Do you care if Your WC isn't "Authentic"?

CSK -- Did you type in this whole dialogue manually instead of using multiple quotes? If so, that means I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to do that multiple quotation thing! Help, anyone?

Yet we are both satisfied with our results. Any thoughts?

Geezer. I simply cut and past the codes from the start and end of the original to the beginning and end of each new one.

the wing chun i am taught is not "authentic" ie as it was originally taught to sifu.
it has been changed according to the core principles of wing chun,
because my sifu felt that some of the "authentics" did not work and through trial and error he made them effective!

i have no problem with this fact and neither should anyone else.

the major problem with this thread is everyones insistence on the word authentic and i think with a living moving teaching such as wing chun you cannot use that definition/description of the art.
just my tuppence

A good wing chun sifu will always teach their student the way of wing chun, which is to find their own way.

Then there are others that would teach their students their way.

If you can understand the above, then you can understand wing chun.

It's time for me to leave again.....

Some people like to hear the truth....

Most people like to hear what they want to hear.
Personaly I like the pricipals of Wing Chun a lot and I agree with them. I also agree with all those here saying that as long as it works and it is true to the core principals I'm ok with it. As far as authenticy in the sense of lineages go I could't care less even thoug my sigung did train with some of the top names in Wing Chun. In other words I would gladly train with someone skilled in WC by my definition even though he doesn't call it that way and doesn't use WC forms to train allthough I belive they are an invaluable training method in WC. But on the other hand, I do belive you should know where your system comes from and appreciate the ones who passed it down to you along with the ancestor of the system. I also belive becouse of a similar reason the it would not be appropriate to start calling the system passed down to you something else and changing it and twisting it just to make it something orginal or to sell it better.
Wing Chun is for fighting. I care if my Wing Chun works. You have traditionalist who can't fight worth a lick. You have modified wing chun artist who can fight a little but can't match a skilled fighter because they lack some of the key ingredients that removed from traditional Wing Chun.

I feel the best Wing Chun is the one that can save you from attackers and defeat skilled fighters. If you can do that then your Wing Chun is real Gung Fu.

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