Do you personally punch harder with bent arms compared to extended?

Wondering if you have ever practiced or interacted with s-mantis ?
A friend of mine trains s-mantis. We had a big argument about his form by only moving his arm without moving his knee.

The OP talks about punch and bend elbow in this thread. But the OP has never mentioned about power comes from the ground, going through knee, and ...

How can you let power pass through your knee without knee bend -> knee straight?
The power come from your body, and not from your arm. Have you ever tried to punch by putting your arms behind your body and only let your body to do the punch?
Before asking questions, you should answer questions

In answer to your question.

Yes. In taiji it is said whole body is the hand
An point can issue “Jin”

Kao shoulder stroke does not use the hand
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I've had sparring partners that would just walk through my kicks without acknowledging that the kicks were landing with ease. To them the kick was weak so they were safe. The reality is the kicks were weak by choice and if I had kicked with 50% of my power ribs would have been bruised or broken. A technique that enters successfully without restriction is the most dangerous. That same sparring partner told me that if he was really open, to just kick him hard so that he will learn. I didn't do that. That's a destructive way to learn. If you can't trust your sparring partner at that level then you won't be able to safely train those techniques.
I partly agree with this, but I also think feeling the pain helps, especially if you train with contact, and part of the game is to eat the weak strikes and avoid the fatal ones. At some point you need painful feedback to learn to see the hard ones coming.

One example is people that kick my leg with their foot instead of the shin. I have yet not received a foot slap hard enough that i can't take it if i tense my leg. It hurts or stings a abit, but that's where it ends. A hard shin kick however, at maxium power does more serious damange.

Also, it is easer to be quick without power, to be both fast and have devastating power seems harder. I have learned from sparring that some partners try to get lots of hits, fast, but they do not damage. And sometimes its not only about holdinf back its beacuse their techniques are optimized for speed and non-telegraph, to the point where the do not have full effect.

I like to avoid causing damage of course, but delivering pain is appreciated. During my first year, peopla was too kind, and I felt I could eat all shin kicks too, until someone comes it with power. That was an important lesson. Sometimes you also know that you an take one or two and de fine but after 10 you are limping. But you limp for a couple of days and theny you are fine. So no damage done.
Before asking questions, you should answer questions

In answer to your question.

Yes. In taiji it is said whole body is the hand
An point can issue “Jin”

Kao shoulder stroke does not use the hand
I'm not talking about the throwing art that use the whole body (such as Kao). I'm talking about all power come from ground and up, back and front.

The arm only passes power from the shoulder to the hand. The arm doesn't generate power.
I'm not talking about the throwing art that use the whole body (such as Kao). I'm talking about all power come from ground and up, back and front.

The arm only passes power from the shoulder to the hand. The arm doesn't generate power.

You should learn to answer questions
before asking.
Which questions did you ask?

I have answered your question that one of my friends who trains s-mantis, and I do know a little bit about that style.
depending on your friend’s level, it should be very apparent what is different.

If you know a little bit about it, you should know what the chop step is and what it does.
There is style called “ white eyebrow “ they use what they call “ scared” power.

CMA has methods of power generation, different from western boxing
high level to me means, not easily seen. 🤔
High level to me is, you only see the body movement and you don't see the arm movement. Of course, the arm movement is still there, but it's not noticeable. The "body movement 身法" defines whether one has high level skill or not.

For example, the 2nd form of the 7-star praying mantis "Luan Jie 乱接" 5 continuous strikes, that you use body:

- backward lean to pull the arm upward.
- forward bend to drop the arm down.
- left rotation to move arm to the left.
- right rotation to move arm to the right.
- forward extent to strike palm out.

When someone does it, you only see his body movement, you don't see his arm movement. His arm is only pushed/pulled by his body.

This is the high-level skill "body method 身法" that I'm talking about. You can see body method in slow speed video. You just don't see much is regular speed video.

This video has "body method".

This video doesn't have body method.

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The power come from your body, and not from your arm. Have you ever tried to punch by putting your arms behind your body and only let your body to do the punch?
The bicep can add a little extra power to some circular techniques to the inside, but it's just a little contraction before hitting the target. It acts as an additional accelerator for the hand/fist. Mawashi tsuki and ridge hand/ thumb knuckle strikes are the only ones I can think of I actually do it for though. It's just a little gravy though, not at all a major source of power.
There is style called “ white eyebrow “ they use what they call “ scared” power.

CMA has methods of power generation, different from western boxing
My Sifu Paul Gale told me a Bak Mei teacher insulted Sifu Woo and said Sifu was afraid of Bak Mei. Then Sifu Leo Whang answered that insult and sent the Bak Mei guy off the stage and to the hospital. End of story.
There is style called “ white eyebrow “ they use what they call “ scared” power.

CMA has methods of power generation, different from western boxing
If a white eyebrow guy who can beat up all boxers in the boxing matches, all boxers will go to learn that secret power generation method. It hasn't happened yet. Why?

Many years ago, someone talked about "snake engine". CMA just have too many secrets, and we don't know it's true or not.
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When someone does it, you only see his body movement, you don't see his arm movement. His arm is only pushed/pulled by his body.

This is the high-level skill "body method 身法" that I'm look for.


Like this teacher and his methods. What is shown, an exaggerated demo...
Try doing that with a boxer, not going to be a good ending.

My Sifu Paul Gale told me a Bak Mei teacher insulted Sifu Woo and said Sifu was afraid of Bak Mei. Then Sifu Leo Whang answered that insult and sent the Bak Mei guy off the stage and to the hospital. End of story.

Mentioned the interaction because ?
Have you interacted with anyone who practices White Eyebrow.?

If a white eyebrow guy who can beat up all boxers in the boxing matches, all boxers will go to learn that secret power generation method. It hasn't happened yet. Why?
donno 🤔
Have you interacted acted with a White Eyebrow stylist?

per chat GP

"scared power" (驚力, jing lik)

Jing lik involves generating a sudden burst of force that is both fast and powerful. This explosiveness is achieved through coordinated body mechanics, including the use of the waist, hips, and legs to generate power.

The term "scared power" emphasizes the element of surprise. Techniques are executed in a way that catches the opponent off guard, making it difficult for them to react or defend effectively.

Internal and External Integration:
Jing lik combines both internal (nei gong) and external (wai gong) martial arts principles. This means that practitioners develop not only their physical strength but also their internal energy (qi) to enhance their techniques.

Mentioned 'White Eyebrow' (Bak Mei) because I've sparred with a practitioner who accidentally tried to take my eye out, attributing it to their 'scared power.'

At the time, I was using Tibetan White Crane, which also has a unique punching method called the 'squeeze' method. This involves compressing the body and then explosively releasing the energy, like a coiled spring.

Others more experienced in the style can elaborate or correct.
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