Dr John La Tourrette

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Somewhere in MT there was posted a video of some "magic hands" master that offered a $5000.00 purse if anybody could beat him...he got beat quickly much too the amusement of his circling power hands....that had made all his students fall over......Belief in something outside the realm of reality is just that....the Sioux really believed their enchanded bone breastplates would save them from the soldiers bullets...look what that got them...

so therefore no one has skills?

Is that your point?

I really don't get your point.

Clarify please.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
I've not a clue to who you are...but, "YOU ARE WELCOME!"

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
Ps. I think you have discovered "why" I do NOT post about this type of topic on this site or on it's sister site. But I do post about them on my own sites. It's the old biblical thing about casting pearls before swine...or as Dan Kennedy says, "attempting to teach a pig to sing".

Your exact words are above. The ones you attribute to Dan Kennedy were said long before he "borrowed" them. Of course, little of what he puts out is actually original.


I think that you must be sniffing your own above mentioned IQ...

...as far as I remember I made a quote of the biblical statement, "Not to cast pearls before swine", in the reference to "energy and it's various usuage in the martial arts" being rediculed and being received with derision and rude nothing comments...

...And since a few here that know NOTHING about energy, and refuse to look at the scientific verification of any such process, SPEAKING to those folk is METAPHORICALLY as useless as the above biblical expression.

If you think that above statement means 'you are a swine', my estimation of your IQ did just drop about 100 points...and I do apologize to you for your lack of understanding.

I personally believe you are a smart fellow, following the rules of this establishment, and attempting to redicule and embarrass with jokes and rude puns.

Maybe I'm not 'totally right'.

Now if someone was actually confused enough to believe I called them "swine", I did NOT mean that in a name calling way.

My sincere apologies.

With total respect,
Dr. John M. La Tourrette

I found your exact words and quoted them. I much prefer the piggies here, than the sheep there. Baaah. As to the rest, if you have reproducible and verifiable scientific evidence that your New Age mumbojumbo works, from reputable laboratories and think tanks, I might give it some consideration. But I don't give much credit to some guys playing with crystals they bought at the mall pointing fingers and making the Evil Eye and what not. I can get that at a Harry Potter fan club meeting. :rofl:

In all seriousness, what is the opinion of Stephen Barrett, M.D. on all the stuff you push? Maybe people should take a look at http://quackwatch.org/ before they hurt themselves.

Degree Mills
Your exact words are above. The ones you attribute to Dan Kennedy were said long before he "borrowed" them. Of course, little of what he puts out is actually original.

Mr. what-ever-your-name-is,

You just PROVED my point. You take everything OUT-OF-CONTEXT on purpose!

You are now attempting to "put down" Dan Kennedy.

Everything you state is mismatching statements of no value, twisting of the facts, and taking quotes out-of-context.

A metaphor quoted from the Bible is STILL A METAPHOR and is NEVER name calling.

Quoting Dan Kennedy about, "never attempt to teach a pig to sing" is still a valuable quote when taken in context. As you well know the rest of the quote is, "because no pig wants to sing and no one wants to hear a pig sing".

It is about making sure that the information matches the nitch it is aimed at. And you also know that my post was referencing how "energy" from the Traditional Chinese Medicine is called BS by some here, so "why post about it here".

It was NEVER about name calling (on my part) and you and any sane person knows that.

Grow up.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
Mr. what-ever-your-name-is,

You just PROVED my point. You take everything OUT-OF-CONTEXT on purpose!

You are now attempting to "put down" Dan Kennedy.

Everything you state is mismatching statements of no value, twisting of the facts, and taking quotes out-of-context.

A metaphor quoted from the Bible is STILL A METAPHOR and is NEVER name calling.

Quoting Dan Kennedy about, "never attempt to teach a pig to sing" is still a valuable quote when taken in context. As you well know the rest of the quote is, "because no pig wants to sing and no one wants to hear a pig sing".

It is about making sure that the information matches the nitch it is aimed at. And you also know that my post was referencing how "energy" from the Traditional Chinese Medicine is called BS by some here, so "why post about it here".

It was NEVER about name calling (on my part) and you and any sane person knows that.

Grow up.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
John John John John, may I call you John? Good :mrtoilet:

You quite clearly made a subtle comparison to those here and over at KenpoTalk who disagree with your ideas to swine. Anyone with more than a 25 IQ will see that. Just because something is in the Bible doesn't mean it can be used with impunity. Don't think I'm stupid just because I'm a fun loving lazy slacker surfer dude. So what if some here think Chi is BS? Some of us think Kenpo is BS and alot more people think you are BS. In fact, I've seen some epic threads about you elsewhere (Use Google people. Hint Hint, Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink, Know What I Mean?). This site has a section that is dedicated to such things as Chi/Ki/Qi. Post there, and lets see what the Real experts in such things have to say. No idea what's over at KenpoTalk as I've no interest. I didn't know it had an energy component. I thought it was all about buffets and smacking yourself around and getting promoted every time you jump orgs or just declaring yourself a GM with some paper from Kinkos. Oh and being a tough guy. "Have a nice Kenpo Day" and all that fluffer butter nutter. You seem annoyed you don't know my name. It's out there, and I was pissing off better people than you long before you even knew this site existed. If it's that important, you'll find it. Hey, pull the information out of my mind! Here, I'll think it real hard so it's energy echos through the multiverse. Randor:rofl: RandorAs to putting down Kennedy, John, I thought you were familiar with his work. He himself admitted the same thing in at least 2 of his books. Dude, you're dropping points here. :scratchy:

Here's my point for you. :btg:
What's your point about Quackwatch? The guys a closed minded butt head IMO. I looked up a few things there a while back and wasn't too impressed.
The JAMA links him as a reliable source of info to direct patients to.

The AMA has a longstanding policy of intolerance to any non-allopathic perspectives. Quackwatch uses not fact alone to make their points, but fact+innuendo+put downs+rhetorical techniques designed to commit intentional logical fallacies, in an attempt to discredit the topic of conversation. In short, they are every bit as bad as the "quacks" they watch.

The AMA has a longstanding policy of intolerance to any non-allopathic perspectives.

Not that that's a bad idea, as a rule of thumb. When an acupuncturist cures cancer or a homeopath cures COPD, call me.

But yes, historically they have been too quick to throw stones at things like osteopathy (which is now mostly allopathic in practice) despite the theoretical basis of their own system being somewhat shaky at the time too.

I might add that's it's amusing to see the way "Dr." continues to be thrown around here, in address and in signatures. (This isn't directed at Kembudo-Kai Kempoka in particular.) Physicians have a theory about that...the more one shouts it, the less likely it is to be a fully accurate description.

Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Please review our sniping policy http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/sho...d.php?p=427486. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
The AMA has a longstanding policy of intolerance to any non-allopathic perspectives. Quackwatch uses not fact alone to make their points, but fact+innuendo+put downs+rhetorical techniques designed to commit intentional logical fallacies, in an attempt to discredit the topic of conversation. In short, they are every bit as bad as the "quacks" they watch.


Not that Dr. Dave needs my help to defend himself, but for crying out loud...http://www.dukeintegrativemedicine.org/about/philosophy.aspx

Duke has been doing this since 2000. Are you telling me that a university like Duke has so lost its way in educating the future doctors that it ought to be put on quackwatch. I mean an M.D. prescribing yoga...someone ought to pull his license...it's just not right...
Were you being sarcastic? It was hard to tell. But if you were serious, I could see an MD validly prescribing yoga, in certain situations. The two questions that would come up are: 1)What's the guy an MD in, and 2)What is he trying to use yoga to treat? cancer, or back problems?

Depending on the situation, yoga could be just the right thing to treat certain issues.
Were you being sarcastic? It was hard to tell. But if you were serious, I could see an MD validly prescribing yoga, in certain situations. The two questions that would come up are: 1)What's the guy an MD in, and 2)What is he trying to use yoga to treat? cancer, or back problems?

Depending on the situation, yoga could be just the right thing to treat certain issues.

Sarcasm. My point is many of these alternative and supposed 'pseudo-scientific treatments' are being promoted by prestigious medical schools; so, maybe it's not all rubbish after all.
The Quack at Quackwatch has a very obvious bias in his site, and seeks out those who will back his prejudice. There is good information there, you just have to be able to filter out the bull ****. I'm suddenly in a mood to work with cattle. I don't know why.
You quite clearly made a subtle comparison to those here and over at KenpoTalk who disagree with your ideas to swine. Anyone with more than a 25 IQ will see that. Just because something is in the Bible doesn't mean it can be used with impunity. Don't think I'm stupid just because I'm a fun loving lazy slacker surfer dude.

yeah, but anyone with more than a 125 IQ will understand the meaning of the metaphor. I don't think anyone knew you were a surfer dude until you mentioned it, their opinions are being formed based on your writing. You either don't understand the metaphor or are stubbornly trying to use it against him out of context... or both I suppose.

besides can something be 'quite clear' and subtle at the same time ??? LOL
so therefore no one has skills?

Is that your point?

I really don't get your point.

Clarify please.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
Frequently my communication is not received as it was intended, something my wife is so gracious to remind me of....
Maybe I didn't read correctly the post that prompted mine...What I meant to deliver in my message was my belief/thoughts on projecting energy enough that could disrupt an attacker from several feet away...I do believe in chi/ki whatever it may be called in the different languages. I just don't personally believe in the ability to "throw" energy at somebody 20' away and knock them down....I meant no disrespect.......If that was how I came across I do aplogize if it was received that way.
yeah, but anyone with more than a 125 IQ will understand the meaning of the metaphor. I don't think anyone knew you were a surfer dude until you mentioned it, their opinions are being formed based on your writing. You either don't understand the metaphor or are stubbornly trying to use it against him out of context... or both I suppose.

besides can something be 'quite clear' and subtle at the same time ??? LOL
There was more than the "biblical quote" there. I believe his exact words were these:

Originally Posted by Dr John M La Tourrette
I've not a clue to who you are...but, "YOU ARE WELCOME!"

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
Ps. I think you have discovered "why" I do NOT post about this type of topic on this site or on it's sister site. But I do post about them on my own sites. It's the old biblical thing about casting pearls before swine...or as Dan Kennedy says, "attempting to teach a pig to sing".
So there were lets see, one, oh and two comparisons of these site's members to Soke Porky's 4 legged cousins. Now, maybe I'm the only one here a bit annoyed at having a snake compare me to a pig, and maybe I'm just a bit thin skinned, and maybe I'm five words away from winning an exciting two weeks vacation in sunny tropical oblivionland, but sometimes you have to stand up, turn around, drop trowser and bare a shiny pink *** :moon: at an even bigger source of methane :fart:. So, if you get some mileage from :mrtoilet: and his voodoo, good for you. But some of us haven't been :toilclaw: by all the :bs: We've actually read through all the comments elsewhere, waded through the miles of :BSmeter: on those other sites and decided that we don't care.

Now if you'll excuse me, :redcaptur
use of the metaphors does not compare people to pigs. it compares giving information to people who don't want it to trying to feed pearls to pigs (or teach them to sing).

So he didn't comapre you to a pig, he compared your comprehension of what he was saying to a pig's comprehension of the value of a pearl.

Which, you know, is what I would be reacting to LOL. Pigs can't tell real pearls from fake...
Now, since the long departed OP here asked for information on Mr. John La Tourrette, I'll post a few questions, based on what I found elsewhere. Since he doesn't wade into waters that are openly hostile to him, preferring sites like this one and KenpoTalk where they tend to silence his critics, I'll post them, then shut up and let him answer. Give him a chance on friendly soil to clear the air a bit.

Accusation [/B - John La Tourrette's PHD is fake.
Reality: It is legit. It was issued when the issuer was an accredited university. They later lost their accedation or whatever it's called. That does not, to my knowledge invalidate his degree. Maybe one of the guysor dolls who got theirs from a regular still operating university can answer that.

This thread details much of the disgrace of the issuer.
Other links:
The ODA itself condemns CPU as unaccredited:

The GAO lists CPU as Diploma Mill:

Quackwatch describes how CPU was closed by court order:

and Wikipedia discusses CPUÂ’s fall from grace:

Then there is this pile of poo http://www.shamelessreviews.com/36/crud-of-the-month-october-2006/

Question#2 - John La Tourrette's associated with sleezebags
What is your relationship with Jim Knippenberg, and the courses "Secretly Seduce Her While She Sleeps" and "Doc's secret of how to be a Mafia hit man"

Question #3 - Why did you briefly stop using the PHD title back in 2006?

Question #4 - Is it true that you are "not a licensed health professional"? and if so, what gives you the right to pass on health related advice?

Question #5 - Why are you afraid to go to the Scam forums and that other crap hole one that's full of the "Bull" and refute their pages worth of accusations?

I'll shut up now, and let the big kahunamahuna speak.
use of the metaphors does not compare people to pigs. it compares giving information to people who don't want it to trying to feed pearls to pigs (or teach them to sing).

So he didn't comapre you to a pig, he compared your comprehension of what he was saying to a pig's comprehension of the value of a pearl.

Which, you know, is what I would be reacting to LOL. Pigs can't tell real pearls from fake...
Neither can most people. I find real pearls to be somewhat more salty than fake ones. It's the fake gold that annoys me the most.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator

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