Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

  • Yes, I can trace my training lineage back to the founder.

  • Well, I am vaguely aware about some of the people who taught my instructor(s).

  • No, but I would like to know.

  • Who cares? I am only interested in my training under my current instructor(s).

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I come to you with only kenpo karate I have no weapons should I be forced to defend myself my princeables or my honor should it be a mater of life or death right or wrong then hear are my weapons Kenpo Karate.

James Mitose, William K S Chow, Edmond Parker, Al Tracy, Dennis & Dale Freeman, Me.

To all the warriors to all the scholars to the late Grandmaster William K S Chow and to all the masters that came before him may we remain back to back defending our country for all time.

James Mitose, William K S Chow, Edmond Parker, Ralph Castro, Genero Jose. Me.
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I've only watched Kempo online & it just looks like a flurry of fast (circular?) Movements which seems overly artistic .
Like striking out in a flurry hopefully hitting something. I think Ed Parker definitely Was an interesting man but I'm more interested in direct, clean technique with no fancy BS.
It may well be that my Analysis is way off ...
It's just if I want to smash a guy in the face I don't need all the hand waving or face pulling 🙂

James M. Mitose
Koga Ha Kosho Shorei-Ryu Kempo Jujitsu

William K.S. Chow
Thomas S.H. Young

Paul Yamaguchi
Edward Lowe
Arthur Keawe
Woodrow McCandles
Giro Nakamura

Eugene Sedeño
John Chow-Hoon
Ray Arquilla
Bruce Juchnik
Thomas B. Mitose
Arnold M. Golub

William K.S. Chow
Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo

Adriano Emperado
Joe Emperado
Edmund K. Parker, Sr.
Masaichi Oshiro
William Q.C. Chun
Abe Kamahoahoa

John Chun
Ralph Castro
Paul Pung
Bobby Lowe

John Chow-Hoon
Nick Cerio
Sam Kuoha

Edmund K. Parker, Sr.

Steve Aaron
Brian Adams
Mike Allen
Terry Arnell
Jack Autry
Richard Beckinger
Charles Beeder, Sr.

Tom Bleecker
Ed Booze

Fred Brewster
Tommy Burks
Dave Cardinas
Richard Carthew
Rudy Castenada
Ralph Castellanos

Ralph Castro
Ron Chapél

Stan Cholewinski
David Cineceros
Judy Clapp
Jim Clapp

Harvey Clary
Tony Cogliandro

Wayne Collier
Dennis Conatser
Tom Connor

Lincoln Conti
Phil Conti

John Conway, Sr.
John Conway, Jr.

Robert Cook
Lonny Coots
Albert Cornejo
Mills Crenshaw
Paul Dalton

Jim Demeke
Joe Dimmick
George Downs
Brian Duffy
Tom Dunne
Bob Eisele
Larry Elkins

Gary Ellis
Jeff English
Sam Estrada
Jack Farr
Russ Feinman

Refugio Flores
Jesus Flores

Rick Flores
Steve Fox
Jim Furuya

Tom Garriga
Robert Gemmell
David German

Robert Gioia
Steve Golden
Dave Gonzales

Keith Gorham
Tom Gow
Jim Grunwald
Skip Hancock

Melvin Harris
Larry Hartsell

Bryan Hawkins
Steve Hearring
David Hebler
Hans Hesselmann

Gil Hibben
Vern Holleman
Tom Howard

Rick Hughes
Harry Hutchings
James Ibrao

Dan Inosanto
Arnie Inouye

Thomas Kelly
Chris Krivonak
John LaTourette
Stephen LaBounty
Dan Laxson

Jerry Leichtman
Graham Lelliott
Vic LeRoux
Robert Liles

Scott Loring
Roy MacDonald
Randy Margeson

Leonard Mau
Craig W. McCoy

Douglas McLeod
John McSweeney
Roger Meadows
Jerry Meyers
Paul Mills
Jim Mitchell

Robert Mitchell
Jorge Montanez
Rich Montgomery
Frank Mulrine
Calvin Nall
Ray Nehder
Roy Nishita

Jack Oyler
Joe Palanzo

Norm Pattiz
Sterling Peacock
George Pegelow
Robert Perry
Arturo Petit
Michael Pick
Richard "Huk" Planas

Dave Powell
Elvis Presley
Paul Psik
Manny Reyes
Tom Riskas
Dan Rodarte
Richard Roper
Sandy Sandavol

Steve Sanders
Tony Sartor
Rainer Schulte

Keith See
John Sepulveda
Howard Silva
Steve Snelson

Louie Solis
Deon Steckling
Herb Steet
Richard Stelle

Willie Steele
Fred Stille
Brian Strain

Randy Streeter
Chuck Sullivan
Ed Tabian
Dian Tanaka
Ming Tang

Larry Tatum
Ray Tillery
Al Tracy
Jim Tracy
Frank Trejo

Jim Trevino
Tino Tuiolosega
Gilbert Velez

George Waite
Dale Walker
Steve Walker

Lee Wedlake, Jr.
Craig Weidell
Ed Wenke
Jack White

Robert White
Roscoe White
Jay T. Will
Ron Wilstein

rican Kenpo

Al Tracy
Tracy's Kenpo Karate

John Alexandro
Hugh Alford
John Allen

Robert Alsted
Jorge J. Angulo
Roger Arpin
Ray Arquilla
Gary Avery
Daniel R. Babcock
Herbert H. Baker

Kenneth A. Baker
Steve Ballentine
Shane L. Baltierra

David Barnes
Michael D. Barnes
Ellwood G. Barnhardt
Daemian B. Barr
Mary Basic
Jerry Baumgarten

Rocky Bavuso
Pete Becker
Stephen Bellfontaine

Pedro Bennett, Jr.
Larry Bennett
Craig Bentley

Tom Bersick
Harry W. Beyer
Maria Biasiotto
Robert Blackmoore
Rex Blaine

Patrick K. Blevins
George Blolsky

Thomas R. Bocock
Milt Bollinger
Paul Bonner
Bill Boyd

Curtis Bradley
Ike Branch
Jorn Brandt
Lis Marie Brandt
Rick Brasseaux
Michael R. Bredehoft
Kevin Bricker
Randall Brown

William W. Brown
Mike Browning

Norm Bryar
Frederick Buck
David Buker

Timothy N. Bulot
Michael L. Burrell
Stephen E. Bush
John Buyers
Bart Caccavale

Mike Cappi
David Cardinas
Donnie L. Carmack
Jeff Carter
Rich Carter
Ricardo Castillo
Dean Chapman
Lou Chavez
Eric Chet

Ralph Chinnick
Michael Chong
James Ciotti
Cliff Close
Donald J. Coffield
Mark Collins

Terry G. Conrad
Bruce Corrigan

James Craig
Karen Crosby
Guy H. Crump
Richard C. Cupo

Keith Curts
Greg Damon
Michael F. Dancull
Greg Daniels
Jefferson Davis

Michael Dawson
Guy Delahoussaye
Pete Dellapozza

John J. DeLuca
Larry Demerit
Joseph Deuschel

Elroy DeVoll
Rick Keith DeVoll
William L. DiCarlo
Victor J. Diodato
John A. Dixon
Arthur C. Doepke, Jr.
Chuck Dore
Jerry Dunlap
Travis Dunlap
Thomas Dunne

John E. Ellis
Russ Ernst
Darraly Escalante
Daniel M. Farmer
Al Farnsworth

Perry Ferlise
Steve Fink
Rodney Finn
Steven W. Finn

John Fite
George Flanagan
Bernie W. Fleeman

Keven Frandsen
Dale Freeman
Dennis Freeman

Mark Fulmer
Gary Garrett
Steven Geotsglitis

Steve Gerhardt
Robert G. Gibbons
Jeffrey Gibbs

David P. Giomi
Gary Gione
Charles Glenn
Tim Golby

Roland Gonzales
Eugene Gorden
William Gordon

Keith Gorham
Raymond A. Gosk
Greg Gram
Tom Graves

Smoky Gray Eagle
Karen Conley Greene

Roger W. Greene
Hector Guevara
Milton Guinette

Steve Hagen
Grant Hagiya

Michael D. Hagood
Garrison Hall

Douglas E. Hamilton
James Hanna
Ronald K. Hanzel
James Harbour

Dave Hardenbrook
Rick Harper

Paul M. Harrington
David Harrison

Mark Hastings
Paul Healey
Robert H. Hegamin

Jeffrey S. Heintz
Michael Heintz
William A. Hensel
Hans Hesselmann

Carson Hines
David Holsclaw
Al Hooper

David C. Hopper
Gary Horner
Harry Houghtlan
Sue Huffman

Brian Hulse
Harry Hutchins
Betty Hutton
Jeanne Hutton
Ben Izaguirre
Jerry Jacabsen
Joe Jacques

Barry Jenkins
Cliff Jewell
Carl L. Johnson
Frank Johnson

James H. Johnson
Eddie Jolly

Kregg P.G. Jorgenson
Stephen R. Kane
Richard Kennedy

Datis Kharrazian
Brian Klein

Larry Klinehberg
Ray Klingenberg
Marty Kuhn
Stephen LaBounty
Roy Lake
Anthony D. Lamberti
Brian Lamkin

Kevin D. Lamkin
Richard Langenstein
Douglas Lankford
John LaTourette
Dennis Laycock
Richard Lee
Bob Leonard

Julian Linder
Edward Listman
Sam Lone Wolf
Gordon Loos
Augustine Lopez
William Lowry
Jesse Lucero, Sr.
Rockwell P. Ludden

Ted Mancuso
Andrew Mantis

John S. Manuse, Jr.
Michael Marcus
Marcus A. Marinelli
Michael Marks

Angel G. Martial
Marty Martin
Edgar Masone
Charles C. Masters
Ted Masuda

Greg Mattson
Gary Maust
Milan Maximovich
Ned G. Maxwell II
Glennis J. McClure

Kenneth McGuire
Paul McKay
Jeffery D. McLachlan

Joe McLean
Douglas McLeod
Ernest G. McPeek

Greg McPherson
John McTernan
Stephen P. Meichtry
Jim Miller

Mark Miller
Jim Mitchell
Doug Mooney

Jess Mora
Joe Mora
John Moran
Thomas Morgan

Rebecca Mornar
Gregory Mosley

Jerry Mourtasine
Gary W. Moxley

Pat Munk
Larry Murray
Dennis Nackord
Desmond G. Nash
John Patrick Nieto
Dave Noble
John Odegard
Paul Olivas
Mike Olson

Patrick O'Malley
James Onorato
Kevin Orlow
Kenneth Ortner

Raymond D. Ott
Richard Ouimette
Timothy Paffe

Charles A. Palmer
Johnothan Pantoja
John Pardoe

Gus Parera
Roshan Parikh
Kwinam Park
Ralph L. Parris
Gary Patchell

Scott E. Pederson
Debra E. Perea
Jesus M. Perea

Michael Pereira, Jr.
John Piddock
Michael Pinelli

Darryl Pinto
Michael R. Plowman
Carl Plummer
John Pogliani
John Pollock
Mike Poz
Rudy Prikken
Sey Rapport

Jim Rathbone
Larry Reid
Larry Reinhardt
David Repetny
Charles B. Reynolds

Dave Roberts
Jerry Roberts

Mike Roberts
Lanny A. Roedel
Patrick Rooney
Isaiah Omar Saleem
Jerry Samuelson
Mike Sanders
Teresa Sanders

Steven Scardina
Ronald A. Scott

Brian Selser
Terry Shackleford
Wayne Shamblin
Jack C. Shamburger
Stephen M. Shover
Marshall D. Simmons
Joe Simonet

Jan Small
Jerry Smith
Thomas C. Spellman

Joe Spivey
Charles Stanley
Nelson Starker
Paul Stevens
Dave Stewart

James R. Stewart
Jodi Stith
Scott Stolivack
Mark Striner
Debbie Sumner
Keith Sumner

Theodore L. Sumner
Walter Tanimoto
Manuel Taningeo
Hank Taylor
Will Taylor

Tim Teausant
Brad Terzian

William C. Thacker
Lee H. Thompson
James Tidwell
John Tieman
Dennis A. Tio
Mike Tipple

Brian Todd
Tim Toeniskoetter
John Tollow
Thaddeus Tomeski, Jr.

Lee Toren
Jerome W. Totes

Mark G. Tracy
Patricia A. Tracy
Jim Trevino

Chris Trujillo
Greg Tudor

Jeffrey Tuinstra
Dennis Tustin
Brent Undermann

Bart Vale
Nick Vales
James K. Van Sickle

Robert L. Vaughn
Anthony F. Verburgt
Carmen Vigliotti
Gilbert Villerreal

Kenneth Vineyard
Paul Wagner
Robert S. Watine

Robert E. Weger
Elgene Wheeler
Frank C. Wilkes
Jay T. Will
Richard Willett
David L. Williams

Robert C. Willis
Jeff Wilson
Jim Wilson

Phillip S. Wimberly
Robert W. Winters
James Wonser

Donald W. Wood
John J. Wos
Robert Yard

Bill Yazel
George York
Tony Zitko

Eddie Jolly
Tracy's Kenpo Karate

Keith Gorham
Mark King
Joanne L. Reyna
Jonathan Scott
Debbie Sumner
Keith Sumner

Keith Gorham
American Kenpo

Phillip Bulloch
Nathan Coleman
John Connolly
Sherri Downs
Reggi Estes
Brian Evans
Bill Fischer
Johnny Fowler
Ron Gentolizo
Alex Giles
Walter Gilliam
Eddie Gorham
Keith Grandin
Brad Gruber
Jose Guadalupe
Nate Hawley
Tracie Kester
Brandon Lemons
Tony Leopold
Brad Marshall
Ray McKinney
Troy Moak
Eric Reynolds
Leslie Roach
Jim Roccasano
Jason Spoolstra
Alex Tauzel
Richard Townsend
Andy Yamasaki

And a long way from Black Belt, Me Phil Schoen

I was lucky enough to find a website (on the advice of Brother John, a thread he posted on Kenpo Talk) that had all this information listed. I found it very interesting to see my place in the huge Kenpo family.

I also want to again make it clear that I am in no way taking any credit for all the research that went into this list of Lineages I just though it might be useful to others.
I wonder were I could get updated list?
I come to you with only kenpo karate I have no weapons should I be forced to defend myself my princeables or my honor should it be a mater of life or death right or wrong then hear are my weapons Kenpo Karate.

James Mitose, William K S Chow, Edmond Parker, Al Tracy, Dennis & Dale Freeman, Me.

To all the warriors to all the scholars to the late Grandmaster William K S Chow and to all the masters that came before him may we remain back to back defending our country for all time.

James Mitose, William K S Chow, Edmond Parker, Ralph Castro, Genero Jose. Me.
It is very rare to see anyone posting that Kenpo/Kempo lineage.
I am curious about how many of you pay attention to your Kenpo lineage and whether that knowledge is important to you.

- Ceicei
Yes, Ed Parker, Harry Hutchings, Me. I have another question for any of the oldsters: in around 1966-67 Tom Gow was sparring with Steve Sanders. Tom Gow sent Steve Sanders to the hospital with a spinning back kick. That caused Ed Parker to ban the kick. I saw Tom Gow use that kick in the " California Karate Championships". Where he shattered a guys jaw. It's nowhere on the internet. Does anyone remember that?
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Yes, Ed Parker, Harry Hutchings, Me. I have another question for any of the oldsters: in around 1966-67 Tom Gow was sparring with Steve Sanders. Tom Gow sent Steve Sanders to the hospital with a spinning back kick. That caused Ed Parker to ban the kick. I saw Tom Gow use that kick in the " California Karate Championships". Where he shattered a guys jaw. It's nowhere on the internet. Does anyone remember that?
I've seen Steve Sanders fight, but not that one. I was at a Calif. Karate Championship but not the one with the broken jaw. I was at a tournament when one of our guys got his jaw broke with a spinning heel hook though. I fought in Parker's Internationals in 1969, 70, 72, 73 and 74 and don't recall any kick being banned.

My time in kenpo was short: Parker > me.

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