The three terrorists, that's right 3, broke and spilled their information. Other harsh techniques were used against the guys in gitmo and they also revealed info. There are a lot of ways to interogate and each case is different. Should real torture ever be used by the U.S., no. Waterboarding as one technique to be used by the judgement of trained professional interrogaters, yes. KSM was waterboarded and we used that intel to eventually track down Bin laden. The new guidelines in the army manual would be ineffective against hardened terrorists trained to resist. It might take years to slowly get the information out of them by building relationships with them. We have men and women overseas on the front lines who may not have years to wait for that intel. We just captured some Imams here in the states who have been giving money to the Pakistani taliban. They were captured here, so they should not be interrogated as enemy combatants on the battlefield. They are alleged to have broken the law, so they get their miranda rights and a lawyer and no enhanced interrogation.