Hey Kirk.
Sure they were. Just because the credentials lack legitimacy doesn't mean they're not credentials. The confusion that this creates is a direct result of the whole point behind credentials. Credentials are given out so that other people don't have to go through the laborious and time consuming process of trying to figure out if the credentialed individual actually has any skill in what the credential accredits.
No, I'm going to stick with "not credentialed". Mainly as the credentials they claim were not given out by anyone… they were simply given to themselves, or just claimed (with no backup). To recap, we're discussing William Durbin, self proclaimed "Soke" of "Kiyojute Ryu Kempo", a system based in the teachings of persons known to be frauds, with a healthy dose of Koga Ryu Ninjutsu (and many unsubstantiated claims regarding it), with much of their "history" being completely fabricated, and at odds with reality. We're also discussing one Steven Cunningham… who claims a 6th Dan in Judo as part of his credentials… but no-one can remember him getting past a Shodan. To explain why his judo methods look so different (not Judo) to so many others, particularly high ranking ones, he came up with the story of receiving kuden (oral teachings) specially, and uniquely, when at the Kodokan in Japan… except he is remembered by exactly no-one there at any time at all. To then further bolster his credibility, he started claiming to teach an old system of Jujutsu, known at Takagi Ryu… with no connection to any of the known branches of Takagi Ryu in Japan… and no clear link to any teacher at all.
So, when we look at two people who have made up their own "credentials", I'm going to class that as not actually credentialed at all… I'm sure you can see why. Otherwise I might as well walk into a doctors office and claim to have completed medical school… and am therefore credentialed!
That's why Universities award Degrees and Doctorates and it's why Microsoft, Red Hat, and CompTIA award certificates. The problem arises when someone doesn't know that the credentialing body has no legitimacy. It's not as if the bogus credentialing agencies are titled, "Billy-Bob's pseudo-Martial Arts rank-by-mail and Lard Rendering Factory." It's not always any easier to vette a credentialing organization than it is to vette a person's skills and lineage independent of credentials.
Agreed. But even then, we have a link back to a disreputable source for the credentials… they still came from outside of the "credentialed" person themselves. That's not what we have in these cases.
This is why people get fake credentials or claim credentials which they didn't earn or do not actually exist; so that they can gather an "aire of legitimacy" by capitalizing on the confusion and convolution of what organizations, arts, lineages, and titles are actually "legitimate."
That's more like it.
Do most hombu/home-offices do detailed instructor-student lineage searches for free? I honestly don't know, never having tried to get one done. I assume that they wouldn't. I know I wouldn't.
Eh, most Koryu that I know are fairly open to serious researchers… but the thing is, it didn't even need that level of research. Simply googling the history of each art in turn will show whether or not there are common connections… which would quickly show that there isn't one. Especially in the way that TSDTexan set out.
Yeah, this one threw me a bit too. What more than "oral and written history" can you ask for? Video Cam footage maybe?
Yeah… it wasn't just that… it was more what exactly he "couldn't absolutely prove"… as well as my question as to what these materials were… as I highly doubt he's seen anything close the the total curriculum of at least a number of the ryu-ha he's discussed. Not that that was the main issue, of course…
I think he's saying that there wasn't any "closed door" or "secret" techniques taught, which is not true. Harrison wrote that when he studies Judo, circa 1911, that only Yudansha were taught Kappo/Katsu and only in private, closed door, lessons at the Sensei's home. He wrote that it was practiced by the new Shodans being choked out and then revived by the students being instructed.
Yeah, I'm not so sure… I mean, I don't have a clue what the "10th Gen [this is not the english word generation]" thing was about… or what closed door techniques had to do with anything… before we even get to whether he's talking about Daito Ryu, Takenouchi Ryu (both of which absolutely have "closed door" methods), Judo, BJJ, or who knows what…
I will caveat to say that it is nearly impossible to have secrete and closed door techniques now, in today's modern environment.
Not in Koryu, my friend… there are a number of aspects and methods of a range of ryu-ha that I have been highly privileged to be given a glimpse of that are certainly not anything you'll find in any book, on any video, on any website, or at any demo…
Hey, it's all Juijitsu anyway, right? <ducking>
Peace favor your sword,
See, I'm not sure if you're joking or not here… ha! Suffice to say, no, it's absolutely not "all jujutsu"… at all!
Yeah, this is more or less the point I was making in the original thread. TSDTexan's original source for his ideas was somebody online claiming expertise and credentials in historical Japanese arts. When TSDTexan tried to pass on those ideas, he was corrected by Chris, who is somebody else online claiming expertise and credentials in historical Japanese arts. (Chris probably has less impressive sounding credentials than whatever the other guy was claiming.) As it happens, Chris knows what he is talking about and the other guy doesn't. The problem is that TSDTexan isn't in a place to know that without doing further research on his own - which to his credit, he did. It doesn't really help for Chris to say - "trust me, I'm an expert and know what I'm talking about," because the flim-flam artists say the same thing.
Thing is, I didn't just say "no, wrong, trust me", I corrected, gave reasons the information was wrong, pointed out discrepancies, described my background and emphasis, had the verification and validation of my information from other members, and so on. I agree that I (and anyone else) shouldn't just be accepted on their word because we say so… but with all the other supporting aspects, more weight is applied. For the record, go to the "Joe Rogan" thread, page 3 onwards for the actual breakdown….