Effects of The Killing Of Bin Laden

not directly, no, not to my way of thinking.

you cant win a war if you are too busy worrying about hurting people's feelings in the process

You can't win a war if you are chasing the wrong people either. If you victimise Sikhs you face making allies into enemies, not the brightest of moves.
You also don't seek to alienate the people who are not currently your enemy. The 99% of Muslims who aren't out to get us. You don't go soft, but you do show respect for them. This system worked in Iraq. If it hadn't, we would have been over run as entire towns went ballistic.

Target the enemy. Target their support. Target their suppliers. Target their training camps. But don't stoop to their levels. By not being like them, you increase the probability that their own recruitment pools will dry up. Every Iraqi knows, 1 JDAM and the mosque where the enemy hid would be a crater. By not doing that, you prevent many on the fence from leaping to the enemys aid.

Over simplifying here as I'm pressed for time right now.
bob is, while being a jerk(i love ya, but you are a ......luddite about national security issues), right about one thing, the threat almost never looks like a threat. But the threat? it IS a muslim

no, not all muslims

but it wasnt Quakers protesting around the world promising revenge last week now was it?

Your paranoia betrays you and we are NOT laughing with you, deal
in all probabiliity, the threat that you see isnt the one you should be worried about, i agree, but your harsh condemnation of the pilot i cannot support.

I think he was right, better safe than sorry, and the thing is, it isnt biggoted to be worried about muslims since the last time i checked the MUSLIMS WERE THE ONES FLYING PLANES INTO BUILDINGS

Calm yourself, your indignation stinks of poo. I knew someone with the misfortune of being on the first plane into the towers, and I havent lost my perspective, whats your claim, big fella? None? Paranoia? Ignorance?
so..since 93, aside from ONE big one (Ok city) and some abortion clinics, almost every single terrorist attack has been from a muslim.

but we shouldnt worry about them.....right?

OK City and abortion clinics commited by right wing fanatics, the mirror calls
oh zip it scott, the pilot has a responsibility to the passengers to make sure they are SAFE
Blow it out your ***, Fisty. Presumably your TSA morons already did that. If pilots are permitted to make that kind of call then there is no use for the TSA.

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