Doesn't it annoy you when people say 'I missed' when you dodged?

I've allways used it as a way to judge a persons maturity. The mature self confident person says "excellent technique you made me miss" the immature person says "damn I missed you" without giving you your due for making them miss.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalksdazxvy
I don't know if this angry fellow is friend or not yet if he is a poor job of one. The anger isn't his problem, that can be controlled if he tries to control it. No he sounds disrespectful insulting someone is never excusable nor attacking out of rage. He punch and you dodged but oooh it missed. Yes it missed cause you dodged that's the whole point of the dodge. And if his punch is anything like his elbow strike he might end up hurting his hand more than his intended target. Anger problems is an excuse, he should know right and wrong
Whatever you do hopefully it is what is right. I met some people like this, there a dime a dozen
Best of luck

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