Should older drivers automatically loose their liscence?;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MjBwMWtkBHNlYwM3MTg-

While I don't think that they should automatically no longer be allowed to drive, I do support further restrictions, like additional and more often testing....

The last part of the article brought up a good point, talking about young drivers. Is it right to retest an 80 yo driver if they crash, and not retest a 17 yo driver? I'd say that if anyone, regardless of age, is showing a pattern of MVAs, then retesting should be automatic.
I don't know about your neck of the woods...

But here in VA, I can and have referred people to DMV for retesting, medical examination or vision tests

Same here..

jks9199 said:
When I was in patrol, I think I led the department for several years in sending DMV evaluation forms in

Yes. People should get retested after a certain age.

Here is the biggest problem with that statement though..

One will be an incredible arguement about "Certain" age and what that would be. (Age discrimination they come)

and secondly and probably more realistic...

Let's face it...trying to even INTRODUCE a law like this is an immediate death sentance for the politician who brings this up.
The AARP lobby and the the sheer number of older voters would make sure this does not get anywhere. Sad but true.
Yes. People should get retested after a certain age.

Here is the biggest problem with that statement though..

One will be an incredible arguement about "Certain" age and what that would be. (Age discrimination they come)

and secondly and probably more realistic...

Let's face it...trying to even INTRODUCE a law like this is an immediate death sentance for the politician who brings this up.
The AARP lobby and the the sheer number of older voters would make sure this does not get anywhere. Sad but true.

Yep, very sad but TRUE...
The last part of the article brought up a good point, talking about young drivers. Is it right to retest an 80 yo driver if they crash, and not retest a 17 yo driver? I'd say that if anyone, regardless of age, is showing a pattern of MVAs, then retesting should be automatic.
I'm not going to run through the entire Driver Improvement Program in VA here (you can find it for yourself at -- but drivers under 18 go through a graduated licensing with limits on the number of passengers and a night-time driving curfew between midnight and 4 AM. Attendance at a driver improvement clinic is mandatory with the first traffic violation under age 20 (in VA, the court cannot allow someone to attend traffic school in lieu of conviction or points; I know they can in other states), and 2 violations before they're 18 will cost them their license until they're 18. Anybody who's driving record shows recent convictions gets to retake the knowledge test, as I understand it.

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