DK Yoo Awesome Martial Artist? Fighter? hmmm You decide

Yum. Sounds like a good time on the horizon.

This is true on a lot of levels.
1. How many people actually have seen techniques like that usedin an actual fight
2. How many Sifu and instructors have seen techniques like that used in an actual fight
3. How many times have we seen these techniques used in an open competition (System A vs System B)
4. How many Sifus and instructors have actually used those techniques in an actual fight.
5. How many people have had those techniques used on them in an actual fight.
6. If a person hasn't seen it or hasn't used it then how does that person know it works. (For me there was a lot of trust, Probably the same with most students)

This is definitely an issue in terms of the perception of Kung Fu
How many? Practically none, because the actual number is really small when you really think about it.

If you stood all the people who claim to do some sort of kung fu,
next to all the people who actually do train,
and again next to people who actually train and also compete,
which of those three groups practically disappears?

I don't think that's a problem with kung fu at all. It's a people problem, most people don't really want to train that hard.
DK is a fake as far as I am concerned... I don't care what he did in his little demo boxing match surrounded by all his own people and full of excuses before the fight and after...

Most people don't want to fight.... They want the art to do the work for them.... When fighting becomes part of your normal training then you'll learn, develop and improve your skills... If you don't want to fight then your doing something else.... When Bruce came to Wing Chun he wanted to add to his fighting not have the art make him a fighter without fighting.... Big difference....
"Most people don't really want to train that hard." That makes it worse. So all the lazy people do kung fu?
The lazy people don't train at all.

But if you train hard, Kung Fu shows up. That's just how it works. Billy Chong trained like a beast in the real world, not some fantasy. The end result was a made up style (Shadow Claw) that combined Eagle Claw and Shadow Fist in a pretty legit way.

Jow Ga's story is very similar to this movie, in terms of mixing and matching. When you aren't good at a particular fighting go get it.

Yeah but you know it's not going to be seen as entertainment. The main reason it won't be seen as this because he doesn't present it as such. Nor does he claim that it's entertainment. Nor do the people who pay for his seminars claim that.

Yeah. I wouldn't go as far as that (give respect for stepping in the ring). He stepped in the ring to do what? Win? Show the skills that he teaches? To make money? To get lots of YouTube views? To say he survived? and market that a non professional fighter was able to not only survive an ex professional fighter even with a spinal injury thanks to his techniques?

Clearly he didn't see it as a more experienced fighter going easier on a less experienced Martial Artist. But then again he could be doing it for entertainment and to get money. Maybe I'm just old in my ways. Win or lose be a good representation of the fighting system you train. By using the skills you train. .
Think of it this way. Current professional champion boxers will not listen to a word I say. Yet trainers with little real experience can step in front of those same world class fighters and they will jump on broad their training program. This is the reality of the human condition. DK and Brad saw an opportunity and people are willing to believe fairy tales. It is just like the WWE, there are people who believe it is real. For people like you and I we understand what DK is doing. Interesting is the fact my largest watched videos are the ones I did on DK and Brad. You and I know this is all just entertainment but there those that view it differently.
Interesting is the fact my largest watched videos are the ones I did on DK and Brad.
Marketing 101 for a lot of views: Talk about what's Popular. If DK was named JowGa you wouldn't get a lot of views ha ha ha..

The WWE is a good comparison. I remember the heated debates about real fighting vs fake fighting going as a kid. WWE had all of the same elements that MMA has but with drama lol
He would have destroyed him! Lol Brad even told me before the fight he didn't want to hurt the guy.
Bradley got that check. Xu Xiaodong will get that check too lol. I don't think he has any beef with DK Yoo. It's not the same frustration that he ask with Kung Fu Master lol. But I think he would take the money provided China will allow him to keep it ha ha ha.
Think of it this way. Current professional champion boxers will not listen to a word I say. Yet trainers with little real experience can step in front of those same world class fighters and they will jump on broad their training program. This is the reality of the human condition. DK and Brad saw an opportunity and people are willing to believe fairy tales. It is just like the WWE, there are people who believe it is real. For people like you and I we understand what DK is doing. Interesting is the fact my largest watched videos are the ones I did on DK and Brad. You and I know this is all just entertainment but there those that view it differently.

Yeah it is similar to the diet industry. The money spent on shakes and potions are disproportionate to the effectiveness of eating less.
So I always like to see people put their "money where their mouth is." In other words don't just talk big and look big. Show everyone that you are willing to put something on the line. Like they say "Put up or Shut up."

So on that note. DK Yoo has done just that. For those who don't know DK Yoo. Watch this video. The guys is fast. Looks like he has a lot of skills. He's taught big seminars all over the world and knows 15 Martial Arts According to the video.

So today is day the rest of you who haven't seen this video, will finally know if DK Yoo can really apply his skills. You'll be as thrilled as I was, because this was always on my mind. lol. I actually found this video when I was searching for Baton and Cane fighting techniques that weren't Bull. Not quite sure how Baton = DK Yoo in the ring but here it is.. The truth of DK Yoo..

For Martial Arts perspective

From @Terrible Tim Witherspoon I watched this a second time just to see what your thoughts were lol. Tim ha ha ha.. you are either in Business or you are the most positive guy in the world or both ha ha ha.. You aren't a "Glass Half Full Guy." You are a "Glass Full Guy" "Glass filled half with water and half with air = a full glass" ha ha ha. But keep on with being who you are. This place could use a lot of positive stuff. But today, I'm going to speak my mind after watching many of his videos. lol. Sometimes people put themselves in bad situations by claiming to be more than what they are. DK Yoo has just stepped in that box.

You are definitely passion about boxing. Based on DK Yoo's professional dealings with self-defense and "fighting" Bradley was actually the Under Dog lol.

My personal thoughts on this.. Damn DK Yoo. I'm very disappointed. I would at least thought that you would have have the Boxing skills that you claimed to have or that someone claimed for you. Between Boxing and Martial Arts. Boxing is much easier. Learning TMA is difficult, especially because of how many schools teach it. But this guy. Whew!. Well that's all I'll say about it. Lots of disappointments probably more because I know he got paid a lot of money to "teach others how to fight" And this is all that we get? Fight how you train.

For me. it's ok to lose a fight so long as you lose it with what you train. That means you came out represented your system and gave it your best. But if you have been training for 20+ years in martial arts and this is the best that it gets? Come on now. That's what I dislike the most. Represent your system. I don't like Wing Chun and I've said that many times before. But at least Wing Chun practitioners come out and they actually try to use Wing Chun. Doing that will only make them better at Wing Chun. So even if Wing Chun loses that day. They would gain more knowledge about applying their fighting system. You can build off that. DK Yoo can't say the same thing. At least fight someone in the same weight class. Don't make things more difficult than it needs to be.

I strongly believe that people fight the way they train to fight.
DK Yoo is a hype train. He learned how to sell hype. Just like a lot of teachers.
I was not impressed before but I was impressed with seeing him get in a ring and jam. It takes iron balls to fight in a ring.
It's not that hard. Do you want the name of an MMA Kung Fu master? I'll hook you up, but please, don't use my name when approaching them.
Sure, and I'll throw you the name of an MMA fighter that makes a wicked cup of coffee.

Sometimes people can be good at two mostly unrelated things.
Sure, and I'll throw you the name of an MMA fighter that makes a wicked cup of coffee.

Sometimes people can be good at two mostly unrelated things.
Somewhere back somewhere, I turned into Lam Sai Wing, butchering skills and all.

The truth is if you want to fight with kung fu, it's just a matter of pressure and time.
Somewhere back somewhere, I turned into Lam Sai Wing, butchering skills and all.

The truth is if you want to fight with kung fu, it's just a matter of pressure and time.
I used to believe that. I spent many years trying to 'fix' my wing chun. After as many years training in MMA ..there's not really much left of it that's recognizable.

I've yet to meet anyone that can use anything that 'looks' like CMA (with the exception of Chinese wrestling) with any level of success in a competitive setting, not even the Sanda guys. I'm not saying it's impossible, but if they are out there they are very well hidden.
I used to believe that. I spent many years trying to 'fix' my wing chun. After as many years training in MMA ..there's not really much left of it that's recognizable.

I've yet to meet anyone that can use anything that 'looks' like CMA (with the exception of Chinese wrestling) with any level of success in a competitive setting, not even the Sanda guys. I'm not saying it's impossible, but if they are out there they are very well hidden.
Or too old to compete.
I used to believe that. I spent many years trying to 'fix' my wing chun. After as many years training in MMA ..there's not really much left of it that's recognizable.

I've yet to meet anyone that can use anything that 'looks' like CMA (with the exception of Chinese wrestling) with any level of success in a competitive setting, not even the Sanda guys. I'm not saying it's impossible, but if they are out there they are very well hidden.
There's your problem in a nutshell.

What "looks like CMA"? This does. Let's keep working on your Wing Chun.


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