Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

  • Yes, I can trace my training lineage back to the founder.

  • Well, I am vaguely aware about some of the people who taught my instructor(s).

  • No, but I would like to know.

  • Who cares? I am only interested in my training under my current instructor(s).

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hey there fellow kenpoist, my lineage is as follow {sr.g.m.parker}>sr.g.m.david german> master bill parks > and me >sifu bernard (scorpio) strickland. it is very important to pass down our kenpo lineage to our student so they can keep the internal flame alive of our lineage alive as well so they can pass it on to there student and so on. thank you sifu scorpio
William Chow-Adriano Emperado-Walter Modin-Sonny Gascon-George Pesare-Nick Cerio-Fred Villari-Charles Mattera-Russel Cliegg-Scott Benedict-Me
My father taught me, Jerry Pierce taught my father, Richard Baker taught Pierce and Marino Tiwanak taught Baker. Tiwanak trained under Emperado who trained under Chow.
William Chow-Adriano Emperado-Walter Modin-Sonny Gascon-George Pesare-Nick Cerio-Fred Villari-Charles Mattera-Russel Cliegg-Scott Benedict-Me

You mean "Walter Godin" bro. Also, the lineage says that Victor Gascon trained under John Leoning also.
This is an easy one: (?) -GGM James Mitose-Prof. William K.S. Chow- Sijo Adriano D. Emperado- GM Aleju Reyes- GM Gary Forbach-Prof. John Bishop-Yours Truly.
Great Grandmaster Ed Parker
Grandmaster Steve Muhammad
Mr. Ted Taylor
Mr. Steve Herring
Mr. Jerry Smith
Professor Ron Chapel

What an amazing journey.

Peace and Blessings,

That truly is a great lineage. Some of the very best. For those that do not know Kraiguar Smith is one of the finest fighters from So. Ca. He put it on the line for many years and has beaten the best. Thanks for posting Kraiguar.
Bob White
Just keeping it real, Doc. I pray that all is well with you.
Peace and Blessings.

Kraiguar, I'm envious :) :) How long were you able to study with Dr. Chapel? That must have been fascinating.
Thank you for the kind words, Bob. It has been truly an honor for me to have been a part of such a magical time with you and so many others. I will treasure those moments especially Mr. Parker's Open Tournaments we had lots of fun creating. Peace and Blessings.
Doc is truly like a big brother to me and many others. I have known him for four decades now and in those early days we were all so very hungry for knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Doc gave us so much that it has helped develop some of us to better human beings as well.
Mr. Parker told me that he considered Doc Chapel to be a genius and that there were things that he did for him that no one else could.
We have all received keys to certain doors, we just need to find the right door and go in. God willing.
If you are empty and need something truly special that came straight from the source which has evolved tremendously, call the Doctor.
Peace and Blessings.
Doc is truly like a big brother to me and many others. I have known him for four decades now and in those early days we were all so very hungry for knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Doc gave us so much that it has helped develop some of us to better human beings as well.

You know you didn't have to mention the "four decades" part. Now I really feel old. :)

You know you didn't have to mention the "four decades" part. Now I really feel old. :)


Because you knew GM Kraiguar when he was in diapers, right? That's my story and I'm sticking with it ;)
Starting in '68 my kenpo training has been with:
Joe Dimmick
Frank Trejo
Craig McCoy
'Huk' Planas
Ed Parker

Others contributing to my training:
Sheryl Hager - Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu
Richard Kreuger - Serrada Escrima
Jim Grissom - Tai Chi Chuan
Jan Hill - Goju Kai
Fortunately, my Kempo "lineage" is short. My teacher and instructor is Master Bill Chun Jr. Master Chun was taught by both his father, Grandmaster William Q.C. Chun Sr., and by Professor William K.S. Chow.
Ed Parker Sr.
Huk Planas
Josh Ryer
I didn't count the first forty years of off and on training. I call them my "Pre - K" years.
Bryan Hawkins --> Ed Parker

I kinda got off easy there, although I'd like to learn more about the tree in general.
Mr. Ed Parker
Mr. Dennis Nackord
Mr. Paul Molter
Mr. Me

There is some Mr. Lee Lowery, Mr. Joe Palanzo, and Mr. Larry Tatum in the mix as well.

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