YOU- done?
You can point at your badge and say "I'm a cop. I save lives. I protect and serve."
So were the guys who beat Rodney King. So was that bastard in Orleans County. So was the NYC cop who shoved the objects in a prisoners rectum.
Don't whine about an internet boards setup...things on here are for recreation sake. Don't like it, don't play. Theres thousands of other boards out there.
I have incredible respect for those in the military, and law enforcement. Theirs is a thankless task, dealing with horrors I hope to personally never encounter. There are heros in there...and there are zeros as well. Which are you? What are -you- doing to fix the problems?
The question is....which problems are you trying to fix?
Racial Profiling is alive and well in WNY. Folks may not be run outta the neighborhoods...but they sure are pulled over alot in certain WNY communities.
As to the comment "RELATIVE to other countries, we aren't doing so bad if you COMPARE our treatment of civilians"...well..that is all a matter of opinion. I'm sure that while the FBI was busy burning them alive, the Branch Davidians didn't think "Thank God its Americans doing this and not those damn Nazis." I'm also pretty certain the retarded inmate wasn't thinking "Glad I'm in NY. Having my penis stepped on and abused like this would hurt so much worse in a 3rd world nation."
You ask what I am doing....I am opening my mouth and spreading the word. I am attempting to present multiple sides of arguments, to help encourage people to think for themselves. I realize that sometimes, I'm way off base...hell, sometimes, I'll argue a side I don't agree on, simply to make others -think-.
-THAT- in my opinion, is what makes the -idea- of America something special...that we can think for ourselves, if only we can find the data we need to do so... That can be our greatest gift to the world that lacks such a wonder.
Its interesting to note that all of us debating and arguing in this thread...we all agree and disagree with each other at certain points. Both Robert Robertson and myself have been both on different sides and the same side and complimentary sides of various debates. You and I Paul...same thing. -Thats my America- Where we can do that, and not yet have to worry about a bullet to the head.
You ask what I am doing.... I'm providing the forum where you can speak your mind, without fear of censorship. (Provided of course you follow the basic rules.) Is that a contradiction? No. Every debate must have rules. You can (and have) taken me to task, forced me to think, to research, to discover. If I have done that to anyone here...made them take 1 moment and reach...then I have made a difference, and -that- is my purpose here.
I can't change the past. I can't in a moment steer the ship of state (which steers like a drunken cow thats eaten alot of lead), but I can create a ripple...and ripples can become waves.
What am I doing? I'm speaking up, and out. My opinions are out there, in public. Not hidden away lest they be heard by the SS. (My 3 cats will purr those cheep suits into a fuzzy shedded oblivion in my defence....I swear I heard them say that...or was it "feed us"...hard to tell...anyone here speak cat?)

So, Paul....what are you going to do to change things? To free the illegally held captives, to stop the attrocities, to right the wrongs? Or do you believe that those sitting captive, without being charged with any crime, without legal representation, without outside contact since 9/12/01 deserve it?
We can pat ourselves on the back and lie, but the truth is, the US isn't -that- much better than so many others in the human rights department.
For the record...I do try to buy American, and support local businesses, and organic foods wherever possible. I tend to do most of my own cooking, and research many of the products I buy. I won't buy a Dell because they shipped much of their support to India for example. the ability to scream "Down with Adolph Bush" and not worry (too much) about dissapearing tomorow...or being found dead, on a train trak, with your hands tied behind your back, throat slashed, gun shot to the head, no blood left in your body...and have it ruled a suicide. (Clinton-WhiteWater...look it up...)
Now, we can go ding each other with the rep system, we can argue here, or we can add our voices to what we believe in 'out there' in the real world. Maybe we make a difference, maybe not. Me, I think I make a difference..small as it may be....
Time will tell if I'm right.