Phoenix44 said:I'm trying to understand your viewpoint. I honestly feel that our number one priority right now is to oust this greedy, dishonest, repressive, bellicose regime...we can deal with the nuances on 11/3.
I strongly believe that after all the dust settles, that we will have at least 4 more years of the Bush regime. Call me paranoid, call me nuts, hell, call me anything but late for dinner.

Now, lets say for a moment that I am dead wrong, and Kerry wins, is sworn in, and GW moved outta that lil white house in DC.
So what?
Kerry still will have to face a hostile congress and court. He lacks the credibility and in my opinion ability to truely dig us out of this mess, and I'll be honest, why would he really want to?
Both the Dems and the Reps are so similar it is scary. They say the same things, just a little bit different. The debates were rigged, hell there -were- no debates, just memorized responces to questions they knew about well in advance.
If I was, let's say, a Green Party supporter right now, I'd vote for the major party candidate who is closer to my stance--Kerry--vote out the current anti-environmental administration, give my time and money to the Green Party immediately after the election, and start applying pressure to the new administration to be more pro-environment. I'd be looking toward 2008 immediately.
Why do you feel that they "may not have the ability to wage the fight come 2008"? There have been third parties for many, many years.
If they do not maintain X number of votes, they lose the ability to be automatically included on the next ballot. This will require them to do more leg work, spend more money, etc that would be much better used to get their message out.
Why do both the Reps and Dems have war chests of 300 MILLION while the Libs are struggling with less than $100,000? The deck is stacked against the third parties and unless "We The People" throw our voices behind them, they will never be able to overtake and then defeat the "Big 2".
As a matter of fact, I AM kinda green...I grow my own organic vegetables, compost, recycle, drive a very economical car, and I'm in the process of investigating alternative fuel for my home. But I am NOT voting for Nader...not in this election.
I'd vote for Cobb before I vote for Nader. Cobbs on more ballots I believe.