That's the exact response I was going to put in. I think everyone should be active in MMA..not in the sport sense, but in the literal sense.
All it means is that 2 or more traditional arts are being practiced to "fill in the gaps" so to speak. I train in TKD, which is striking...I would love to train in any form of JJ or Judo, which prepares the student for ground combat.
I think that the OP has the literal term of mixed martial arts confused with the sport form of which case, sport MMA is great for alive training and getting you into shape, but doesn't do as much for the student as literal MMA will.
And, of course, taking more than 1 traditional art is always a plus...the more knowledge, the better.
Hi Brandon.

No, I don't feel that I have confused the two. IMO, it should be pretty clear as to the differences. I believe I said in my second post, I've taken MMA ideas, and added them to my training. Sure, this is taking a sport concept, and making it more applicable to a self defense point of view.