Big Muscles = Big Damage or what?

very good question. depending on the strike, it could. same with joint locks. but for the most part with the laterit gives the locker (not the lockee) an edge. large muscles tend to be stiff (not plyable). there fore joint locks can be done easier
are you striking a pressure point or just hitting a general location? If you are striking a pressure point it will hurt a lot more then just simply hitting a larger general location, if you are going to strike in the bicep area I reccomend LI-13 on the radiel nerve, dont care how big you are it will hurt alot, dont confuse hitting with striking, hitting is just that, striking is pinpointing a specific point and creating a specific response. ehh food for thought
very good question. depending on the strike, it could. same with joint locks. but for the most part with the laterit gives the locker (not the lockee) an edge. large muscles tend to be stiff (not plyable). there fore joint locks can be done easier

Again, it depends. A big guy can be a lot harder to get into a lock, and he can get out of it more easily than a smaller guy as well.
What are peoples thoughts on this?

I'd agree with Adept. The muscle acts like a shock absorber. I'm assuming here you're hitting the belly of the muscle, where training makes a greater size difference. Josh had a good point too that a flexed bicep can take greater punishment than one that is relaxed.

Muscle functions as armor when it comes to percussive techniques. If I place two people of equal height and bone structure next to one another...yet their size difference due to weight training is significant...the one with the bigger muscles will likely weather a strike to the torso or bicep better than the one without them. The difference becomes marked when one is a steroid infused monster (pictured above) and the other a pencil necked geek (I'm thinking Alan Colmes here).

There are other factors to consider, of course, whether the person can take the shot. But when it comes down to damage assessment I'd place my money on the bigger guy.

That old myth that size and strength don't make a difference in the martial arts still exists. It can make a tremendous difference, and usually does.


We were doing a bicep strike with the punio of the guda at the time and wondered if you would cause more damage hitting a very muscular bicep such as someone would have if they really got stuck into the weights or whether a bicep that was very sinuous would have more pain and/or destruction caused due to the ability to crush the muscle into the bone.

What are peoples thoughts on this?
I'm not sure if you could actually cause damage, that would be based on how much of your mass is hitting his mass.

I know you can cause a pain reaction if the muscle in unflexed.

The Musculocutaneous Nerve is not very deep under the surface of the muscle, so it shouldn't matter the sized of the bicep, a strike will cause pain.

If you take someone that isn't heavily muscled and hit their bicep with a stick.....the the tissue will get slammed against the humerus as if you were smashing it between 2 sticks.
If you look at the picture Nevada MO Guy posted, you will notice another muscle beneath biceps brachii, the brachialis. This muscle is the major flexor of the forearm, when the forearm is in a flexed position, even slightly without load, the musculocutaneous nerve sits there in it's armoured glory, being cushioned by both flexors.

Will it hurt a bit if you hit it?
you betcha, but in a highly muscled person, not as much I would think.

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