First of all, I will concede that if I were a LEO or in the military, I would want the experienced person, depending on who they are and what they know, by my side too. It would have little to do with hand-to-hand combatives skill, and would have more to do with the other knowledge they have. This still doesn't make experience a nessecity, but I do see what you mean when coming from a military/LEO perspective.
Paul M.
First of all, don't be a Kashino and fault me for "having the last word." Thats not fair, considering that you posed questions to me and comments that warrant explaination on my part.
#1. I am not trying to discredit you or Tim K in saying that you are bad people, or you have ill motives, or whatever. I AM
questioning you motives and behavior though. There is a difference. I am saying that it SEEMS that both have A. an inability to being able to admit that you might be wrong, B. an aversion to being able to admit that someone else (particularly me) might be correct, and C. an inclination to try to elevate yourselves through various methods. This behavior would be fitting with a psychological need to be better then others. And a psychological need to elevate oneself implies a short coming in other areas, whether technical or otherwise. I know that this comes across as disrespectful and insulting, and I do apoligize for that. Unfortunatily, I don't know another way to be frank about what I think might be going on here. I either have to sacrifice honesty for politeness, or vice versa. I choose to sacrifice politeness. Now, am I saying that all these things are "fact" I don't know if this is what is occuring or not, but it sure does seem that some shady motives are in place here. I am trying to figure it out.
#2. You thinking that experience is "nessecary" does convienently suit the pathology of "I'm better" given that you can try to lay claims to "experience" with a military background. It does make me question your motives in your refusal to even see my arguement as a valid one, even if you don't agree with my downplay of experience. Yet, I am not saying, "Of course you'd argue experience is a necessity, you have it, so your arguement must be wrong." If I was saying that, then yes, I'd be guilty of logical falacy. I can question your motive to understand why you'd stand by a losing arguement so ademently, but I must recognize that your arguement isn't a losing one BECAUSE of your motive. Like credability, motive doesn't make an arguement right or wrong. I have understood this all along, hence why I am not the one guilty of falacy here.
#3. You can try to "defame" me all you want by drawing attention to my signature lines or past behavior, but the FACT is that you don't know how I interact with my students or how I act on the training floor (outside the symposium, but we weren't really able to interact much there) to be able to say that I am "setting a bad example".
But, I can admit when you are right, because I don't have the patholigy where I have to be "right" all the time. I may be very blunt and vocal, but that doesn't mean that I am not here to gain insight and to learn. Having said that, I'll say that you have a valid point about my signature lines. I am only screwing around with them, yet someone may get the wrong idea. As I said previously, as soon as I figure out what to change them too, I plan to change them. :asian:
#4. Hey, in regards to your military experience, I respect your honesty and the fact that you have been very candid about your duty. I also respect what you do even if it is behind a desk; your serving your country and that's what is important, and you are not lieing about your service and that is very respectful. My "desk jockey" comment was not a shot at you at all, nor were any of my other comments a shot at your military record. I respect your honesty in this manner, and I respect that you have been able to serve our country. My respect for service extends to Tim K. as well. As much as you guys can piss me off at times, this doesn't mean that I disregard or disrespect the fact that you are serving our country. Thanks again for your should be proud of your service!
#5. When I gave my disclaimer about my own personal experience, I stated that it wasn't directed at anyone in particular, but that I was just "disclaiming" it. This was true, however, I KNEW that some idiot was going to try to say how my arguement points to my "lack of experience," I just didn't know which idiot. Low and behold, I was correct. I said, it must be that tin hat.... :viking3:
#6. I wasn't baiting you by asking about "fighter experience" so I could "pounce" if you gave the "wrong answer." I honestly wanted to know what people thought about the subject, because it is a subject that is taken for granted in the self-defense business. I got various opinions, and some opinions didn't match my own (in fact many did until I could explain my position). Even one of my friend/peers in Balintawak (Toasty) came in and disagreed with me, at least at first. No big deal, but I stated the logic and facts behind my opinion. Instead of "good point, I understand what your saying" or "wow I never thought of that" or even just a good logical arguement to counter what I am saying, I got all kinds of crap and flames because God forbid I question you or Tim K's all knowing authority(I am being facesious, but that's the impression). And YOU have been insistant that I am the one holding a grudge, yet you are the one who backed me into a corner by rehashing old flames and problems. All of this makes me wonder about your motives when you talk with me. It makes me "feel" that you and certian others are "out to stick it to me" with all that is going on.
So anyways, unless more is brought up that warrants discussion, I am going to back off of this one now that I have said my piece. I am the type of person who can have a knock down drag out arguement with a friend, and have a beer with them later. Yet, this seems to be getting too personal, and feelings are going to get hurt if they haven't been hurt already. Just understand that my arguement regarding experience still stands strong. Also, understand that because of the way things have been going when we talk, I do question your motives sometimes (same goes with Tim K).
With that, I'll leave it the mods to lock the thread to prevent future flames, or I'll leave it to someone to change the subject to a more relevent topic.
Thank you,