Originally posted by psi_radar
I love Kenpo, but there are a couple of small things that might be considered flaws:
1) The time necessary for proficiency. There are other arts that can help a student defend themselves in a shorter period of time. (Though that doesn't make them better arts in the end.)
2) Utilizes non-natural movement. A lot of the movements in Kenpo never have felt natural to me, hindering the learning process. This might just be my own body-type.
3) The over-skill thing can get a little old. And yes, I know that it teaches us additional skills, gets us to practice basics, see new targets of opportunity, etc., but sometimes it's a bit much. Three words: Circling the Storm. Enough said.
4) I know it's been covered ad nauseam, but groundwork. And yes, I know the principles hold there, but a real curriculum would be nice.
There's also a lot that applies specifically to myself and not generally, so I won't discuss that here.