Energy striking!


Blue Belt
Hi everyone just wondered what other people's thoughts on energy striking are. My teacher who has trained for many years can strike without actually putting much effort in and still have a very effective strike, with any body part, which feels very different to just being hit hard with power. He says it is down to putting energy into the strike and actually demonstrates by hitting slowly and from a short distance to show that it isnt just muscular power providing the power for the strike. When speed and power are combined with energy its very effective and feels like a deep penetrating iron bar. I know thats a bit of a rubbish analogy but get the idea hopefully!

He says its all about focus and to strike in this way it helps if you can visualise something when you first start hitting like this for example fire or flaming dice etc which you sort of imagine throwing into the persons body. I have experienced this sort of strike on me in various places and seen it very effectively demonstrated on other students including the black belts who have trained for longer than my 5 yrs. so have built up a higher level of pain resistance! So anyhow was just wondering what everyone else thought about this sort of thing and training to be able to strike in this way. I have found that with enough thought and focus i am beginning to be able to have some results hitting in this way but would definitely be interested in everyone else opinions.

Ok thanks everyone.
Hi pete

What is Ninjutsu based CQB, can you expand and who teaches you, I've never heard of that one, I'm 'down the road in Gloucester'

And do you mean using internal power to strike or just using Taijutsu?
I agree.

I've found that strikes feel much more effective - giving and receiving (ouch!) - when they have a lot of good taijutsu behind them, such as accuracy, angle, relaxed delivery, focused intention, etc.

It sounds like that focused intention part is what is meant by "energy."
yeah intention is another word used to describe it. anyway you know what i'm talking about then..i have only trained with my teacher as far as ninjutsu goes so i dont know really how other schools teach that sort of thing.
the reason i referred to it as cqb is because my teacher although primarily based in ninjutsu has trained in other arts, bodyguarding etc and has tried to combine them into a refined version of ninjutsu, maybe more of a street style, he prefers it to be called cqb as its slightly different from tradional ninjutsu.
Anyhow i find energy/intention striking interesting personally, still don't really understand how it works though...just know it hurts!
We train at a school gym, don't have a website although we are thinking of making one and have been talking about it recently.
Main training night is monday night 7.30-9.30.

We've got some training clips recorded so would be good to put them online. Anyhow if u ever fancy coming along, just call 07775916889. Once in derby its easy to find but u can get more information about it by calling if you want. Always welcome new members/ guests/training partners!
swiftpete said:
We've got some training clips recorded so would be good to put them online.
You should talk to Kaith Rustaz here at MT, we could always use good video clips of various arts here on MT!
by browsing about i've actually managed to find some footage of masaaki hatsumi at a seminar demonstrating some techniques. i'm posting it on the main ninjutsu board so take a look.