But a totally valid opinion. Your experience is identical to mine in many ways although you are probably further along the path.My own studies are taking the examples of aikido and finding movement similarity to karate technique, using the small circle technique I was shown. (BTW the idea of small circle is my own explanation of what his technique does.) Aikido is not a montholic practice.
As a result of my studies I don't see aikido as a way to avoid fighting, rather as an efficient choice to end conflict most suddenly so there is no chance of a fight.
just an opinion,
I always felt there was something lacking in the style of Japanese Goju I was practising and eventually that lead to me changing over to the Okinawan form. Aikido techniques and principles are everywhere in the classic kata once you start looking.
I enjoyed your blog but haven't had time yet to really explore it in depth. You have obviously put an enormous effort into your research. Thank you for sharing it.
Can I just say though, although ikkyo is among the first things you learn in aikido, against a resisting opponent, without atemi, it is one of the hardest moves to achieve. I reckon when I master ikkyo, I will have mastered aikido! :asian: