Evaluating Iraq

michaeledward said:
Yes, I heard that. I am looking forward to a more clear statement concerning what information the Russian Security Agency might have had. Certainly, this could have a significant impact on the Adminstrations plans to invade Iraq. It is interesting to note that even with that knowledge, Russia continued to oppose the war in Iraq. I wonder if that says anything about the credibility of the intelligence.

I think back to the arguments Secretary of State Powell made before the United Nations, and I don't recall any of his arguments being supported by Russian intelligence. Of course, most of his claims were unsourced, so it is difficult to tell. Reviewing the arguments put forth by Powell, most (if not all) are still unproven.


Yes, I agree. It seems their secrecy is a double-edged sword.
michaeledward said:
Yes, I heard that. I am looking forward to a more clear statement concerning what information the Russian Security Agency might have had. Certainly, this could have a significant impact on the Adminstrations plans to invade Iraq. It is interesting to note that even with that knowledge, Russia continued to oppose the war in Iraq. I wonder if that says anything about the credibility of the intelligence.

I think back to the arguments Secretary of State Powell made before the United Nations, and I don't recall any of his arguments being supported by Russian intelligence. Of course, most of his claims were unsourced, so it is difficult to tell. Reviewing the arguments put forth by Powell, most (if not all) are still unproven.

MisterMike said:
Yes, I agree. It seems their secrecy is a double-edged sword.
Well, this should solve that whole Global Warming thing ... MisterMike and I agreeing on something (other than Ghostbuster references). Hell Freezing over will certain stomp out any of the nasty fossil fuel emmissions easily.

This just in:

altercation.msnbc.com said:
Transcript, CNBC’s “Capital Report,” June 17, 2004

Gloria Borger: “Well, let’s get to Mohammed Atta for a minute, because you mentioned him as well. You have said in the past that it was quote, “pretty well confirmed.”

Vice President Cheney: No, I never said that.


Vice Pres. CHENEY: Never said that.

BORGER: I think that is...

Vice Pres. CHENEY: Absolutely not.

Transcript, NBC’s “Meet the Press,” December 9, 2001.

Vice-President Cheney: “It’s been pretty well confirmed that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April.”


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