So that brings us the interesting question! What to do for someone that is a priori not necessarily superior in training or physical condition than the likely attacker?
Avoidance or "no be there" as Mr Miyagi said is the first line of "defense".
But what when you can't avoid risky areas completely? Any jedi tricks?
No tricks.
Just understanding that in tricky situations all that matters is the balance of power. Belongings mean nothing. Ego means nothing. If you can do something, you do it. If you can't, and you do nothing - another day will come. If you can't do nothing, you give it your best shot. It's really scary stuff. That balance can be altered a bit in certain situations by your or your attacker's characteristics, but recognizing it is essential.
For the rest it all depends on the specific situation. What the attackers want. What mental state they are. Why picked you. If guns or blades are involved, your chances are very low anyway. If they want just material stuff, it's the easiest situation.
Luckily I haven't been in many such situations at all, but the few times I found myself in a spot, the people involved weren't mugging me -or wanting anything material - they were independently angry or cocky/insecure (having to show off to their friends, once engaged they won't back off since they don't have the maturity to back off), or I had stupidly instigated a confrontation, they were typically intoxicated with alcohol or drugs, and once I was asked for help by a woman who was being stalked by a guy high on coke (and it was very surreal, as I had just parked my car outside my fave cafe, on my way to have a cappuccino and croissant... as far a mental state as possible from any confrontation).
"Real" combat systems (for lack of a better world, meaning not fitness or competition-oriented), when well practiced and honed, will give you a chance to de-escalate situations quickly if need be and get hurt less than otherwise. But just a chance. Nothing makes you invincible, that's just in silly movies.
The "interesting" situations are the ones where you someone can't or find it very hard to just avoid or go away.
Then I assume it comes down to psychology or messing with your attackers head, just as much as it is about striking or kicking techniques. But I think these things, "manipulating" your opponent, or setting things up in context, is also part of MA right? These things go beyond physical conditioning.
I just feel that maybe there is more answers to the OT, than simlpy loosing weight or getting fit.
Or is there not?
I don't know. You can't control what others do and you can't control randomness, and most of life is randomness, way more we usually think. It gets philosophical, but for example one of the most consequential things in your life is where you are born, and you've got zero control on that.
You can control what you do and how you respond to situations and you can plan ahead and try to be prepared as best as you can, and live with the idea that it still can be absolutely not enough, usually by forgetting it most of the time, like we all do.