Dr John La Tourrette

  • Thread starter Chicago Green Dragon
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The memorization part always starts on a non-resting uke so that the steps, Master Keys and targets can be learned at a slow speed.

But that is the FIRST step. There are MORE steps for Mastery.
Hello Dr. John.

You and I had our disagreements on KT, but I wanted to highlight this post and tell you I nodded when I read this. It is a highly devalued aspect to training by many of the younger pups today into non-traditionalist stuff. So important. Thanks for posting this.
I've not posted much here. I was spending my time with kenpotalk (I was their #1 poster this year with 2,500 approximate post) until I had a falling-out with their global moderator there. He thought I was not polite enough to him or some of his moderators. He privately told me I was "taunting the moderators" and it would NOT be tolerated.

Of course he was openly bad-mouthing my friend Al Tracy, because of his own hurts and agendas.


I am very busy since I came out of retirement last Jan 2007, but I still sit down at the computer and write a bit every evening when I can access a computer.

Thank you for welcoming me here.
Dr. John M. La Tourrette

Ugh....kenpo politics. :cool: I never understood it, and I never will. That is why I won't log into kenpo talk; even though there are good kenpo people out there with a unique perspective, I could never log on to someplace like kenpotalk. I just don't have time for the politics and weirdness that sometimes occurs in the martial arts world (not just kenpo, but everywhere). I have way more pressing issues to worry about (Like international terrorism for example).

Anyway; glad you are busy since your retirement, and glad you are here. I think you'll like it and find it a very welcoming place here. The staff does a good job in keeping conversations fair and professional. I don't have time for forums much anymore, so I am not all over the net; but I still post here because people tend to be very respectful even when they disagree with you. I think that everyone deserves that level of professional courtesy.

Well, welcome aboard. I'll look forward to reading your posts in the future.

Quite right, Crue - that's a rep-worthy post but sadly the Gnomes say "Nay!" at present so you must suffer the embarassment of public commendation :).
Dr. John,

I haven't posted here in a long time and am glad to see you posting here. One of my favorite martial arts books is "Mental Training Of A Warrior". After 20+ years of owning this book, I still read it from time to time.

Mr. Parker shared a nickname he had for John La Tourette once with my instructor....it was pretty funny..

You meant it as a slur, but Ed Parker got that name (Le toilette) from my wife back in 1975 (or there-abouts. Time goes so quickly when you are having fun).

Here's the story.

My long time friend Jim Mitchell was hosting an Ed Parker seminar in Bend OR and he invited me over from Boise to attend.

While both my wife and I were talking with Ed he mentioned that "La Tourrette" was a difficult name to remember". My wife replied, "Yes, when I met John, in my mind I said 'Le toilette' and that would bring to mind 'La Tourrette'".

Doctor Dave and I over at Kenpotalk had a good laugh about that also.

When Dave was researching and studying NLP Ed told him to give 'le toilette' a call because he knew that's one of the disciplines I'd studied. (I always sent Mr. Parker any new project I'd finished up until his death)

My wife meant that name in HUMOR. Ed Parker used that name in HUMOR. Doctor Dave used that name in HUMOR.

I personally use my real name.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
We Had a "Dr. Death" Brown belt study with us for a while. He didn't have any concept of anchoring your elbows for power and protection. My first thought was to call the system the "Partial Arts". However, I will admit that using that Brown Belt to judge a whole system is unfair. I would hate for people to judge K2000 by watching me move. :asian:


If you had a student up there in Spokane it was probably Steve Hirsch's student or Skip Hancock's student and NOT my student.

And if you heard that from Skip, who does NOT like me much, the story is probably tarnished.

And let me tell you a story.

I was in a bar in Garden City and I hear this loud mouth bullying others around the pool table. He was yelling, "Don't fxxxk with me. I'm a brown belt under Dr. La Tourrette"!

So I walk over and ask him, "who?"

His answer, "Dr. La Tourrette".

I told him, "That's funny. I'm John La Tourrette and I've never seen you before".

I've never seen a man vacate a premise so fast before.

Another story. I've seen a purple belt quit the studio, open up a video store, promote himself to black belt and then tell others that "Doc had promoted him". We had a nice little talk, Ed Parker style. He really did irritate me.

Dr. John M. La Tourrette
Ps. If anyone wants to know about a talk, "Ed Parker Style", just ask.
This is way off topic, however, I wanted to post this somewhere where John might see it and perhaps others will as well.

First off, I am about the least disciplined numb skull out there, but I have been viewing some of John's old tapes...kahuna warrior and such and I have actually done the drills on some of the stuff. I would greatly hope to see John update his tapes regarding energy/mind training. His knowledge about other discaplines is amazing and he has combined so many top skills.

An example for the people who think hitting others is cool. I've verified this works. I can trace back the meridians, unzip, and cause the blood to flow away from the brain without touching the person. The person can't talk and is disorientated without me even touching them. How would you like to go into a sanctioned sparring match with that kind of advantage.

Second off, John, thanks for recommending certain books in past tapes to help people. In example, I've started relatively recently to practice the "Fountain of Youth" exercises from Peter Kelder's book...Awesome results.

Third off, Please offer more tapes and etc. on the soft parts of martial arts and other mind and energy stuff. You obviously know more than probably anyone else on the planet about so many topics and can combine it all.

Finally, you have taught so much in your older tapes that has improved my life.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Best wishes!
I can trace back the meridians, unzip, and cause the blood to flow away from the brain without touching the person. The person can't talk and is disorientated without me even touching them.

Erm ... ahh ... never mind.

I'm sure you've had many a conversation on this subject before and nothing I say (or anyone else for that matter) will change anything.
Sukerkin, all you think you know about me is in your imagination. It's for good reason that practitioners are taught to "keep the secrets" at the end of each class/training. You have just reminded me of that.
Sukerkin, all you think you know about me is in your imagination. It's for good reason that practitioners are taught to "keep the secrets" at the end of each class/training. You have just reminded me of that.

Your personal shot at Sukerkin is unwarranted. You are the one who boasted of such an ncredible ability, it was not any member here trying to pry this 'secret' from you.

The martial arts are rife with fantastic claims.... which somehow melt when exposed to rigorous verification. I do not believe anyone can do what you claim, though you have managed to make my breakfast want to return.

No offense intended, best wishes and have it your way...
Erm ... ahh ... never mind.

I'm sure you've had many a conversation on this subject before and nothing I say (or anyone else for that matter) will change anything.

Uh Oh........

Originally Posted by ohmmmm
Sukerkin, all you think you know about me is in your imagination. It's for good reason that practitioners are taught to "keep the secrets" at the end of each class/training. You have just reminded me of that.

Your personal shot at Sukerkin is unwarranted. You are the one who boasted of such an ncredible ability, it was not any member here trying to pry this 'secret' from you.

The martial arts are rife with fantastic claims.... which somehow melt when exposed to rigorous verification. I do not believe anyone can do what you claim, though you have managed to make my breakfast want to return. .

Here we go again....
Is this where we strap in and hang on for the ride?

I thought it was more of a Strap On thing.

Magical Mind Powers. Gotta love these things.
Personally, I'm more of a Great Kahlua myself.
So, you "Unzip" do you? That sounds soooo kinky.
At what level can you mind blast me and make my eyes shoot out of my head, bounce off the far wall and land in the drink of that buxom gal over yonder? Now that is a trick I'd enjoy.

I've also mastered the No-Touch knock out and taken it to a level that Even the great Dillman himself can only fap about. You can stand 50 feet away from me, and without me touching you with any part of my body, I can not only knock you out, I can unbutton your shirt, unzip your pants, and tie your laces together.

I can teach you this secret skill for only $3,199. My satisfaction is guarenteed or TRIPLE your money back! Cash only please, in small bills. No checks and no checkers.

Act now, and I will send you my unique Mind Suck Defender Shield Array (tm), a $399 value, AbSoLuTeLy PoSiTiLuTeLy FrEe!1!1!

It's patented Platnuminim Power will shield your mind from Mind Suck while enhancing your Intelect. It's fashionable design will leave people speechless!

This is not your mom's aluminium foil hat, I tell you now!

I am beaming my client testiclmoniums into your head now, be not afraid!

Act Now! Stop Mind Sucking, Increase Your Mental Abilities and the size of my bank account TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sukerkin, all you think you know about me is in your imagination. It's for good reason that practitioners are taught to "keep the secrets" at the end of each class/training. You have just reminded me of that.

Well, you know, ohmmmm, what they say... the best way of keeping a secret is not to let people know you have a secret. So I'm going to help you (and I think the rest of us probably will as well!) by just going ahead and forgetting that you can... uh, what was it you said?... I forget.... damn, and it seemed so memorable at the time! :wink1:

I thought it was more of a Strap On thing.

Magical Mind Powers. Gotta love these things.
Personally, I'm more of a Great Kahlua myself.
So, you "Unzip" do you? That sounds soooo kinky.
At what level can you mind blast me and make my eyes shoot out of my head, bounce off the far wall and land in the drink of that buxom gal over yonder? Now that is a trick I'd enjoy.

I've also mastered the No-Touch knock out and taken it to a level that Even the great Dillman himself can only fap about. You can stand 50 feet away from me, and without me touching you with any part of my body, I can not only knock you out, I can unbutton your shirt, unzip your pants, and tie your laces together.

I can teach you this secret skill for only $3,199. My satisfaction is guarenteed or TRIPLE your money back! Cash only please, in small bills. No checks and no checkers.

Act now, and I will send you my unique Mind Suck Defender Shield Array (tm), a $399 value, AbSoLuTeLy PoSiTiLuTeLy FrEe!1!1!

It's patented Platnuminim Power will shield your mind from Mind Suck while enhancing your Intelect. It's fashionable design will leave people speechless!

This is not your mom's aluminium foil hat, I tell you now!

I am beaming my client testiclmoniums into your head now, be not afraid!

Act Now! Stop Mind Sucking, Increase Your Mental Abilities and the size of my bank account TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hell, TLL, why should you get my $3K+ when that guy... what's his name... is probably just aching to tell the rest of us for free how he can do... something... you know, I forget what it is...

damn, why the hell do I feel so... 'distorientated', is that it?... no, my Webster's Encyclopedic edition says that that means to build a church with the chancel not to the east... hell, I forget.... :lol:
Ah, the confusion technique....

Before the secret pops into our mind, we will forget it, but to do so, we have to forget to forget it otherwise it pops into our mind and then we have to forget it but then it's to late to forget. So we have to remember to forget before we remember to forget, but to remember to forget will cause us to remember. So, instead we have to forget to remember to forget.

I think it went about like that...LOL I love Bandler... Treating non-sense with non-sense... Bandler has a great mind...

Best wishes all. I'm not into this kind of banter.