people snaping


3rd Black Belt
People gone nuts today

I was at my friends house just sitting playing a video game I must said something that made one guy over go over the edge.(Earlyer in the day I think something happend to him like ran in to some who went to school with and found out they did not like him) But he comes up and says ok u want to go to joeys well go there if you win the fist fight. Now i thought he was kidding cause he watches wrestling alot and i thought he was joking so i go alright brother (like hulk hogan says) But then he comes up and pushes me and i fall on the bed and he is slapping me I still think he is joking then I get up and he says if you want to go outside and finish this lets go I laugh and almost snap. First thing came to mind I give this kid a hard side kick to the knees then brake his knees and then beat the sit out of him but I thought he is my freind kinda and I could not do it Also I was wondering the legaly of it and what would happened but also I wonder if his parents could sue me even though he is almost 19 cause i had no way to walk away cause i was in a conor of the basement. Any ways i think he wants to try and prove that he is tuff he is the only boy in his family and try to be tuff by liffting weights also he thinks martial arts are for dorks but also I think he does not like me alot cause I am pretty popular any way when he left me and the friend whos house we where at was wondering what happened.

I am just wondering what would you have done?
heh, dude, this guy is not your friend. Just forget him and don't let him back in your life.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
If you break someone's knees, they will not heal properly and the damage is permanent.

I don't know who your instructor is, but if you've been shown such a move it should have been pointed out that that would be a last resort, not an opening move on some kid who was messing about in your cellar.

Damian has the right idea here. Just get him out of your life. You don't need people like that around you.
I have no idea what that post was about. Was there a question in there? :confused:
Leave the idiot alone. Don't ever kick anyone in the knee unless there is no other way of getting out of a fight alive. In this day and age no one can afford to pay insurance of someone trying to rehab. the rest of their life by getting kicked in the knee.:asian:
yea i would not kick him in the knees anyway unless it last resort but also if u just hit him lightly would it just scare him like a little kick in the shin any ways But i almost lost my cool but did not . I found out the guy trys to pic fights with alot of people and his dad backs him

I don't know who your instructor is, but if you've been shown such a move it should have been pointed out that that would be a last resort, not an opening move on some kid who was messing about in your cellar.
well yes i know it is a last resort but also if u hit him in the head it can be condsider a death strike also He is not realy mental stable if he just randmaily snaps he is nuts but also he is a collage wrestler and weight lifter so if we did fight more that day it would went to the ground and he also want to knock me out but I never been in a fight much beside class and touraments so I dought I WILL now i am calm most of the time just went to attack mode when i was being acttacked and I work alot on my own as well in self defense as well as sport karate
anyways it is over nothing happened so it is all good but no one answer anyone ever have the same problem
Its time to cut that one loose. It takes spiritual fitness to maim the guy, but it takes wisdom to not be around the guy in the first place.
To answer the, I've never been in that situation. I've always (even as a child) been very picky about who I hung out with. I've never had someone I was hanging out with just snap and try to beat the hell out of me. Sounds like it may be time to start taking into consideration the mental state of the people you hang out with. Choose your friends/acquaintances just as carefully as you choose your other situations that you put yourself into and life will be a lot less stressful.
Originally posted by TallAdam85
yea i would not kick him in the knees anyway unless it last resort but also if u just hit him lightly would it just scare him like a little kick in the shin any ways But i almost lost my cool but did not . I found out the guy trys to pic fights with alot of people and his dad backs him

well yes i know it is a last resort but also if u hit him in the head it can be condsider a death strike also He is not realy mental stable if he just randmaily snaps he is nuts but also he is a collage wrestler and weight lifter so if we did fight more that day it would went to the ground and he also want to knock me out but I never been in a fight much beside class and touraments so I dought I WILL now i am calm most of the time just went to attack mode when i was being acttacked and I work alot on my own as well in self defense as well as sport karate
anyways it is over nothing happened so it is all good but no one answer anyone ever have the same problem

Punctuation is fun, isn't it... :D

avoid him If push comes to punch you punch not break you brak when you may go to the hospital if you dont
i didn't punctuate but i think you all understand the message
A punch to the jaw is not considered a "death blow". I believe Police officers are told that if they need to hit someone in the head, that they are required to try to hit the jaw, the hinge acts as sort of a shock absorber. Now if he moves and you miss the jaw and hit him in the temple, you had better be able to make your case that you were trying to hit him in the jaw, and you had no other way out. It would still be your word against his if there were no others around to back your story.

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